Dont_Look_Back posted: »lol. I cam late and don't know whats going on so... just tell yourself that the files were fake. which they probably were.
lol. I cam late and don't know whats going on so... just tell yourself that the files were fake. which they probably were.
Alive_Clem posted: »I would tell you but then the war will star again. Open this:
I would tell you but then the war will star again. Open this:
Dont_Look_Back posted: »just put spoiler tag. Its not like im going to spread them like that other guy was doing(what ive hear) im not like that.
just put spoiler tag. Its not like im going to spread them like that other guy was doing(what ive hear) im not like that.
Alive_Clem posted: »open the link that I send you.
open the link that I send you.
Dont_Look_Back posted: »or just private message me. I kinda want to know.. its tempting because im clueless as to what every one is talking about.
or just private message me. I kinda want to know.. its tempting because im clueless as to what every one is talking about.
Open this:
Its over now