Snow Bespelled
A few days ago I started a new play through and noticed that several people that the Crooked Man exploits have overblown vices. Crane, even with a precedent in Sleepy Hollow, is embezzling outrageous amounts of money on... whores and exotic items. Really? Beauty and Beast are obsessed with keeping up appearances to the point where they'll work questionable jobs and ask Bigby to murder away their money problems.
In Ep 3 I leave Snow alone in the office to go investigating, she mentions on the phone that someone's walked in but never tells us who it was, and the next time we get together she's unaccountably authoritarian where just yesterday she was talking about changing Fabletown for the better.
A good puppeteer doesn't need any more than a character flaw to get ahold of someone, and I'm suspicious that some spell is influencing people to exaggerate their vices. Snow has been approached and memory wiped before--that's the implication of someone getting to her hair for glamours unless her stylist is also working for CM. So it's feasible that someone (read Vivian, maybe) could walk in, charm her, and wipe the memory. Any thoughts?
That's unlikely, it all depends on their personality and the choices they made in life, Crane used money to recreate Snow White's story because he was too shy to confess to her or maybe because he realised he has no chance against Bigby(tragical, he had no chance against Brom Bones either), Beauty and Beast just couldn't get used to live like some common peasants because they thought they deserve more. Snow tries to do things by the book thinking this is the best for Fabletown. Since Crane and Snow worked together some time in the same place ,he had the chance to get a bit from her hair, besides, Crane could have wiped out her memory. But if we put it like this, he could've done anything to Snow, i think the memory wipe spell he used on the police station was made by the witches at The 13 Floor for the sake of Fabletown, those spells are quite expensive. On the other hand, we still don't know anything about Vivian.
Right, and that would be the clever thing about it if I'm right, that these vices are nearly natural stretches and within the capacity of each character. Mostly this is me trying to reconcile Snow's position shift, from wanting to help poor Fables to wanting to punish every offense, a shift which is abrupt enough that a lot of people have commented on it. Beyond that, I think it'd make an interesting ending, if a spell like that influenced Bigby based on your choices: a Bigby prone to violence or a Bigby who'll make concessions if it means helping people out.
Stealing a person's hair is an unsettling invasion or privacy that I hope they get around to explaining. The strands in the glamours looked cut, too, not as if they had been lifted from a brush which would be the simpler way to get it I'd think. CM is wealthy enough and has the materials for at least something as useful as a memory wipe. I'm thinking a CM employee rather than Crane obtained the hair.
I suspect Vivian is CM's witch in the inner circle, since someone has to be able to use those components and someone had to magic the ribbons onto the girls, and it doesn't feel like Greenleaf's style. Actually, I've been wondering from Ep 2 on if the murders aren't for some more occult reason. In the room where the murder, the flowers are undisturbed and the blood is evenly pooled on the bed, not what you'd expect if someone had only lost their head and was pulled from the bed. I'm thinking death by beheading, but then the body was also affected. And since Lily's body was in one piece and her suit not covered in blood, might Faith have been the one that died at the motel? Idle speculation.
I see the point about the hair, but i found unlikely for someone tu just pull her hair like that, we know Crane was stalking her when he took photos of her, maybe he stalked her when she changed her haircut too
) About the one who died at the hotel, i'm pretty sure it was Lily. When you examine her body, if you open her fist(it's not nice), you notice she's holding a flower. I think she kept it too give us a clue about the murder scene.
Sorry about the 2 missing 'to'.