My brother a soda popper

edited December 2008 in Sam & Max


  • edited December 2008
    Ummm.... it's the middle of December?
  • edited December 2008
    1. It is like 9 mounths till Halloween.
    2. YOUR CAPS IS ON!!
    3. Is it realy your brother? Or are you hiding inside feelings that make you want to be a Soda Popper?
    4. To actally answer your question: Don't let him/you be a Soda Popper. That will be fun trying to explain at parties:

    Girl: Ooh... who are you sexy?

    You/Brother: Well I'm from this one comic book, exept not in the comic books, only in the games, but not all games, only the newer ones.

    Girl: LOL...wut?

    You/Brother: See I could either be a guy that needs glasses, a guy that has realy good eyes, or a guy that has to pee a lot. OH! and I'm the real devil.

    Girl: You know what? I've lost intrest. I'm going to hang out with that actualy cool Strong Max person over there. I obviously can see he is dressed as a pair of sunglasses. GOOD RIDANCE!!
  • edited December 2008
    Strong Max wrote: »
    1. It is like 9 mounths till Halloween.
    2. YOUR CAPS IS ON!!
    3. Is it realy your brother? Or are you hiding inside feelings that make you want to be a Soda Popper?
    4. To actally answer your question: Don't let him/you be a Soda Popper. That will be fun trying to explain at parties:

    Girl: Ooh... who are you sexy?

    You/Brother: Well I'm from this one comic book, exept not in the comic books, only in the games, but not all games, only the newer ones.

    Girl: LOL...wut?

    You/Brother: See I could either be a guy that needs glasses, a guy that has realy good eyes, or a guy that has to pee a lot. OH! and I'm the real devil.

    Girl: You know what? I've lost intrest. I'm going to hang out with that actualy cool Strong Max person over there. I obviously can see he is dressed as a pair of sunglasses. GOOD RIDANCE!!

    You would not BELIEVE how many times that string of conversation has come up in my life!
  • edited December 2008
    its actually a film i,v been making. So i needed some ideas.:D:D
  • edited December 2008
    Well, why didn't you just say so!
    You'd probably just have to get some work at a small time ice cream parlor.
    Although I don't think they'd help you with any other... "problems".
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