Seriously if this episode is not released on Playstation 3 in Europe a week before everyone else then Telltale has lost a customer. I tired of being treated as a second-class customer
I'm very excited for this season finale but also sad at the same time, knowing this is the last time(at least for the time being) when we get the chance to play as our favorite,hairy,chain-smoking sheriff with a short fuse.
With that being said, I hope Telltale delivers the best episode so far, with most of the plot lines tied up and a satisfying ending. I've pretty much forgotten about Telltale after the S1 ending of The Walking Dead. But as soon as I played TWAU, I was hooked right back in and I found myself being more excited and hyped about TWAU than TWD on every occasion. I found myself liking all the episodes, I also ended up getting the comics which are also very well done. I wouldn't mind to wait longer if I knew they would put enough work and time and deliver us an 120 minutes finale, making up for all the criticism regarding the last episode.
Did you see that we can hook up gamecube controllers to play it with? yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Oh, and how long do we think episode 5 is gonna be? 2 hours.... pleeeeeeeeeeeeease?
i'm hoping that the last episode would have, snow white being kidnapped then bigby going after the red car (bloody marys car) and saving snow and killing mary, then a happily ever after achievement
Telltale need to seriously stop killing people. I'm gonna look back at them as the most depressing time of my life. Judging by the reactions of Bigby's voice actor I'm not looking forward to this episode. I always found The Wolf Among Us as a relief after dealing with The Walking Dead but oh well. Telltale never changes I guess.
Telltale in a nutshell:
Look, I wrote a story!
-Great! But kill everyone and you may publish it.
I assumed he just thought it was bittersweet the series was over. However, I did think back to Lee's actor mentioning he cried during Episode 105 recording when I first saw that. Hmm, interesting.
Although other Telltale series killed off some notable characters here and there, Walking Dead has so far been the only notable series to kill off characters left and right (unless you count the final episode of one of Telltale's last "true" point and click games). Obviously, I'd imagine Game of Thrones will kill characters often too, but I'd say the constant killing of characters is more related to Telltale being faithful to the source material for their games, as opposed to Telltale arbitrarily killing characters for drama.
Telltale need to seriously stop killing people. I'm gonna look back at them as the most depressing time of my life. Judging by the reactions… more of Bigby's voice actor I'm not looking forward to this episode. I always found The Wolf Among Us as a relief after dealing with The Walking Dead but oh well. Telltale never changes I guess.
Telltale in a nutshell:
Look, I wrote a story!
-Great! But kill everyone and you may publish it.
Telltale need to seriously stop killing people. I'm gonna look back at them as the most depressing time of my life. Judging by the reactions… more of Bigby's voice actor I'm not looking forward to this episode. I always found The Wolf Among Us as a relief after dealing with The Walking Dead but oh well. Telltale never changes I guess.
Telltale in a nutshell:
Look, I wrote a story!
-Great! But kill everyone and you may publish it.
It's not as if Bigby, Snow and other major characters would die...
They could kill the ones that aren't on the comics, but it's not really TT's MO to kill everyone on their games...
I assumed he just thought it was bittersweet the series was over. However, I did think back to Lee's actor mentioning he cried during Episod… moree 105 recording when I first saw that. Hmm, interesting.
Although other Telltale series killed off some notable characters here and there, Walking Dead has so far been the only notable series to kill off characters left and right (unless you count the final episode of one of Telltale's last "true" point and click games). Obviously, I'd imagine Game of Thrones will kill characters often too, but I'd say the constant killing of characters is more related to Telltale being faithful to the source material for their games, as opposed to Telltale arbitrarily killing characters for drama.
Fan wikipedias are run by fellow fans just making (sometimes) educated guesses. I wouldn't put much faith in fan wikipedias as a source of confirmation for a supposed Season 2.
I should probably moan about the fact that we have to wait 1.5-2 months, but it is the season finale - it makes me kind of sad that TWAU is … morecoming to and end. Then again, I still hope that we will see Season 2 someday.
I would normally predict the release date around 8-9 July, but given how fast we got Episode 4, I wouldn't be surprised if we will get it in June
There isn't really. Episode 4 was uploaded to steam 17 days before released, and the classification came 5 days before the steam upload, and we haven't gotten a classification yes. And also it hasn't even been a week since Ep4 released, so I don't know..
I guess it's cool that it might be coming out earlier again, but I'm kinda disappointed because that makes the chances of the finale being long(what most of us hope for) and not a short episode like Episode 4(which was VERY good in my opinion) chances are very slim.
Well since it's already on Steam I'm assuming they were putting alot of their time into finishing TWAU and maybe after Episode 5 They will continue with TWD (yes yes I know they have seperate teams working on the games but still)
Wait, wait... if it has been uploaded to Steam, does that mean that it's already done and they will just hold the release for marketing reasons? Just to make us wait?
Well, if that's so that sucks. I like the a month or two to digest and experiment with the options (as the game has high replay value), but to make us wait when they are no longer working on it, checking fan feedback, finding and fixing bugs, etc. polishing it for the release. That really sucks.
Wait, wait... if it has been uploaded to Steam, does that mean that it's already done and they will just hold the release for marketing reas… moreons? Just to make us wait?
Well, if that's so that sucks. I like the a month or two to digest and experiment with the options (as the game has high replay value), but to make us wait when they are no longer working on it, checking fan feedback, finding and fixing bugs, etc. polishing it for the release. That really sucks.
My body is ready for new Smash Brothers this year.
It's most likely something that they can't help, dude.
Last days of July/First days of August.
Dont worry, it's the truth.
I'm very excited for this season finale but also sad at the same time, knowing this is the last time(at least for the time being) when we get the chance to play as our favorite,hairy,chain-smoking sheriff with a short fuse.
With that being said, I hope Telltale delivers the best episode so far, with most of the plot lines tied up and a satisfying ending. I've pretty much forgotten about Telltale after the S1 ending of The Walking Dead. But as soon as I played TWAU, I was hooked right back in and I found myself being more excited and hyped about TWAU than TWD on every occasion. I found myself liking all the episodes, I also ended up getting the comics which are also very well done. I wouldn't mind to wait longer if I knew they would put enough work and time and deliver us an 120 minutes finale, making up for all the criticism regarding the last episode.
Did you see that we can hook up gamecube controllers to play it with? yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Oh, and how long do we think episode 5 is gonna be? 2 hours.... pleeeeeeeeeeeeease?
So has Adam Harrington finished recording? Because it sure looks like it on twitter. If he's really done then that was freaking fast.
Probably July or very late June, August would be way too late to release the 5th episode.
I wanna wreck more people, can't wait!
well maybe there is a gonna be a season 2 like the walking dead
i'm hoping that the last episode would have, snow white being kidnapped then bigby going after the red car (bloody marys car) and saving snow and killing mary, then a happily ever after achievement
Late July ples.
Telltale need to seriously stop killing people. I'm gonna look back at them as the most depressing time of my life. Judging by the reactions of Bigby's voice actor I'm not looking forward to this episode. I always found The Wolf Among Us as a relief after dealing with The Walking Dead but oh well. Telltale never changes I guess.
Telltale in a nutshell:
Look, I wrote a story!
-Great! But kill everyone and you may publish it.
I assumed he just thought it was bittersweet the series was over. However, I did think back to Lee's actor mentioning he cried during Episode 105 recording when I first saw that. Hmm, interesting.
Although other Telltale series killed off some notable characters here and there, Walking Dead has so far been the only notable series to kill off characters left and right (unless you count the final episode of one of Telltale's last "true" point and click games). Obviously, I'd imagine Game of Thrones will kill characters often too, but I'd say the constant killing of characters is more related to Telltale being faithful to the source material for their games, as opposed to Telltale arbitrarily killing characters for drama.
You stole my post dammit!
It's not as if Bigby, Snow and other major characters would die...
They could kill the ones that aren't on the comics, but it's not really TT's MO to kill everyone on their games...
Well, they have to come up with a resolution as to why they aren't in the comics. Either killing them or sending them far away.
Maybe they like their privacy
Hey dont feel bad I agree both TWD ep 4 and TWAU ep 4 were the weakest in my opinion, but not bad
I saw on the Fables wiki that after Episode 5 it's "TBA"
Fan wikipedias are run by fellow fans just making (sometimes) educated guesses. I wouldn't put much faith in fan wikipedias as a source of confirmation for a supposed Season 2.
I want an incredible finale so I hope we get the episode in late august.
If we ever cast Sean Bean, then one would know.
TWAU hype is already so HIGH!
u better be right bro. I mean it.
read my username
Yep... just, um, waiting.
My point is that it starts to get old and repetitive.
Apparently Episode 5 got uploaded to steam already
I very much hope TellTale takes the longest time for this episode so that this series is served the respect it deserves.
2.5 hours of minimum playtime, it would be a dream come true!
Yup, episode uploaded to steam already...
Does anyone know if there has been a general timetable regarding how soon the episode releases after first being uploaded to Steam? Just curious.
Soi guess late june early july
I wouldn't get my hopes up its 90 minutes or less from now as it seems and the episodes are getting shorter.
There isn't really. Episode 4 was uploaded to steam 17 days before released, and the classification came 5 days before the steam upload, and we haven't gotten a classification yes. And also it hasn't even been a week since Ep4 released, so I don't know..
I guess it's cool that it might be coming out earlier again, but I'm kinda disappointed because that makes the chances of the finale being long(what most of us hope for) and not a short episode like Episode 4(which was VERY good in my opinion) chances are very slim.
But, who knows.
Well since it's already on Steam I'm assuming they were putting alot of their time into finishing TWAU and maybe after Episode 5 They will continue with TWD (yes yes I know they have seperate teams working on the games but still)
Wait, wait... if it has been uploaded to Steam, does that mean that it's already done and they will just hold the release for marketing reasons? Just to make us wait?
Well, if that's so that sucks. I like the a month or two to digest and experiment with the options (as the game has high replay value), but to make us wait when they are no longer working on it, checking fan feedback, finding and fixing bugs, etc. polishing it for the release. That really sucks.
The episode is uploaded early to Steam for platform testing purposes. It's not complete yet.