Should the series have stuck to a 'Survival' theme?
Hold the phone, I am in no way saying the current overlying plot and whatnot isn't that great, but I somewhat miss the episodes like 'Starved for Help' from Season One. Where there wasn't a huge story-arc for the season, it was just a group of people trying to survive with both other people and zombies stopping them for their own personal survival.
But do you think Clementine should have met the cabin group and instead of them running from their camp due to mistreatment, they had to escape as their leader was oblivious to the camps vulnerability and when a herd attacked the camp was over-run. Then just surviving, and perhaps meeting characters from the camp (Such as Bonnie, the 400 Days Crew, perhaps even seeing Tavias body or someone from the camp like Troys body somewhere) - Episode Two could have had the moral scenario of Nick making a mistake and shooting Matthew thus Walter would choose whether he lives or dies.
As this is happening the wind turbine is going out of control thus walkers start to appear. The climax would be trying to kill all the walkers, however instead of Carver showing up - Perhaps only Bonnie shows up trying to aid the group and the cabins group surprise when they see that Bonnie is alive and well. Walter however is bitten and dies during the fiasco (after whether he saved Nick or let him die) and Alvins death depends purely on whether or not Clementine helps Carlos or Alvin. Helping Carlos, means Alvin dies, helping Alvin means that Bonnie shoots the walker attacking Carlos.
Luke is nowhere to be seen and the group runs away into the forest, meaning they leave Luke behind.
Okay not exactly that idea, but having episodes like that and having the major theme be Rebecca and their baby (It would be nice if there was still the implications that it isn't her baby but someone at their old camp) and the rest of the season was focused on Clementine keeping herself, Rebecca and the group alive through dealing with tough moral scenarios whilst learning about the group each episode as they encounter, people from their old camp some of whom are hostile others are not trustworthy and some are already dead. It becomes increasingly harder to keep the whole group alive but eventually the time comes for Rebecca to give birth.
As well as this other themes include Sarah's anxiety, Kenny's aggressivness, Clementine's humanity, Christa's dissapearance, etc.
I don't mind the 'story arc' the current season is going through, but I somewhat miss the "survival" episodes with some major themes to connect the episodes together.
But that's just me, what do you think? Do you want more episodes similair to 'Starver For Help' and whatnot?
Comments's hard to agree or disagree with this opinion. I think a lot of things could've gone differently in this season so far. There's just no fixing it, I guess.
It is what it is, I suppose.
I can respect that, though I don't mean that the 'Season' is wrong and thus 'needs to be fixed' - I just felt this would make the season somewhat more interesting if the group encountered the past during their trip to Wellington.
Reread, this time thoroughly. I would like to have Christa brought up, and the past too. I agree with what you're saying on more survival-related episodes in which the real danger is walkers, not the danger of a man with a gun. More episodes like Starved For Help would be great, and I hope there are. I guess I was looking on past episodes instead of future episodes as well.