A Max shirt I made in MS Paint

edited November 2008 in Sam & Max
I got bored so I made a Max shirt in MS Paint. If this were real, I would buy it.
Anyway, what do you think of my crappy MS Paint skills?


  • edited November 2008
    i double that my good sir.
  • edited November 2008
    If it were a bit smoothed out, I would definetaly buy it!
  • edited November 2008
    i agree.. while rough.. if done proper it would look medieval and be rockin garb !


    "squire sam get me mine sword!"
  • edited November 2008
    That is pretty good.
  • edited November 2008
    I like it! But um... can shirts be two colors like that? I don't recall ever seeing one like that before.
  • edited November 2008
    I like it! But um... can shirts be two colors like that? I don't recall ever seeing one like that before.
    I did! But then again, that was two shirts sewn together. Either way, I'm just saying it looks cool. Maybe it would work as a Scarface-looking design or something.
  • edited November 2008
    ...i would totally buy that if it were real x3
  • edited November 2008
    I like it! But um... can shirts be two colors like that? I don't recall ever seeing one like that before.

    It's definitely possible to make a shirt like that. I used to have one that was purple and gold for the Washington Huskies.
  • edited November 2008
    Looks pretty good.
  • edited November 2008
    I am pretty disappointed with the current selection of shirts in the Telltale store
  • edited November 2008
    I heard a rumor.. which I WILL SAY WAS A RUMOR.. there were other shirts and hats in the works, but ..this was ages ago(right after the skull and crossbones) so I wonder if the idea was put on hold or omitted ?

    Steve did mention wanting to make other stuffs as well, but said nothing about making them yet just that he wanted to.. such items as
    Max head on fire - HAT in two colors
    Max head on fire - Shirt Black

    The picture would be the same as is on the surfing the highway hardcover. I love that pic.

    hope that helps.. And dont dis the skull n crossbones! its awesome! (did you all get the desoto shirts while they were available? those also rock, though after they stopped making them I stopped wearing mine!

    call me paranoid...

    ALSO ..16BIT_MARIO... Is it ok for me to have a friend make a shirt mock of your design.. he actually makes tons of garb professionally for reenactments of the ole days. He said two color shirts with a painted or stitched design were VERY common, in days of yore when people just found two rags and sewed them together to stay warm... birth of the tunic

    (but there are two areas you could do this in)
    Roman & Medieval

    let me know!
  • edited November 2008
    Oh, yeah! I really want to see this shirt in real life, so go ahead. And if you need to know (for some reason), the font is Cloister Black.
  • edited November 2008
    Hehe My friend like the idea of it more than the font and actual image.
    sam n max garb! oorah :P

    thanks for the info though.. see what we can do that wont break urmm... copyright or something (no we wont sell ANYTHING... I know the rules)
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