If you were a screenwriter of TWAU...
If you were a screenwriter of TWAU, which character would be the culprit in your story? What would be her or his motive? Would s/he still kill Faith and Lilly or someone else? How would your victims be murdered? How would you lead the whole game?
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Very, Very, Very good thread.
I'd make it more intense. Bigby is the main character, But he'll be dragged to politics about a broken society and a broken system. Will have to carry a political burden on his shoulder. TWAU universe needs to get rid of the comics and focus on one storyline. It needs to be moved from based on a comics to a full IP of a dev company, To expand the universe of TWAU.
If I wrote the story the culprit would be........Ice Cream!
If it was me, my killer would be Grendel. He was tired of seeing many Fables being controled by TCM (including Lily) so he killed Faith so that Bigby would find out about him and shut down his operation. When Bigby can't connect her with TCM, he gets enraged and kills Snow, which turns out to be Lily, and gets devastated because of Holly's sadness. So he goes to TCM's lair and kills everyone associated with him, since their the true people to blame.
I mean, wouldn't it be a great cliffhanger for Episode 4 if we got to the lair, and found everyone killed?
Well, from the perspective of time I think I would assign Prince Lawrence bigger role. He was treated very badly. I know he is determinant, but saving him actually gives nothing. No profits from that.
What else... I think I'd rather do a mindfuck like Faith-Bloody Mary, not Faith-Nerissa. That would be more interesting.
I get tired of the whole 'pimp kills hooker' thing and was a bit disappointed when GEORGIE did the killings.
I personally like the whole idea of the bouncer from the Pudding n' Pie doing the murders. He wanted to be a dancer but Georgie refused to let him on stage. Tired of being his handyman and pushing bag, Hans decides to take matters into his own hands and does the killings. He kills the girls, places the head at the Woodlands, dumps the body and waits until Bigby shows up; everyone will assume Georgie did it, since they are his girls.
Now THAT would have be interesting to see at the end. Everyone blaming Georgie, the CM, Jersey-whoever and come to find out, it was Hans the entire time. Gotta watch out for those quiet ones.
If I was the writer for the wolf among us I would write a Bigby and bloody Mary sex scene.
Looks like I'm not the only one who wanted such scene. xD BiMary forever, bro.
Thump up for you!
If I were a screenwriter for TWAU, I would make out with myself, just for creating such masterpiece.
If I was a screenwriter for TWAU I would make a season 2
If i wrote TWAU i would make a naked Snow scene.
If I wrote TWAU: there would be a scene where Bigby accidentally slips into Snow's cleavage.
"Whoops! I'm sorry, Snow. Colin put me up to it, I swear!"
Biggs be like: it was a bet, i swear to god! PLZ DON'T HURT ME!