____'s Death...

When Clem said:

Clem: Are you feeling okay?

Luke: No... no, I mean... yeah, yes, sorry. I-- I just could use some sleep, you know? Hard to rest you think a lurker's about to the get the jump on you any, any moment, but yeah. Yeah. I'm fine, okay? Don't worry about me.

Do you think Luke was bitten when a lurker's sneak up on him?


  • nah i just think he was a shit load tired i mean he followed the group for hours

  • Dude.. Like days went past after that moment and we didnt see red eyes at all. Plus he kicked Carvers ass and some zombies all healthy at the end.

    Too Lazy To Read: A day went past and he didnt turn

    Topic question is proven as invalid. Topic to be closed.

  • Luke would've turned into a walker by now, it's been a whole day. I tought he was bitten too, but he was probably just tired.

  • Nah, he was just tired. Nothing more ;) He said himself that he hasn't slept since Carver got them.

  • He said he was "just tired" but I wonder if it's something more sinister. He could be sick and not even know it. Haha how dumb would be to die from a flu in the zombie apocolypse. But yeah... I don't think he's doing so well.

  • Nah, his eyes were merely betraying him.

  • I've seen oh so so many of these threads XD

    Here's the gist of it. Luke: Not bitten but tired as fuck from his long hike getting to Carver's camp

  • Nope, he actually looks like he's getting better over the course of the episode. He looks his worst when Kenny gets beaten up, but once they make their escape he's a lot less pale.

  • edited July 2014

    No, it was that crafty "Sneak King." HE'S THE ONE!!!


  • I originally had the same thought on my first playthrough. But, nah, he's not bitten. He looked a lot better by the end of the episode (more color in his skin). Pretty sure it really was just being deprived of sleep.

  • Luke would have turned into a walker by now if he had been bitten. He was just tired and hungry.

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