Am I the only one?!

edited July 2009 in Sam & Max
Seriously, am I the only one who hasn't played season two yet?! I wish I could, but my parents won't buy it for me yet and I'm just a broke 14 year-old with no job.
I've played the demos, but... ohh, the stupid demos! They end right at a cliffhanger, which makes me want to play MORE.
Guess I'll just have to wait to satisfy my craving for more Sam and Max.
(I'm having serious withdrawls! I'm resorting to writing fanfics!)


  • edited December 2008
    No i haven't either.
  • edited December 2008
    Neither have I.
  • edited December 2008
    But have you two played Season One, AND the demos to Season Two? If not, then you can't really be addicted Sam and Max fans, like me.
    Well, it IS nice to know I'm not the only one being tortured by lack of income. >=)
  • edited December 2008
    I'm currently playing season 1 on Wii (in the beginning of episode 6 right now) and I have played all the demos of season 2. I just like it better to play in the living room on the Wii than on a PC. So I'm very happy with season 2 coming to Wii also!

    I have also bought SBCG4AP episodes 1 and 2 on WiiWare
  • edited December 2008
    Maxilyah wrote: »
    (..)I'm just a broke 14 year-old with no job.
    i don't want to tell you what to do, but can't you mow some lawns or something? worked for me, when i was 14. one lawn should get you at least one episode...
  • edited December 2008
    My mom doesn't let me leave the house by myself. I would mow some laws, but there's that whole "stranger danger" thing my parents are worried about...
    Was thinking about selling all my old kid toys in a yard sale, but I haven't really had the chance to set something like that up.
    Babysitting is an option, but kids don't like me. -.-
    Hmm, well, I guess I'll just have to wait until Christmas and hope for the best.
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2008
    Ask if you can do some chores around the house for spare change. I bet your parents will be impressed that you are taking initiative. The trick is sticking to it once you get them to agree to it.
  • edited December 2008
    I have one word to solve your problem: eBay. If that doesn't work, Zazzle/Cafepress!
  • edited December 2008
    Maxilyah wrote: »
    Seriously, am I the only one who hasn't played season two yet?! I wish I could, but my parents won't buy it for me yet and I'm just a broke 14 year-old with no job.
    I've played the demos, but... ohh, the stupid demos! They end right at a cliffhanger, which makes me want to play MORE.
    Guess I'll just have to wait to satisfy my craving for more Sam and Max.
    (I'm having serious withdrawls! I'm resorting to writing fanfics!)

    I feel your pain. D*** you, Not Owning A Credit Card And/Or Paypal! D*** you too, Lack Of Parental Trust!!!!!
    Maxilyah wrote: »
    I would mow some laws.

    Mow... laws? Great Idea! *attacks Bill of Rights with a chainsaw*
  • edited December 2008
    I haven't even played season one. When I tried to download a demo, a demo, on my old computer, it became the slowest freaking thing on Earth, so I had to delete it after playing it for two minutes :mad:. Although, I am currently trying to get a used copy of Hit The Road on Amazon.
  • edited December 2008
    Maxilyah wrote: »
    Seriously, am I the only one who hasn't played season two yet?! I wish I could, but my parents won't buy it for me yet and I'm just a broke 14 year-old with no job.

    Well they must have a good reason, only way you'll get it is to ask 100 times or wait till someone gives you a present with loads of money. I always find the randomest way to make pick a subject.
    Maxilyah wrote: »
    I'm resorting to writing fanfics!

    Spare us the horror!
  • edited December 2008
    Maxilyah wrote: »
    I'm resorting to writing fanfics!

    Do the one where they have to defeat Candlejack after he kidnapps the commis
  • edited December 2008
    Maxilyah wrote: »
    But have you two played Season One, AND the demos to Season Two? If not, then you can't really be addicted Sam and Max fans, like me.
    Well, it IS nice to know I'm not the only one being tortured by lack of income. >=)
    This post makes it sound like the Telltale games Sam & Max seasons are the only Sam & Max things that exist.
    Seriously, did you know about Sam & Max before they started to make them?
    Just wondering.
  • edited December 2008
    I haven't played it yet,
    I only tried season 1 cuz it was one of the few crossover games compatible games!

    But I'll be gettin' season 2 for wii, definitely!
  • edited December 2008
    Rakia wrote: »
    This post makes it sound like the Telltale games Sam & Max seasons are the only Sam & Max things that exist.
    Seriously, did you know about Sam & Max before they started to make them?
    Just wondering.
    Well, the other things aren't free either, and don't have demos as far as I know.
  • edited December 2008
    Well, no, I didn't know about them before that. -.-
    But then again, I don't pay attention.
    Wish I had the comics though...
  • edited December 2008
    At least you have a computer that plays it. I own a Mac, so I had to wait for S&M Wii to come out to play it, and I haven't even been able to go that! Like you, I am a (not-so-broke) 14-year old, so I can't drive myself to the nearest Gamestop. Maybe next Saturday my dad will drive me there... If not, I will more than likely get it for Christmas. I've been bugging them senseless for it, and it's right on the top of my list.

    Anyway, back on topic.... you could probably do some chores around the house for some cash, as has already been suggested. That's how I get most of my money, although it means that I don't get much (cheap labor I am). You don't need to buy all the episodes at once; you could work up enough money for one, buy and play that, then work for the next one. It would be a good way to lengthen the time you enjoy Season 2, and at the same time, you'll have the great feeling of having worked for this thing that you want. At least, that's what my parents tell me. Truthfully, I can't tell the difference between stuff I buy and that they buy for me.
  • edited December 2008
    Having a Mac isn't an excuse to not taste the beauty... er, not play... the beauty?
    Anyway, I own a Mac, and I just use Parallels and Boot Camp to run it on Windows. Works perfectly.
  • edited December 2008
    I tried to use Boot Camp to play the then-free Abe Lincoln Must Die!, but it wouldn't work. It tried to open it on TextEdit, and that of course didn't work. Even if it did work for me, I would only be able to play any free games I could get my hands on; my parents don't really like me playing games on my Mac due to problems that this caused on an older computer... and since I don't have a credit card, I'd be limited to the free games.
  • edited December 2008
    Getting that yard sale underway seems like your best bet right now (along with offering to do chores). And who knows—maybe Christmas will work out for you toward that end.
    Rakia wrote: »
    Anyway, I own a Mac, and I just use Parallels and Boot Camp to run it on Windows. Works perfectly.

    Huh! I'd been wondering how the games would run on an OS emulator. How well does Parallels handle them? They already work perfectly for me through Boot Camp—it'd just be great to play them (and SBCG4AP, for that matter) without needing to reboot. (That and Crossover Games, while it gets the job done, isn't optimal).
    I tried to use Boot Camp to play the then-free Abe Lincoln Must Die!, but it wouldn't work.

    Weird. I guess we'd need more details first, though. Maybe you should bring this up at the Game Support forum ... ?
  • edited December 2008
    Yeah, my parents bought it for me too.
  • edited December 2008
    My dad said he'd get it for me, IF he didn't have to do it online. -_-
    Which sucks...
    That probably means I'll have to wait until it comes out for the Wii.
  • edited December 2008
    Don't worry! You only have to wait until... year. Ugh.
  • edited December 2008
    I'm old enough to have my own credit card, and I've even already bought Season 2 on DVD (it's two feet from where I'm sitting), but in my case, I seem to always lack the time to play it, which explains why it took me a week to respond to this thread. I'm currently near the end of episode 202. I'm hoping Season 3 will be out on DVD by the time I finish it all....

    Some of us older folks don't trust this Internet thingy with our credit cards. Try asking your dad if he'd buy the game for you if you found someone else (like a friend's parent) who was willing to make the actual online transaction on your behalf.
  • edited December 2008
    I'm always amazed that many of the people who fear using their credit card on the internet feel much more secure giving their card number to a phone rep, or letting a waiter wander off to a back room with it.
  • edited December 2008
    tabacco wrote: »
    I'm always amazed that many of the people who fear using their credit card on the internet feel much more secure giving their card number to a phone rep, or letting a waiter wander off to a back room with it.
    "Waiter, I'd like to pay for this with a credit card." "Just a moment, sir." *4 hours later* "Sorry, the uh, machine... broke. Heh heh." "Hmmmm... Nope! Nothing suspicious about that!"
  • edited December 2008
    LOL to that.
    A very good friend of mine bought me 201 and 202 (THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU), however, in my eagerness for Sam and Max, I, uh, already finished them. -.-
    BUT they're awesome, so I'll probably play the episodes one or two or seven more times before the end of the week. XD
    Also, I've been saving money up, and I HAD enough to buy an episode or two, buuuut, I decided to be generous and buy some presents for other family members before I thought of my own selfishness. I hate myself for being such a nice person. :)
  • ArtArt
    edited December 2008
    Only got season 1 on Wii. Dying to get season 2 on Wii.
  • ArtArt
    edited December 2008
    Maxilyah wrote: »
    LOL to that.
    A very good friend of mine bought me 201 and 202 (THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU), however, in my eagerness for Sam and Max, I, uh, already finished them. -.-
    BUT they're awesome, so I'll probably play the episodes one or two or seven more times before the end of the week. XD
    Also, I've been saving money up, and I HAD enough to buy an episode or two, buuuut, I decided to be generous and buy some presents for other family members before I thought of my own selfishness. I hate myself for being such a nice person. :)

    Amen to that brother.
  • edited December 2008
    I know you can get prepaid Visa cards... somewhere. You could ask for a $50 card for Christmas and use that to buy the rest of Season 2.
  • edited December 2008
    Not to worry. My mom said AFTER Christmas, she'll buy me the rest of the season. I told her that was more than fair.
  • edited July 2009
    Hey, just thought I'd mention that I finally had time to finish the rest of Season 2! So if you guys had been waiting on me before announcing Season 3, you may now proceed. ;)
  • edited July 2009
    Maybe Wirecard would be an option?

    You send them money from your bank account up front, and then you can pay with that amount at any store which accepts Mastercard. I´ve never used it myself though, so take it with a grain of salt.

    Back to topic:

    No, haven´t played Season 2 aswell. I´ve ordered both seasons, and atm. i´m just stuck at "Abe Lincoln Must Die" ;) Great Episode. I can´t wait until Telltale ships out my physical copies, the Cover Art looks pretty nice judging by the pics.
  • edited July 2009
    Heh, I made this post months ago. I already have the Season 2 DVD and the comic. ^.^
  • edited July 2009
    Maxilyah wrote: »
    But have you two played Season One, AND the demos to Season Two? If not, then you can't really be addicted Sam and Max fans, like me.
    Well, it IS nice to know I'm not the only one being tortured by lack of income. >=)

    Well man maybe not quite as addicted but I'd definitely fight your claim of not being as big a fan. I was playing sam and max when hit the road existed from when i was 7-13 years old.
    I just forgot about sam and max with my busy life. SO i still have to finish season 1. Then I will buy season 2 for sure! So my advice is find a cheap copy of hit the road, use dosbox to get it to work on your computer, unless you already beat that too. I'm sure your smart enough to figure it out.
  • edited July 2009
    Well man maybe not quite as addicted but I'd definitely fight your claim of not being as big a fan. I was playing sam and max when hit the road existed from when i was 7-13 years old.
    I just forgot about sam and max with my busy life. SO i still have to finish season 1. Then I will buy season 2 for sure! So my advice is find a cheap copy of hit the road, use dosbox to get it to work on your computer, unless you already beat that too. I'm sure your smart enough to figure it out.

    Well, actually, I played Hit the Road, but it was a version with no sound.
  • edited July 2009
    Heh, I played non-sounded version of Hit the Road as a kid, too. 83 (but now I've got a XP-remake of it.. with sounds! woohoo.)

    Ack, you lucky people! ;w; I still need to have my hands on Season 2. I've only played Ice Santa and the demo of 202.. but other than that, I haven't touched S2 demos. Not because I wouldn't care to, but I just think the episodes are best played in order. And I want everything to come as a surprise when I actually GET the whole season, and play every episode all the way to the end, in order. 83

    (I know the whole "being as big fan as me" subject originally is months old by now, but still. I never find it smart way to judge people by how much they have played, or what stuff they have in our collection. A fan is still a fan, after all. ^^ )
  • edited July 2009
    Maxilyah wrote: »
    Seriously, am I the only one who hasn't played season two yet?! I wish I could, but my parents won't buy it for me yet and I'm just a broke 14 year-old with no job.
    I've played the demos, but... ohh, the stupid demos! They end right at a cliffhanger, which makes me want to play MORE.
    Guess I'll just have to wait to satisfy my craving for more Sam and Max.
    (I'm having serious withdrawls! I'm resorting to writing fanfics!)

    I haven't. I haven't even played the demos. I finished season one a couple weeks ago. (FINALLY) and am waiting patiently till I have the money for two.
  • edited July 2009
    My PC won't run Sam & Max, so I'm stuck waiting for Wii realises, which is actually really annoying. Bring the rest out already!
  • edited July 2009
    Don't kids have allowances anymore? You know, clean off and set the table before dinner, wash the laundry, unload the dishwasher that sort of thing, and then your parents pay you as long as you finish all your chores?
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