Can This be The Game of the Year?
TTG has already have great success with TWD and might have another with TWDS2 but TWAU might be TTGs best game they have for 2014 but I still think TWD series still has some love for fans of the franchise but I want to here it from the fans, let me here your thoughts about TWAU should it be TTGs GOTY or should be just a good game?
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So you're asking for Telltale 's GOTY, right? If so, yes, it is their best game of the year, as of now. We still cannot rule out Tales from the Borderlands or the final episodes of Season Two, but I've got the most enjoyment out of this one.
If it doesn't win game of the year, it has to at least win 'game with the most unique art style' or something. Including its sophisticated use of jiggle physics.
Haha....jiggle physics. XD
If the game does not get 'game of the year' then the artwork should be acknowledge.
Or, at least like 'dramatic story line' in video game.
Hmmm... we haven't had many good games this year, only game I could see being better than this is Far Cry 4.
It's 'jiggle-tastic'!
PC GOTY, probably
Don't think it had the potential to be G.O.Y and I say that just because I personally feel its not generating as enough buzz as TWD did last year. I mean , I would love to see it up there for consideration and it deserves to be but I don't see it happening.
This is indeed Telltales best game this year but can they take it to game of the year....hmm not really sure. Don't hate me but compared to well the hype it achieved it 4/5 times but it is against some amazing games.
Personally i liked TWD a lot more, mostly because i found it a little repetitive but it is still an amazing game. But no i doubt it would be GOTY :c
More often than not, TWD2 exceeds my expectations while TWAU falls below my expectations. But then I had higher expectations for TWAU than TWD. I like both games but naturally I'd wait until all parts are out before declaring which is better. Right now, I'll TWAU the edge, but I'd wager I'll end up liking TWD2 more.
Will either of these games win as much (or any) GOTY from the various gaming press? I doubt it. The first TWD was a bit of a lightning in a bottle and set the bar for these types of games. I don't think either TWD2 or TWAU will raise that bar, which I think is necessary for the press to give it to another TTG game. But personally, these games have been my favorites this year so far.
sadly it wont. Neither twd and twau will win since GTA 5 will probably be an option and as we all seen, stupid fanboys will vote the shit out of that and simply over powers twd and twau.
Of the four episodes we've had so far, two have felt irritatingly rushed and sloppy, despite being very short and lacking in meaningful interaction. That I still enjoy the overall game still doesn't mean it really stands up as GOTY material.
GTA V already won GOTY last year.
only TWD s1 had potential to be GOTY in Telltale's arsenal, Season 2 obv no. TWAU had great start but it feels like potential wasnt reached to maximum, i still love this game though. One of the beautiful games i ever played.
oh TG. twd may have a chance now.
GTA did deserve it though... great story, huge fucking map, enjoyable fucking everything!
but if it were against telltale, lmao not a chance.
A huge chance actually. Telltale's TWAU has great story, great music, great characters, but there's so many things GTA has over it. THERE'S OVER 100 CARS, 69 MISSIONS THAT TAKE OVER 20 HOURS TO COMPLETE, SKYDIVING, ANIMALS, TENNIS, GOLF, STRANGERS AND FREAKS, ONLINE, JETS, PLANES, BOATS. YOU CAN LITERALLY SINK DAYS INTO THIS.
TWD s2 > TWAU. TWAU fucked up with few episodes, TWD 2,3 episodes was AWESOME. Episode 3 arguable best telltale episode.
Damn it I'm probably going to take a break from the forums right now.....
Every fanboy for both TWAU and TWD are starting to get pissy over which releases first...
Even though we should just be happy that they're both coming soon....
Sure you are not biased? since all of your recent posts are on TWD forums, but then again thats just your opinion hard to argue. I enjoy s2 of TWD but its sloppy compared to s1 , you dont even get to make any impact on storyline and some scenarios are repetitive with meager character development. TWAU is a refreshing experience altogether and episodes were never "fucked up" its just that standard set for this game was really really high after episode 1 maybe thats the reason.
Just watch ratings.
Your grammar and use of dots (which is nonexistent) gave me cancer.
yeah that's cool but games like those are for people who are in for gameplay rather plot. To me, that game is boring and the characters are not interesting only travis. And earlier xbox had an award show thing where it had who was best hero and of course travis was there and clementine. He obviously won with like 40% while clementine and pretty much the rest of the options had 15-20% (I know booker was there too, another hero). and there was another option with gta in it and many great games that actually had a good plot and those lost, and gta won by a shit ton.
But seriously, travis a hero? Gta V it overrated, and it has to have one of the most shittiest fanbase to ever exist.
Believe it or not, I thought GTA V would be shit before I bought it. I thought it wot ld just be running people over, I was SO wrong. I don't care what you say, this game HAD LOTS of effort put into it. The script is over 1000 pages long! Over 200 million went into the game!
It's not a school test, dude. Also there are not only people who knows english as their native language. So that's forgivable I think.
Could it be even eligible for GOTY this year, though? The first episode came out last year in October (Same with TWDS2, except that was last December).
of bullshit, the main story is awful. I bought this game too and played it and got like 10 achievements since it's too boring and uninteresting. And cool i'm not saying to care, i'm just telling you.
Opinion then.
No, sadly most GOTY go to most popular/best reviews, too keep it safe. Other than episode 1 twau had okay reviews ranging from 75 - 80 out of 100. But theres always a chance.
Right. Obviously the game is shit because the storyline isn't the best. I personally don't like GTA V, but it's not a bad game at all.
Other than 'Faith' i dont find it 'refreshing' i find it repetitive i found like the setting was never changing. and imo Episode 4 was really slow feeling, and im not the only one who feels that way.
I doubt it. I dont think its gained as much momentum as twd and plus on one of the GOTY were users vote.
They'll just vote the hell out of the most mainstream games like Titanfall, and Watch Dogs.
I think it could...
dude that was so un call for ( FamousGrouse)
fantastico point PerFex
TWAU is certainly TT's Game of the Year. It has been getting great reviews because of many reasons ranging from storyline to artwork. Lots of people are wanting a S2. TWDG S2 has been amazing but is not a worthy successor of S1 of TWD. TFTB looks promising but it will carry into 2015 so I don't think the first couple of episodes will be enough to be considered enough for 2014 GOTY.
I don't understand why people are saying TWAU is repetitive and slow. Each episode brings something new to the puzzle of solving this mystery. Its not like TWD where every episode can be a new conflict. Ep.4 may have been a little slow only because it was an episode where you are laying out everything you have put together in the past episodes to come closer to a conclusion to this mystery.
I beg to differ.
Maybe in your personal opinion but the reviews were better on average for twd. (Faith was the only one that was higher) it's latest episode, episode 4 has something like 75 - 77 out of 100. The walking dead episode 3 has something like 82 - 84 out of 100.