Was 400 days the amount of time Season One took place?

The timeline between Episodes and Seasons still seems confusing...


  • Well, Vince's and Wyatt's story happened at the same time when Lee was alive. Lee's adventure ended in day 101 I think.

  • My timeline logic!!! Season 1 took place in a little over 3 months (~100 days). There was a gap between Season 1 and Omid's death because Christa appears visibly more pregnant, probably close to her due date, imma estimate about 3-5 months maybe? And then there's the 16 month time gap to the rest of Season 2.

    Clementine is with group in the cabin for 3 days (first day is spent meeting Luke+Pete and breaking out of the shed, second day is with Nick/Pete, she gets back from the hiding place with either Nick/Pete the next day and runs into Carver), they take a 5 day hike, they arrive at the ski lodge, and then Carver takes them back to the camp at night/morning and I believe they get to Carver's place the next night. The group spends then spends 3 days at Carver's camp.

    Is this accurate lol

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