Who do you think killed the girls.
Ok so my theory is either Bloody Mary and Crooked man, or Holly killed Lilly cause she hates the rules and government so the only way to get a message was to kill her sister. Only cause there the only possible lead so far. I think Blue Beard has something to hide as well, cause he always wants to question also cause he wont tell us why he wants to find Crane, meaning he has something to the murder.
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They committed suicide.
That actually seems highly probable.
I believe with crossalchemist, because there is possibly no other way to end the curse
Faith I THINK commited suicide. Lily, however, was killed by Vivian because it was done in the hotel room. That's just my theory.
Faith, Lilly and Nerissa tried to expose the Crooked Man, so Faith took her ribbon off and they put that in her mouth, along with her ring. Think about it, why would the Crooked Man send one of his goons to put her head on the stairs of the Woodlands and expose himself for no reason?
Toad Jr. Killed them. Remember when he said " ...... I don't think she likes me" to snow, he was referring to lily. He has a psyco crush on Lily and Faith and won't stop until they are all his. He wants to put those girls in his "insect collection."
I killed the girls.

Bloody Mary must have put you up to this all along!
I have a theory post somewhere that explains why I think Faith, Lily, and Nerissa had a suicide pact that they planned to expose Crane and the Crooked Man's black market. It also fits with my interpretation of the tarot cards. ("Tarot is a backwards art." = interpret the cards in reverse order.)
No matter what, all will be revealed next week, and right or wrong, I've had a lot of fun trying to figure it out!
I really seem to be the only person that thinks that if the girls' committed suicide they did it because they found a way around it (Swineheart reattaching their heads back in).
I don't think they commit suicide. Because Faith died cause she did not have the money to pay whoever she was going to see. And Lilly died after Crane was with her. So does not really make sense in my opinion.
The one thing we agree upon.
If they did, the method used is not available in the comics (as in the comics decapitation equates to permanent death) and it won't help Lily because she's down the Witching Well.
The less I see of you, the better. Please, leave me alone.
See I would usually blame the Crooked Man but something just doesn't add up. The Crooked Man is a business man in true light, yes he exploits the weak and poor of Fabletown but he doesn't turn away from making a profit. Those two girls, Faith and Lily worked for Georgie Porgie; who in turn works for The Crooked Man. It just doesn't make sense for The Crooked Man to go an kill two of his staff, they can't be talking bad about him or holding a secret against him as they had the ribbons see to any of those issues beforehand. Besides why would he have Dum and Dee go on enquiries and investigations on Faiths and Lily's murder afterwards? The Crooked Man is not the killer in this crime, and I don't believe Mary is either.
There is one person I suspect, one person I feel might be the murderer....and that.....is......Holly.
Now why would I suspect Holly you might ask? She's the sister to one of the victims yes, so why would she kill her own sister? I'm not quite sure on that part as of this moment, but my guess is she didn't approve of the work she was doing, as well as the fact she was doing it to one of her customers. She's always said that Fabletowns government can't get anything done, so how would she deal with this? She'd do it herself, granted it's messy but the work get's done. Trust me, it's going to be someone we least expect.
The murderer then becomes who puts it on or takes it off
YOUR RIGHT, in the trailer Bigby was fighting something big, it could of been Holly you are a genius. Wait a minute if Holly killed Lilly and Faith why would she dumped the head outside Bigby place. It sort of adds up but I cant fiqure out why she would dumped the head and body. And we never knew were faith body went.
The girls murdered themselves then.
I understand that but I don't think the girls to the ribbon of, Case who placed the head outside Bigby place, Also who dumped the body. If it was a suicide it would of been obvious but its not.
Its not true. Because who dumped the head outside Bigby place and who dumped the body in the lake. It was a message from the crooked man.
Who'd kill a perfectly good whore who cant even speak about work?
The girls took their ribbons off in a plan to expose the Crooked Man and his heinous crimes to Fabletown and have Bigby stop them. Faith killed herself then wrote the "I'm sorry" to Lawrence, Lilly delivered the head with the ring in the mouth (who else does that?), and Nerissa pulled Lilly's on the bed while Georgie disposed of the body. (Stop laughin' at me... - that same line is heard if you stall outside CM's door.)
Nor is this your daycare. Anyway, let's not derail the thread here.
This isn't reddit. I don't like you, leave me alone. Oh, and guess what? I don't actually vote on forums or anywhere else. It's pointless and stupid, like I said. This isn't reddit.
Also, just by looking at your posts, and some of them edited by mods even, I can tell you're a really nice person. Now, please leave me alone or by all means, continue. No, do carry on. Please, give me more to report.
Alright, you have a great night.
Reported, you can take it up with the mods.
Remember she hates how Fabletowns government works, nothing get's done when it's needed to be done. She probably dumped Faiths head there as proof that the only way you can get things done is by throwing the dead body on the doorstep, or in this case the head.
Lilly put the head outside the Woodlands with the ring in the mouth, Georgie/Jersey dumped the body in the lake.
Tell me, why wasn't Lilly's signet in her mouth?
Also, why would the Crooked Man disrupt his smooth, perfectly running operation? He's been running this thing for years, why just tell Bigby to fuck off now? He operates "in the shadows," not in the open. Also, why kill a perfectly good whore who again, can't even speak about work? The Crooked Man isn't an imbecile.
Is it not possible that Nerissa pulled the ribbon there? These 3 were working together to expose him. Remember how she was crying after Crane kept trying to bust the answer out of her, how she said she didn't have any friends left as if she was involved in their deaths?
Vivian wasn't involved because she's directly working with Georgie/Crooky. She's more of a chauffer and Georgie's personal assistant.
I bet ripping off someone's heart also "equates to permanent death", still Swineheart did it in himself. I'm saying he got himself ready to perform a break-through in medicine. Frankenstein went way beyond it (the result was a monster because of all different body parts dead for such an extended period), and I would consider it a fable.
and who's to say Lily really was thrown down the Witching well? When Snow got there, Crane was missing and also Lily's body so she assumed the most obvious, but I'm betting the doctor got his hands on it in time to save her. The same way the head found his way to him, and Faith's body that we never got to find and assume is lying on the bottom of the same lake Lily was "disposed" of.
Has anyone suspect the taxi driver Bigby always use, on the first episode you walk outside but a man pops up and snow goes "good evening" "or morning" and the guy goes "yea". Then the same guy is lining up in the business office, also the same taxt driver, also he is the one who gets crushed when your chasing Dee after Laurence house, there a few more you see him. I don't know if Tell Tale being Lazy putting the same guy over and over again or he follows Bigby around and tells the crooked man or Crane.
In the next episodes he doesn't talk and only appears driving cabs, so I don't think he did it. Oh, and he's still alive in the comics.
Thats what i am saying he could be Crane or Crooked man spy, spying on Bigby every move. Think about it why would Tell Tale put the same person in every cab and every episode the same person appers I don't think there being lazy he is up to something.
Maybe Telltale was planning he was a spy, and that's why he appears so much in episode 1, but I think he just became a reused model after they re-wrote the plot, and therefore he only appears driving cabs now (because there needs to be someone driving it).
So is there even a killer behind all of this ? Or is it when the ribbon comes off, so does your head? I'm guessing the ribbon and your head would come off. Bloody Mary on the other hand is another possibility but it just does not seem correct considering she kill mundys not fables. The crooked man and his minions on the other hand are involved with this type of magic for the prostitutes ribbons so therefore they need to be stopped in episode 5 >:O
The three girls were working together. Lily placed Faith's head in front of the Woodlands, and Nerissa placed Lily's head.
The heads appeared before Bigby really knew about the Crooked Man and are what led Bigby to the Crooked Man in the first place. Why would to Crooked Man do anything to endanger his operation? He's been very intelligent and methodical so far, why break that and risk everything to send a message to someone who doesn't need it yet?
Check out my theory post: http://www.telltalegames.com/community/discussion/74218/my-theory
And my tarot card post: http://www.telltalegames.com/community/discussion/comment/1312830/#Comment_1312830
(Sorry, I just don't want to repost all of that here.)