Sad to see it go
I admit, this game really did earn it's way to my favorite game position and i'm sad that there's just one episode left, even more than i was during the walking dead finale. I hope i'm not alone on this, i just get really attached to these characters and the story up to the point where it feels like it's part of your life. I really hope there's a season two, the story is too good to just pass off, in my opinion telltale should of focused on this a lot more and not care too much about Borderlands and Game of Thrones until they were done with this.
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Yup, for some reason despite him being a mythical creature, Bigby feels more relatable than Lee. I don't know why i feel that way, could be with the fact in walking dead I played as mostly a nice guy for Clem, but here in TWAU I don't really care about my consequences much and I do what comes naturally, such as killing Dum.
Not only that, it felt better than TWD's story and it just overall somehow got me more attached..
This is my favourite game too and while I'm going to be sad to see it go deep breath I MUST KNOW HOW IT ENDS!!! Seriously episode 4 was basically build up for episode 5 and now I'm going crazy just thinking about the possibilities for how it's going to end. Oh and I am with you for a season 2 of Wolf among us, I love the walking dead and all but honestly the mystery behind WAU is far more engaging to me and the characters are really cool. I normally don't really care about modernized fairy tale characters but they made them so cool and unique.
Well, you basically expressed my thoughts in that paragraph, not many people prefer TWAU over TWD, so i'm glad i have another person here that does.
Really? I was dis attached to the characters after episode 1..
) it'll be fine.
But you know for a fact bigby will not die, and plus you can just read the fables after
Well, i'm actually one of the people who enjoyed every episode, even the second one. I understand telltale has a lot on their hands and that whole script change obviously brought them down a bit, but they did a good job of keeping me interested - and yeah Fables will keep me entertained for a while, though sadly it's ending in early 2015.
Since the time I spent with the Fable community, I must say I'm sad to know its near the end. I enjoyed playing it; sure, we had some bumps and kinks but what game does not. I just recently began reading the comics, so if I get the itch to see our beloved characters, I can either pick up the comics or replay the entire episodes again. It was a fun ride.
I dont begrudge them spending time on other games. Ive always thought that creativity has to grow. You cant just stick to one thing. I do agree with you about the series. Ive really enjoyed it and I am sad that its almost over. Even if they have to get these other series off the ground first, Id be happy if we got a season 2.