How is episode 5 going to go down?

After your closing in on your prime suspect what's going to happen to the crooked man, fable town, snow, Bluebeard, and Bloody Mary?


  • no idea, hoping that Fabletown starts to improve, Bloody Mary and the Crooked Man will probably die one way or another

  • edited June 2014

    They'll all live happily ever after. Apart from the killer. Unless he/she likes witching wells.

  • Crooked Man tells Bigby about his plans. Bigby of course think it's all bullshit and tries to arrest CM, but then CM tells Bigby that he better do as he says or someone he cares about (Snow/Colin/whatever) will get hurt.

    Bigby then has to put CM on hold and deal with him later, because now he has to stop Mary before she hurts someone.

    He then runs into Mary and they go at it. Silver bullets will be involved, but somehow Bigby will come out on top (maybe with help of some friend(s)).

    Time to finally stop CM. When Bigby is about to do so, some major revelations are made which upsets Bigby and you'll have the choice of killing the CM or not.

    ... No but really, I don't know. I trust TTG will surprise us in a good way.

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