Clem CANNOT Survive On Her Own
Okay so i hear everyone saying Clem could survive on her own and that she doesn't need anyone, well your wrong, Clem has been fully dependent on others all through season 1 and remains to be in season 2, at the start, if Omid didn't try to save Clem, and Christa didn't shoot the girl, Clem would have been robbed and possibly killed, then for a whole 16 months Clem remains dependent on Christa in order to survive, when the scavengers attack Clem and Christa, she would have been eaten if she didn't get lucky and got Winston bit, now it was impressive that she managed to pull off fighting of Winston and Walkers at the same time but its not enough proof that she can survive on her own, later she meets Sam and he ends up giving her a really brutal bite wound, she walked in the forest for a bit until walkers attacked, being weakened from the bite the walkers would have certainly killed her, if Luke and Pete didn't show up, and in no other part of the season has there been any evidence that she can survive on her own. Case Closed
She's capable, but not invincible. Capable of most things an adult could do, but surviving alone is not one of them.
I do agree with you that she couldn't survive on her own. But i must admit she is one hell of a survivor for her age.
Yeah, just like most other people in the game. Unless you're a badass like Jane or Molly, you can't survive by yourself.
Shes not capable, in the first like night or so she was alone she almost died 5 times, Winston attacking her, the walkers attacking her, falling and passing out in the river (she should have either drowned or got hypothermia), getting attacked by Sam, and the walkers attacking in the woods
she is pretty good but not the best i've seen
in the book survival of the fittest, where 3 kids are stranded deep in a Peruvian rain forest, the 13 year old boy cut off a chunk of his flesh to use as bait just for the chance of maybe getting a raw piranha
I said she wasn't capable on her own, but that doesn't mean she is never capable of things an adult could do.
oh sorry i misread it :P but yeah i guess she could do some things an adult can do