lapiswolf is my vice president,
Dont_Look_Back is my secret agent number one, Juice_Box is my secret agent number two,
(more spots for secret agents open)
Love it!
lapiswolf is my vice president,
Dont_Look_Back is my secret agent number one,
Juice_Box is my secret agent number two,
(more spots for secret agents open)
And WhatTheDuck is my body guard
LMFAO, I absolutely love you That's why I put him to work as a body guard because he can go use his weewee as a weapon on others and since he'll be at work protecting us with it, he won't be hugging me with it lol.
LMFAO, I absolutely love you That's why I put him to work as a body guard because he can go use his weewee as a weapon on others and since he'll be at work protecting us with it, he won't be hugging me with it lol.
You wanna filibuster you old fuck?! WELL COME ON! You better have a plan to kill this bill though, because it's EVERETTCARE BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE IN HERE!
I'm still wondering where that joke comes from. I know Walter says it to Kenny but I'm assuming that's not where the joke started. Do people from Florida know all about politics?
Carver is already a pretty run-of-the-mill world leader type, writing off people as weak and thus worthless, murdering his own people, forced labour...
In 2000, the presidency was up in the air for weeks after the election date because Dade County, Florida fucked things up. There were a ton of recounts, plus accusations of vote dumping and other shenanigans. That's how we wound up with Georgie.
I'm still wondering where that joke comes from. I know Walter says it to Kenny but I'm assuming that's not where the joke started. Do people from Florida know all about politics?
In 2000, the presidency was up in the air for weeks after the election date because Dade County, Florida fucked things up. There were a ton of recounts, plus accusations of vote dumping and other shenanigans. That's how we wound up with Georgie.
"If you want to be like me... a huge success... then you must force your father's to join special forces! Let the reign of special force's might rain down on the world!"
"If you want to be like me... a huge success... then you must force your father's to join special forces! Let the reign of special force's might rain down on the world!"
Yeah that's him, and the rest of the Liberal Party as far as I know. I think he sends any boat of asylum seekers to this other island. I don't like it, but we only have so much room in Australia and the central part of the country has the worst living conditions possible. If you look at a map of Australia, you'll see that almost every city is on the edge of the country.
Love it!
lapiswolf is my vice president,
Dont_Look_Back is my secret agent number one,
Juice_Box is my secret agent number two,
(more spots for secret agents open)
And WhatTheDuck is my body guard
Okay but WhatTheDuck might have a little... accident... if he doesn't readjust how he hugs you.
LMFAO, I absolutely love you That's why I put him to work as a body guard because he can go use his weewee as a weapon on others and since he'll be at work protecting us with it, he won't be hugging me with it lol.
but it sucks because wtd was banned...
Do you know how long he's banned for?
ummm yeah... about that.
He made another account and posted "This is my last post"
And that's it. He's gone. :,(
What No That's upsetting... He was funny, he made every thread a party, I feel like making a WhatTheDuck appreciation thread...
Since I quite enjoy fishing, I think Kenny would get my vote. His very sound and steadfast policy (boats) would satisfy me greatly.
Ben as President and Travis as Defense Secretary? Still better than Bush and Rumsfeld.
After all, being from Florida, he knows all about polotics.
You wanna filibuster you old fuck?! WELL COME ON! You better have a plan to kill this bill though, because it's EVERETTCARE BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE IN HERE!
I'm still wondering where that joke comes from. I know Walter says it to Kenny but I'm assuming that's not where the joke started. Do people from Florida know all about politics?
Obama has no chance.
Also, when's the next election in America?
A great leader never uses coercion unless he/she absolutely has to.
As the President of the Cyclops Nation, I take umbrage at that remark.
I would love to Sarah as President for teh lulz.
Inb4Sarah hate.
In 2000, the presidency was up in the air for weeks after the election date because Dade County, Florida fucked things up. There were a ton of recounts, plus accusations of vote dumping and other shenanigans. That's how we wound up with Georgie.
In never understand politics lol.
Albania had a gun on me!
Thanks for backing me up there, Canada.
November 8, 2016.
heh, wonder what his foreign policy would be.
Thanks. The next federal election over her in Australia is in 2017. We have Tony Abbott (how dare he be named) vs some guy named Bill Shorten.
"If you want to be like me... a huge success... then you must force your father's to join special forces! Let the reign of special force's might rain down on the world!"
"Special" Forces would be his answer to everything.
Don't feel bad. I've spent 3 years of college studying it and I barely understand it myself.
I haven't heard much about either, though I vaguely remember reading that Abbott is a serious prick toward asylum least I think it's him.
Seconded. Walt knows politics!
Bad news for you
All the female voters would obviously vote for this handsome man!
Obama was the first African American President, then Vince will be the first Asian American..... Fuck yea
Yeah that's him, and the rest of the Liberal Party as far as I know. I think he sends any boat of asylum seekers to this other island. I don't like it, but we only have so much room in Australia and the central part of the country has the worst living conditions possible. If you look at a map of Australia, you'll see that almost every city is on the edge of the country.
I only know that our Prime Minister is probably a rascist lol.
And Kenny will be the first Floridian President!
Okay... who is playing with the dislike button?