Can someone point me in the right direction?
Before I left for my little adventure I found a post/group of posts of a fanfic taking place in the time between Omid's death and episode one of season two. I was really excited about returning to three forum and catching up on the expertly written story. Sadly I'm 90 percent idiot and can't remember nor find the posts. A quick ř rundown of what I remember:
Spoilers- People walk up on Clem and Christa in mourning Omid. They run off and the group finds the body of Omid's killer. They start kicking Omid's body and Christa is engaged. They are all shot dead excluding one who is left to die. They make their escape and Christa gives birth to a baby boy. They are found and taken to a seemingly safe area. They are later found by a group who was with the man left to die. The only survivors who escape the ensuing battle are Christa, Clem, the baby, another man, a girl Clem's age and a boy Clem's age. They drive and eventually stop to resupply. While in a building another vehicle approaches and a stand off takes place. They shoot the boy in the leg and steak a few items, running off when yet another vehicle approached. The new vehicle was filled with helpful people who give them shelter and aid. The man who escape with them leaves to gather gasoline from the station they had been attacked at. He is captured and Clem gives herself up to the group of bad guys to save his life.
And that's pretty much it. Can anyone shoot me a link or something if they know what I'm referring to?
Can't you look through your computer history?
I don't have the computer.
I'm pretty sure that is Tyler_Durant's fan fics. I will go try to find a link to it and post it here for you.
Edit: ok i found the one that your talking about where Jacob(the kid) gets shot in the leg:
If you read that on already, just go to that^ link and scroll down and click on the next part. Here is a link to all the parts up to the most recent:
Thanks Jon!
Wow. Holy shit. I'm sitting here laughing myself silly right now, because I can't over the fact that you've been gone for so long, and now that you're back on the forum, the first thing you want to do is pick up where you left off on my fanfiction. You have NO idea how good you've made me feel right now.
Edit: Didn't mean that in an insulting way. Seriously, when someone puts you in a good mood after complimenting your talents, all you can do is laugh and smile like an idiot
It was the second thing. I had to hi to everyone first
But really I love your fanfic. I couldn't ever really get into most fanfics because they bent and twisted the actual story but yours fits in perfectly (but even if it didn't I'd love it because it's a good story by itself). Keep on writing and I'll keep on reading and giving compliments!
If only you were here.
While you were away on vacation, there was a random horde of fanfictions that just flooded The Walking Dead community section. Seriously there must've been about 20 at the time. Most of them were interactive (choose your own adventure, create a character and submit it, etc). It was fuckin' insanity.
It was beginning to annoy a lot of people (including myself ironically) so the mods moved them to the Forum Games section in Telltale Talk and suggested that all future fanfictions be posted there from now on, as well as mine.