Who do you think would suit the roles of each TWAU character if a movie was made?
My opinion:
Obviously Hugh Jackman for Bigby: http://www.zestyfashion.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/hugh-jackman-long-hair.jpg
Snow could be either Zooey Deschanel or Alexis Bledel: (Left and Right) http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ku96j6x3kR1qzc55io1_500.jpg
Ashley Greene for Beauty: http://www.lars.toomre.com/sites/lars/files/pictures/Ashley-Greene-Blonde.jpg
Louise Pitre for Holly: http://uploads.lmlmusicpresents.com/content/uploads/2011/05/Louise_Pitre_Smile_Bricks.jpg
Marion Cotillard for Faith: http://assets.instyle.co.uk/instyle/live/styles/article_landscape_600_wide/s3/galleries/13/01/marioncotillard_0.jpg?itok=Oj7-Aazx
Well I'm unsure about the rest but that's all I can think of! What do you guys think?
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Mila Kunis as Bloody Mary, huehuehue.
I forgot about Bloody Mary! I would say Emma Watson with the cropped hairstyle and all.
I think Kristanna Loken would fit as Bloody Mary..
Megan Fox as Snow White
"Troy Baker, as every single fucking character in this thing."
Jim Carrey as Bigby.
The Incredible Hulk as Snow White.
Megan Fox as a Troll.
Brad Pitt as Bufkin.
Johnny Depp as Bloody Mary.
A wedge of cheese as The Crooked Man.
And finally me as Ichobod Crane.
Now this I would love to see. Haha.
She's too....fake. Snow has class!
Lol, somehow I don't think he would fit as Snow. xD
That made me laugh, especially a wedge of cheese. xD
Oh, he will. Simply because he's Troy Baker, m'kay?
(only joking
Haha. I do come up with stupidly random things. Oh well least I made someone laugh
You had me at the wedge of cheese.
You had me at DragonButter.
Indeed. If Megan Fox ever got the role of Snow White then there would be an uproar on these forums and from fans of the Fables comic series. Snows character model in the game is beautiful and as you say classy. I can't actually think of an actress who looks like they play Snow White looks wise.
Oh yes. The most 'butteriest' butter of them all.
Me either so I was trying to find one with at least the same eye and hair color. Snow's beauty just cannot be duplicated in our mere world!
I guess she really is "the fairest of them all".
You're right guys. I just couldn't think of another actor that looks like Snow White but as you already said they're different personalities.
Hugh Jackman as Bigby...like, come on!
I would cast the amazing ashton kutcher as snow white. He has the looks, the attitude, the whole package to be a perfect snow white.
Stan Lee as The Jersey Devil.
I once saw a woman who looked exactly like Snow White, she was playing in a TV ad in my country. I don't know is it ad from other country, if she's a Pole, well, still, she'd be awesome.
I'll post a pic when I find her.
Unless you find anyone else that could sway me I think it HAS to be Emilia clarke for Snow White.

Then I'd say maybe Gerard Butler for Bigby?
Definitely Jane Lynch for Holly,
and as for the rest I'll have to think about it...
I'd say either Emilia Clarke or Emily Blunt (obvs with black hair)
Bigby Wolf: Nikolaj Coster-Waldau
Snow White: Emilia Clarke
Ichabod Crane: Adrian Brody w/ old man prosthetics (because he has a giant nose)
Voice of Toad: Someone who can do a good New York accent
The Woodsman: Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson (bald)
Faith: I have no idea
Georgie: Aaron Paul (if he could mimic the accent)
Vivian: Jodie Foster (am I thinking of the right person?)
Nerissa: No clue
Bloody Mary: Jessica Chastain
Crooked Man: No idea
Jersey Devil: Christian Bale (like he was in American Hustle)
Holly: Jane Lynch
Gren: No flippin clue
Jack: I don't know
*open to suggestions for characters I did not place an actor for or ones I did not mention
I like Michelle Monaghan as Snow White.
This is my joke cast: ,Bigby-Ben Aflec ,Snow White- Meghan Fox, BlueBeard-Bruce Willis, Woody-Christopher Bale , Jersey Devil- Mel Gibson, Dee-Shia Leabeouf, Gren- Sylvester Stallone, Beauty-Cameron Diaz, Tell me what you guys think!
Have you played The Last of Us? Or Bioshock: Infinite?
Will Sasso as Hans!
Anne Hathaway as Bloody Mary.. she got the face
I have ;D
Troy Baker also voiced Joker in Arkham Origins
No, No Natalie Portman as Snow White.. BOOM
I think Hugh Jackman as bigby, Natalie Portman as Snow White, I agree with Jane lynch as holly
Robert Downey Jr as Jack.. lol
RDJ with blonde hair? eh.. I think brad pitt as jack xD
I played both actually! Both games were pretty much the main reason I mentioned him, and a video I saw from Mega64.
He could pull off Jack or Gren.
Hugh Jackman seems like the obvious choice but I think he looks too smart, maybe. As for Natalie Portman I'd say the looks are there but she just seems so fragile all the time and my impression of Snow is that she is very independent and not fragile at all.
Piper Perabo as Beauty... It is incredible how much they look alike...