Prince of Persia

edited December 2008 in General Chat
Anybody got the new prince of persia? I loved sands of times, disliked warrior within and never got two thrones. I'm really enjoying the new Prince. It looks incredible. You can actually talk to Elika similar to an adventure game and theres some great puzzley elements. Its pretty much all platforming, I'm not a big fan of combat/fighting games anyway so suits me. The prince is completely americanized so his dialougue sounds a bit ridiculous, the other characters feel more in the time period. The music is fantastic, an orchestral score that really adds to the feel of the game. A lot of reviewers are complaining that you can't die but this isn't an issue for me. You still have to navigate the platforming elements and it just removes the frustration(mirrors edge drove me nuts). Anyway, back to the game! :)


  • edited December 2008
    I'm tempted to get it, one of the shops over here is dropping a different game down to £20 each day on the run up to christmas, so I'm going to see if I can get it on the cheap.

    Worried about all the reviews saying it's a bit short (and Eurogamer's 6/10, not that I really take their scores for gospel after they gave Halo 3 and pretty much every other mega-hyped game since then a 10), but if I get it at half price, it should make the length a bit easier to take.
  • edited December 2008
    I got the graphic novel of that! It was pretty true to the games, I thought.
  • edited December 2008
    Looks beautiful, I'll get it for christmas.
  • edited December 2008
    I've got it on pre-order for the PC version which comes out this Friday, so I'll let you know what I think of it after then. It looks really good!
  • edited December 2008
    Badwolf wrote: »
    Worried about all the reviews saying it's a bit short

    The definition of short varies person to person. Also how good you are at this type of game also comes into account. If you play a lot of these games and are a good platformer you could easily beat this under 8 hours.
  • edited December 2008
    I was always a fan of the old side scroller ones... like the first two. I thought the first one was awesome when it came out, the animations and stuff were way ahead of the time. The second one had more of a 16-bit system look to it.

    Has anyone here downloaded the Prince of Persia Classic? Its supposed to be the first one, but it has that shadow guy in it, which I only remember being in the second one. I kinda want to know what its like before I decide to buy it.

    To be on topic, I saw a few video's of the new one, and while its not my style of gameplay, it looks beautiful! My friend usually plays these type of games and I sit there and watch them. Sometimes its almost like watching a cartoon when everything works out exactly how you plan it.
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