Extras: Where are they?

edited December 2008 in Sam & Max
Has anyone noticed taht on the page of all Sam and max episodes, the extras say coming soon?

They've said coming soon for so long! Where are the extras?!


  • edited December 2008
    Im afraid to say they traveled here by train but it got derailed, and now they are trapped in an Air Pocket
  • edited December 2008
    Extras has been empty sense the new pages went up. Back when 202 was about to be released. We have yet to see what "extras" holds.
  • edited December 2008
    Extras has been empty sense the new pages went up. Back when 202 was about to be released. We have yet to see what "extras" holds.
    The extras will never come, I told you, they're trapped in an air pocket (thermal)
  • edited December 2008
    I thought that they put them up just as a joke to see if any suckers would... Oh wait, we don't call them suckers, we call them... Uh nevermind.

    (But in all seriousness, they would not have a coming soon link if they did not mean it, I am sure they just got sidetracked and the "extras" got put on the back burner because of their other projects.)
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2008
    We originally intended to put some of the videos from the DVD in that spot, but then the Videos page came along and we rethought our strategy.

    At some point the Sam & Max page will be redesigned and that Extras button will probably go away.

    Sorry to disappoint...
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