Stickying threads

edited December 2008 in Site Support

How do you make threads sticky? Can only people on the Telltale team do it?


  • edited December 2008
    Yep, only we can.
  • edited December 2008
    What exactly does stickying do? Does it make it so the thread always stays at the top of the forum?
  • David EDavid E Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2008
    Yep. It's often used for official discussion threads started by Telltale people related to announcements we make about games.
  • edited December 2008
    Are you guys able to change the site's coding and all that, David? Do you help with the games, and so on?
  • edited December 2008
    I think this thread's done. Tabacco, if you will?

This discussion has been closed.