My Confession Over Fan-Fictions to Users, Mods, Telltale Staff Alike



  • edited June 2014

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    Why get rid of fanfics?

    To get my thread more attention which it deserves it would still be front page if wasn't for them fanfics. (leaves lots of comments stating his right because that's how he feels)

    How do you feel about fanfics?

    Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind them, and I think it’s nice(spends rest of the thread explaining how much he hates them) f**king fanfic threads, total BS, God damned fanfic threads etc(Don't soften the blow if you don't truly believe it) every comment then contradicts you

    ACTUAL discussion? Capped actual ok lets get back to who's gayer, cuter and lukelukeluke,kennykennykenny and hundreds of Sarah threads recently etc

    What are going do when they get moved?

    I'm going to go on the only few fanfics thread left and gloat about what I done even though I now right know I will be hitting a raw nerve I will explain to users how I'm right again and again even though I achieved my objective to move them so I'M not sure why you are still sticking the boot in or it's purpose in still commenting on the issue


    Your my bro but when debating an issue it's essential to use WE, US, THE FORUM as single user backing up your claims with just how you feel so your right will annoy people say how it will help the majority not yourself. Say how will improve the forum and everyones threads not just your threads.


    Understand there are users who like them so comparing fanfics to troll threads and aggressive attacks like f**king fanfic threads is wrong. To make a point always portray the negative and positives of both sides then come to a conclusion how feel it would improve the forum biased rants help no one. Add facts when applicable maybe links to other users threads sharing your opinion to give your argument more weight .

    Understand I made a story thread months ago before it went main stream so to hear a user getting pissed over a thread he made 5 seconds ago stating to get rid of all the fanfics to help his own personal cause comes off as annoying.and arrogant

    Understand there are millions of TWD questions and few fanfics so if there top they deserve it even you have ask yourself the impossible I know maybe your question wasn't very good

    Stating this your still my bro just reread your comments and threads then you will see what I'm saying lol

    Oh rlly? I'm guessing I was kinda the "final straw" for the fanfics?

  • edited June 2014

    I apologize, I was just very pissed at that moment.

    I could honestly care less about what people want, that doesn't mean it's right to apply it to this forum. The game discussions have to come first, or else there are no discussions about the game anymore. This isn't to promote my own thread, this is to allow new threads a chance, which is where the fanfics get in the way. If it wasn't for the sheer quantity, I wouldn't have moved them, but there are five (or more) on the front page. If I have to bump my thread thirty seconds after posting, it means that people care more about general chit-chat than actual discussion, and that is not how this forum should go: that's what Telltale Talk is for.

    So yeah, excuse me for being a little pissed over the fact that I couldn't hear any actual opinions and interesting discussion in my thread due to the fact that nobody was able to see it.

    I expect my thread to hold the front page for at least ten seconds, and it was already at the bottom of the page by then. That didn't happen with fanfic threads, because so much general chit-chat goes on in there that it continues bumping down everything with thoughtful and drawn out comments.

    And don't tell me "they deserve it". They don't deserve anymore credit for a thread than I do. Are you saying they deserve more than me? Why? Why do they deserve more than me? Because they wrote a story? I write stories too. That doesn't make me better than you or him or her or anybody. Also, don't make the "the people want it" argument, because that makes no sense as well. Just because it is bumped up a lot doesn't mean people want it: it means that it is bumped up a lot, end of story. Useless conversations and gifs go on inside fanfic threads a lot of the time, and the same three or four people bump it up all the time. It doesn't mean people want it. It means it's bumped up a lot.

    And don't feed me that bull that there are so many Luke and Kenny threads. Fanfics way outnumbered those threads first of all. You see maybe one or two on the front page. Don't make a judgment based on things that rarely occur. Second of all, at least they have to do with the game unlike fanfics which are based on the game at most.

    I'm not doing this for my personal cause, don't you dare accuse me of that. I am doing this for the equal chance for all threads to succeed, and fanfic threads took away nearly all of that equality. Essentially, you are criticizing me for allowing equality.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Ohyoupokedme Why get rid of fanfics? To get my thread more attention which it deserves it would still be front page if wasn't for them

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    We both shared our opinions on the issue and the whole situation with fanfics is over so it's pointless debate right now. Your my bro on the forum and I respect your opinion :)

    I apologize, I was just very pissed at that moment. I could honestly care less about what people want, that doesn't mean it's right to ap

  • Markd4547 posted: »

    We both shared our opinions on the issue and the whole situation with fanfics is over so it's pointless debate right now. Your my bro on the forum and I respect your opinion

  • edited June 2014

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    Ok good sir have a pleasant evening :).

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