My new rant.

edited November 2008 in Sam & Max
Hola, mi llamo es Strong Max. I just wanted to put this out. Your market has almost DOUBLED because of SBCG4AP. Most of the new market has never heard of Sam&Max, but have recently tried it and loved it. It isn't our fault we never heard of it, we just never felt compulsed to put two men's names into google being that you usualy don't come out with anything pleasent. So I gues what I'm getting at is, I want the Sam& Max Casefile to be rereleased. You first argument would be, "The molds of the 'ingrediants' are no longer avalible." If that is the case, I am positive you will get your money back in double once it hits the store. Occasionaly one will turn up on eBay for $50. I hope you honor my thought.


  • edited November 2008
    Strong Max wrote: »
    Hola, mi llamo es Strong Max. I just wanted to put this out. Your market has almost DOUBLED because of SBCG4AP. Most of the new market has never heard of Sam&Max, but have recently tried it and loved it. It isn't our fault we never heard of it, we just never felt compulsed to put two men's names into google being that you usualy don't come out with anything pleasent. So I gues what I'm getting at is, I want the Sam& Max Casefile to be rereleased. You first argument would be, "The molds of the 'ingrediants' are no longer avalible." If that is the case, I am positive you will get your money back in double once it hits the store. Occasionaly one will turn up on eBay for $50. I hope you honor my thought.

    You realise that they made little to no profit on the case files don't you?
  • edited November 2008
    ...and spent their weekends stuffing those things. it might really take some good arguments to convince telltale to re-release the season one case file.
    there still are some season two case files you should get one of these before they're gone.
  • edited November 2008
    wisp wrote: »
    ...and spent their weekends stuffing those things. it might really take some good arguments to convince telltale to re-release the season one case file.
    there still are some season two case files you should get one of these before they're gone.

    I have, but my drawer that I'll never open again feels empty, and I'll buy it for more so they cand make a profit.
  • edited November 2008
    I'm sorry you missed out, but the season one casefile is definitely not coming back. I'm not sure people appreciate just how labor intensive they are for us to make :)
  • edited November 2008
    What's TTG's stance on sharing scans of the case file?
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2008
    You mean so people can make their own? We'd have to talk about it.
  • edited November 2008
    I suspect the fridge magnet, hypno-specs and authentic newsprint Alien Love Triangle Times may be a little difficult to make at home :)
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2008
    None of the case file items are really things you can make with parts laying around the house...
  • edited November 2008
    I imagine people who missed out would find some comfort from having at least some digital pics
  • edited November 2008
    Guys, just sell the case files for twice the money. You'll make a huge profit and we'll still but them! Only 10.99... Then you can rerelease Season 1 Case files!
  • edited November 2008
    you have my vote to help stuff envelopes.. free of charge.
    I can only imagine the hell that must ensue

    but guys seriously as they have said no more case files from the first run..
    still have to get more of the 2nd.
    As for scans.. maybe a lower res/size scan so people can at least see all the stuffs or something. I personally still would like to see all the time cards XD
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