Do you really think the crooked man is evil
I know it might sound stupid but you think the crooked man is evil cause he does provide care to other fable but then again he works with Bloody Mary. I dont know what to think about the crooked man, I kinda think he evil only cause he tried to kill Bigby in the alley way.
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Depends on your concept of evil. I think he doesn't care about others. It's all business for him. I can see him inflicting pain whenever he thinks it necessary, but not because he enjoys it. Although, he probably enjoys having power over others a lot.
I do. He is profoundly immoral and wicked. He only cares for himself and how it benefits him. He is very power hungry and wants complete control. I hope I get the option to kick his ass!
He's not a good guy, his operation is problematic. But I wouldn't call him evil. Not the level of a Bloody Mary anyway.
He runs an underground magic black market that uses slavery, soooooo....... Ya.
I think that is what its going to be like in the season finale. You will get a little bit more information of the crooked man and his motives and in the end of the episode you have to decide if he is well and truly evil or he is actually a good guy helping Fable town( Even though he might of used some bad methods)
He uses slave labour from the Pudding and Pie girls who get decapitated if they are out of line.
He's not a good guy at all. In his bio it even said he killed his wife and kids so they couldn't get in his way. This guy is pretty much a selfish, power hungry prick.
Correct. "Evil" is a very delicate thing here.
He does not force Fables into servitude, they come to him seeking help. If they are unable to pay him what is his in return for a loan or magic, he "makes" them. He's more of a neutral evil.
Slavery by those who are indebted to him by their own will.
Also, the 13th floor is far too expensive for most of the magic some Fables need/desire. He is an alternative.
Who said that? what an absurd!, the greatest hero of the world
No doubt, Bigby can go over the line as well (through player choice) but CM is a complete psycho.
He doesn't work for Bloody Mary. She works for him.
He may not be a cackling villain or a complete psychotic, but I have my doubts about his intentions. He may be using justifications, and he may even have a point and a few redeeming qualities, but if he were that kind and loving I doubt Bloody Mary would still be on his payroll. Maybe's he not evil, per se, but then how many people are?
Of course, we don't know all that much about him yet. Few more days yet, and then I imagine it shall all be over.
Truth be told, depicting him as 'evil' now without having played Episode 5 yet to have a chance to sit down with him and talk, it is hard to label him when his true motives are yet revealed.
Of course, his methods are brutal and amoral, but from the little I have gathered he sees that the current social system in Fabletown is flawed and is looking for drastic ways to change it (possibly b/c he sees it the only option to achieve it as fast as possible) to his own system that will work perhaps better and with him in control of it.
I do agree that the government in Fabletown is quite broken and I am interested in seeing what he has to say. I am hoping for a confrontation where the Crooked Man will reveal his plan in making Fabletown a better place and a more workable system, and we have the option to either agree or disagree with him and whether he should suffer the consequences or accept his actions were done of the greater good.
Sadly, the game follows Comic Book canon so I doubt it will play out as I hope it would.
He killed his own wife and children because they were in his way. That explains it. He's evil.
he does not care!! all he wants is control!!!
Im just pointing out Mary does all the violent not him Mary, and if he wanted Bigby dead the crooked man would of let Mary kill Bigby in the alley way. There is reason why the crooked man did not kill Bigby. Also the guy with the broken leg I cant remember his name said that he provide care to Fables. Maybe he tortures fable but that might not be him it might be Mary
Just saying...out of all fable guys...bloody mary is a loose cannon.
He probably sees himself as a shadow government against the legitimate (and under Crane, useless) Business Office administration - a kind of benevolent dictator. Maybe he thought he was genuinely providing for the 'strays' and made one compromise too many to keep control.
He's an immoral cunt