Season 1 or Season 2?

Which one do you like the most so far?

My opinion right now is that season 1 is better, Lee being all manly-like, adding the fact he has a little girl to protect and take care of, and making sure he doesn't offend her, makes it seem awesome. Plus, it all seemed more like what would happen in a zombie apocalypse, moving around, maybe staying, struggling for food, scavenging, near death experiences, deciding whether to let people in the group, etc.

In season 2, almost none of this stuff comes into play. You rarely fight and you mostly press left or right, nobody to take care of and make sure not to offend (sarah, but she doesnt count), you are always fed, you get attacked by a dog because "no good person would attack a little girl, so LETS MAKE IT A DOG! great idea dun for thee day", rarely any near death experiences, you get no decisions, no scavenging, and all that.

Added to that, season 2 has more pointless deaths than season 1. Season 1 has Mark (He was added to the game so a main character wouldn't die). Season 2 has Alvin, Carlos, Matthew, and more.


  • I love both seasons. There's pros and cons to both seasons, one has what the other lacks. I don't know which season I prefer, to be honest.

  • edited June 2014

    Season 1 because...


  • I like both but Lee was one of my favorite characters so I gotta say season 1.

  • To early for this question imo. If I had to choose it would be season 1 so far.

  • Odd question. I like two because it's resonating with me more emotionally right now and I really like the protagonist they've built Clem to at this point.

    That being said, that structure wouldn't be there without playing through one, obviously, and the things that "My Lee" was able to provide.

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