"The Wolf Among Us" Star Cast.....
If they ever make a movie on the wolf among us, i would love to see,
Bigby Wolf- Hugh Jackman
Snow White- Kristen Stuart
Mr. Toad- Jack Black (Voice)
Bloody Mary- Mila Kunis
Bufkin- Seth Green(voice)
Beauty- Amanda Seyfried
Beast- Sylvester Styllon
Harmless Jack- Bradley Cooper
Woodsman--Dwayne "The rock" JOhnson
Rest i am all out of ideas... lol!!
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I died when I read Mr. Toad's one. From now on, I'm posting from beyond the grave.
Bigby Wolf-Hugh Jackman
Snow-Natalie Portman
Toad-Same V.O
Colin-Same V.O
TJ-Same V.O
Bufkin-Same V.O
Ichabod Crane-Gary Oldman
Bluebeard-Stanley Tucci
Dee and Dum-Bodysuits worn by ???
Bloody Mary-Jena Malone
Woodsman-Russell Crowe
Grendel-Tom Hiddlestone
Holly-Michelle Pfiefer
Beauty-Evangiline Lilly
Beast-Henry Cavil
Faith-Ellen Page
Nerissa-Scarlet Johanssen.
Vivian-Charlise Theron
Crooked Man-Harrison Ford
Tim-Logan Lederman (Percy Jackson)
Jersey-Paul Giamatti
Jack-Channing Tatum
Hans-Chris Hemsworth
Flycatcher-Adam Driver
Swineheart-Daniel-Day Lewis
Also is just me or is there no Black, Asian or Hispanic characters in the game?
Wow that fits beyond perfect! Very cool. I guess there might be no Black Asian or Hispanic character because the writers of the original fables (not the comic series) were mostly of european origin if I remember correctly. Might be that the comic creators as well as Telltale wanted to stick to the roots? Just a guess though.
Yeah I assumed there was very little because of the source material aswell. I just thought while typing up my cast though how little diversity there was. Not that that hurts the game by any means I just noticed that now.
No it doesn't. I didn't really notice until I read your comment but that might just be because I never imagined the characters to be any different because it's pretty close to what they looked like in drawings in my book of fairtytales when I was a child... except for the hooker, alcohol and violence part of course
Jersey is a tough one, what about Paul Giamatti?
Mila Kunis, lol!!
I was literally thinking: Ellen Page would be a perfect Faith.
Bigby should be voiced by Ville Valo
Or Jersey could be played by Stan Lee.
Brilliant. Spot on! I will update the list!
Ignore. Double post.
Toad can only be Michael Caine.
Why do I see Justin Tucci playing Georgie Porgie!!! lol
Jamie Alexander as Bloody Mary. That's all I would ever wish for.
Hmm, I'd say stay the same for the voice actors too but;
Bigby Wolf-Gerard Butler
Snow-Emilia Clarke or Emily Blunt
Ichabod Crane- I think Gary Oldman is too likeable a man to me, and I dislike Crane therefore I'd say - Anthony Hopkins
Bluebeard-Stanley Tucci hmm not sure if I agree completely but no one else comes to mind to be honest
Dee and Dum-Ray Winstone (You'll understand if you've ever heard him speak)
Bloody Mary-Jena Malone - Won't argue with that
Woodsman-Russell Crowe Or that...
Grendel-Alexander Skarsgard/Maybe Johnny Depp although I think he'd probably try to make Grendel seem funny or something :L
Holly-Jane Lynch
Beauty-Evangiline Lilly sure why not, or Julia Roberts?
Beast- I've never seen Henry Cavill act so I'm not sure how big he is and how much stage presence he has therefore I'm undecided
Faith-Carey Mulligan
Nerissa-Billie Piper? but her voice annoys me so maybe not
Georgie-Jason Statham?
Vivian-Andie MacDowell
Crooked Man-Alan Rickman
Tim-Freddie Highmore
Jersey-Stan Lee
Jack-William Moseley
Hans-Channing Tatum
Flycatcher-Adam Driver sure
Swineheart-Daniel-Day Lewis yep
Deffo not Kristen Stewart as Snow
Kristen is too immature, boney and emotionless, IMO. 
Henry Cavill was Superman in Man of Steel. Also love the Holly pick.
Harmless Jack?
Ooooohhh....the actor you picked for Grendel! These are great!
Hans or other Jack? For Hans I'd say Chris Hemsworth and for Jack I'd pick Channing Tatum.
Or Morgan Freeman.
That would be one of the most expensive movie cast ever...
I agree with most, but I think Bigby should be Nikolaj Coster-Waldau. Jamie Lannister from Game of Thrones. He just looks so perfect. And unless Anthony Hopkins can get deathly skinny, I'm not sure he'd work
Or Brick Top from Snatch.
Gerard Butler looks like Bigby so fucking much.
Or Christopher Walken.
Stan Lee as Jersey.
This is my joke cast: ,Bigby-Ben Aflec ,Snow White- Meghan Fox, BlueBeard-Bruce Willis, Woody-Christopher Bale , Jersey Devil- Mel Gibson, Dee-Shia Leabeouf, Gren- Sylvester Stallone, Beauty-Cameron Diaz, Tell me what you guys think!
Ahh, I haven't seen it. I know right? Holly was the first character I immediately thought of an actress for
Thanks, I can just see him with dark hair, one glazed eye and a goatee type thing, just works imo
Not that I've read the comics but I think Nikolaj would fit with the 'Fables' Bigby, rather than TWAU? I stand by Gerard Butler, he's just got that look of experience and strength. Plus the hench beard and hair helps haha. As for Anthony Hopkins I agree, I had trouble thinking of anyone for Crane, Jim Carrey came to mind but I'd have strict instructions for him to not try and make Crane seem like a joke, or give him any of those weird mannerisms Carrey does with most of his characters. Obvs with prosthetics.
I thought Adrien Brody for crane. Not because of his acting capabilities, but merely because they both have huge noses. And I have nothing against Gerard Butler. He is a phenomenal actor, and has nothing but my respect. But I don't know if I can take him seriously with Bigbys awesome-ass hair
Take my like.
It's been awhile since I've read them, but Mowgli and Sinbad both have roles in the comics. There may be others I've forgotten.
This was in response to wether or not there where any ethnic characters. Don't know why it posted here. :-/