____ is the Deputy Mayor.
Snow is the Deputy Mayor.
Snow: All unglamoured Fables - starting today - have to go and stay at The Farm. Bossy.
Should you obey or disobey her? I would disobey her.
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Snow is the Deputy Mayor.
Snow: All unglamoured Fables - starting today - have to go and stay at The Farm. Bossy.
Should you obey or disobey her? I would disobey her.
Obey, it's harsh, but it's also logical, leaving the animal Fables roaming the streets would be dangerous and could reveal Fabletown, think of what you would do if you met a talking pig, or badger.
It didnt suprised me she is so sharp now. It's war after all, and more or less, it will be just better for other Fables to just diappear until this thing calm down. I even agreed to send Toad to the farm. I can imagine it could kill Toad (or any other Fable) in E5, if I didnt send him there. It's logical, how Mind said.
It's actually Fabletown law, not a mandate by Snow. It also a damn smart law to have.
It's not smart, it's logical. We can't have pigs and frogs roaming the streets, I have no idea how Toad made it to the Lucky Pawn undetected.
It's smart and logical. I'll even go further: It's necessary.
It's not smart, it's so obvious that it's not smart. It should be the number one rule.
They're not stupid you know.
In the comics, the fables in the farm start an uprising a lots of them die, eg Colin. Also, Snow nearly does.
It's Fabletown law, the reason you didn't see it enforced in the earlier episodes is because of the murders, Snow is trying to let it be known that she will be cracking down on the unglamoured Fables like it or not.
So it's a consequence of forced imprisonment.
Disobey. Period.
Booooo bitchy Snow. Booooooo.
My Toad is getting a glamour with Crane money, and Colin stays in my apartment 24/7. They cause no problems. What is the issue are these "goblins" and "talking ravens" that the Crooked Man employs (as said by Jersey).
I wouldnt say Toad is not cousing problems, but It wont solve itself just by him baing glamoured. Tahts the main problem why i think Snow wants him on farm. You have to also calculating with fact its big pressure on her. She feel some kind of responsibility. Thats why Bigby is there. To decide, if she is right in every single situation or not.
It's a necessary rule, what would be preferable is to make the Farm a better place. That's why no one likes to be there and that's why there is later an uprising at the Farm.
The farm is as idyllic as any place on Earth. 90 percent of Fabletown's funding goes to the Farm. One can argue it is still a gilded cage, but there very little about the Farm itself to improve.
The uprising wasn't because of the Farm's poor conditions, it was because a bunch of extremist assholes wanted to invade the Homelands. Unfortunate thing was, their idea was good, and Fabletown later adopted it. Unfortunately their way of going about it was first violently taking over the Farm, enslaving Weyland, actually oppressing their neighbors, killing their members and displaying their heads on spikes. They're methods had other Farm Fables forming a resistance against THEM.
Way later the Farm Fables had opportunity to leave the Farm for Haven, and most of them didn't even go since they actually liked it there.
Colin doesn't stay in your apartment 24/7. Colin runs around town living it up as much as he can before getting sent back to The Farm. What is the point of leaving the farm out of boredom only to confine yourself in tiny shithole apartment?
Toad is fucking shitheel. Toad wastes his money on cars rather than providing glamours for himself and his family. Toad flaunts his defiance in your face. Toad lies to your face and shit talks behind your back. Toad is a bad influence on his kid. Giving him cash isn't helping Toad, it's enabling Toad.
Why do you think so?
You seem to know a lot about the Farm so I'm hoping you or anyone else who knows could enlighten me...
I haven't read the comics which I regret not knowing about, but I'd love to know the reason behind it, tah 
I tried googling it but do you know why Bigby can't go there? Is it just because he'd eat everyone or something?
He isn't allowed on the Farm due to his past acts against Three Little Pigs.
Thank you, thought there'd be a little more to it though.. Don't know why
I'd rather have him be in a car than walk around unglamoured, plus, put yourself in his shoes.
These glamours cost a shit ton of money and the price keeps rising to keep it up, and he's low on money, dependent upon a rental building. Here comes Bigby, throwing the fucking tenant out the window and making a huge wall that Crane had plastered, only to have it chipped away. Out of cash with a shit living space and an unrentable area, he simply can't afford a glamour. He puts living first, just walking outside and socializing isn't a necessity.
This is stated in the comics.
Yeah that's essentially it. If it sounds lame, it's because it pretty much is. Most of the Farm Fables are animals and they're afraid the Big Bad Wolf to eat them. Yet they're okay with lions and tigers and panther and, I'm certain, other apex preditors living among them. Bigby was just too (deservedly) notorious.
The irony/sad/funny thing is, Bigby literally outgrew hunting animals for food. Once he started hunting humans, they became his exclusive diet, and he grew too large to really bother with pigs and chickens ect.
A fancy car isn't a necessity. A glamour is a necessity if he wants to continue living in the city to drive a fancy car.
If he at least buys glamours for his son, I'd have more sympathy.
The uprising wasn't about the conditions at the Farm, which are actually really nice. The uprising was about a small group of the Farm fables wanting to do something to retake the homelands, to rule over the other fables (they were villains, not misunderstood rebels), and they were fed up with the complacency in Fabletown.
That is not a "fancy" car.
Colin stays indoors 24/7 and so does Bufkin.. why don't snow send bufkin to the farm then
Hell yeah it is. That was an 80's sports car. The game is set in the 80's. Toad has huge boner for cars. It's the cause of his conflict in his backround tale.
If anything now it's crushed to shit, making that a bit of a moot point. Toad's a little bigger an issue than Colin (who's essentially the same as Bufkin, point brought up by XxTheHungerGamerxX), and would be a major problem if that spell wasn't cast over the mundies to make them less observant.
Keep in mind this isn't Grendel, he's an easily concealable 3 foot toad leaving in rather shitty unpopulated slums whose inhabitants are too busy pedaling drugs or dying to bother noticing.
No, Colin doesn't stay indoors 24/7!
Bufkin is literally irreplacable.
The one hour he's outside, you forget he's a pig. He's not stupid enough to talk to mundies, and pigs are common enough animals, even in cities. Better than seeing a green flying monkey or a three foot toad.
No, it isn't a moot point. Toad is the type of guy that buys new cars for himself before buying glamours.
Keep in mind that the law about glamours is about the survival of Fabletown. The toad who thinks himself too good for the Farm is not exempt because he's stealthier than a 400 pound monster. Colin isn't exempt either.
No. Colin stays outside all day, causing mayhem all over Fabletown. He's a pun-intended party animal. He only crashes in Bigby's apartment. It's not where he actually spends his time outside the Farm.
Conditions in the farm have little to do with the fact it's still a prison. And Goldilocks' motives aside, the imprisonment was still a factor which allowed a lot of the animal fables to ally with her.
Keep in mind we're discussing the game's current state as a prequel, I can't argue for him as he's inevitably beheaded in the comics.
If Colin was starting shitstorms then, we'd know.
Again, discussing the game, we have yet to see what he does with the dosh.
Alright Snow, the law's in place to not be seen. His body type coupled with the observancy spell renders him well suited for the occasional stroll when he needs it. Also, the wad of cash wasn't enough to purchase a new car, again making that a moot point.
Dat freedom doe.
Also, he jumps inbetween the Farm and Bigby's place.
Again, his stated reason for leaving the Farm is boredom, and you think he spends his time away taking naps in a tiny, mostly empty apartment?
He escapes so he can bum a cigarette or two and some bourbon from Bigby during the hour BIGBY is at home?
It's like saying a heroin addict is cured because you flushed his stash. He may buy glamours that very day but the underlying problem is still there: he's an irresponsible dick. It's actually a foregone conclusion that things don't work out for him.
"Suited for the occasional stroll", even if true, which it isn't, does not exempt him from glamours. Fabletown is pretty damn serious about protecting their secret and they're not wrong.