Implementing the incredible passiv mode

edited December 2008 in Sam & Max
What i really would like to see in a future Sam&Max season is that the game can be replayed for you automatically so that you just sit back and enjoy the show. Sometimes life is even too hard to play a game. You might be used to this if you're playing together with a friend and taking turns.

Two options (after you've completed the game on your own):

o Your game is beeing recorded (saving times and clicks).
o A somehow more or less perfect route which offers a variety at those points were several options exist, randomly chosen.


  • edited December 2008
    The popcorn mode...
  • edited December 2008
    You could just watch a playthrough on Youtube... ;)
  • edited December 2008
    But it wouldn't be my game and the quality (resolution, artifacts, sound) would be much worse.
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