A More Tragic Scene and an Aftermath
I don't know why but I thought of Episode One starting out like this.
Clementine goes into the bathroom, however as soon as she gets her water bottle and goes into the stall, you can hear someone moaning in the other room. Clementine quickly packs her bottle and grabs her gun, and quickly goes into the other room to see Christa is giving birth. After a short while, Christa manages to sucessfully give birth to a healthy baby boy which they eventually decide to call Omid Jr.
16 months pass, and Christa and Omid are sitting down by a campfire instead of cooking weasel they have empty cans of beans near the logs after just eaten. Christa and Omid talk about getting to Wellington soon and hoping they have baby food. Clementine, Christa and Omid are all happy as well as Omid Jr who isn't crying but instead sleeping.
That is, until the bandits find you. They hold you all at gunpoint, questioning where your group is and not believing you don't have a group especially since you have a baby with you. Omid then stands up confronting one of the bandits and gets shot, Christa is franticacly crying and you and her both get seperated. The last you see of Christa is her running away and crying, whilst holding Omid Jr.
You get chased to the river and the episode ensues.
During Episode Five you find Omid Jr. as a zombie, but no sign of Christa. You must then put Omid Jr out of his misery and unlike Ducks death, none of it is ever caught off camera. Every single second, from finding Omid Jr as a zombie to shooting him to put him out of his misery has to be witnessed by the player.
Players have the option to not shoot Omid Jr, causing someone else such as Kenny to shoot him.
Damn... I think I would choose someone else to do it! Although, I doubt Telltale would go that far cause they'd be forced to change the scene by the ESRB or something due to graphically killing a baby...
"Clementine quickly packs her bottle and grabs her gun, and quickly goes into the other room to see Christa is giving birth" And now she's scarred for life...again.