400 Days: I cannot lose?
So in my long wait for S2E4 to come out, I've decided to play through season 1 again. I've gotten to the 400 days episode and I decided I want no one to go with Tavia. (except for Bonnie who's decision you can't change)
The problem is I can't seem to lose the Rock, paper, scissors game against Eddie. I've played him 10 times now and all 10 games I've won. One time I chose rock every single time and still came out with the win. If you refuse to play or abstain from a choice, then Eddie still leaves the car and you end up going with Tavia in the end. Is there some sort of trick to losing? Does diologue perhaps effect the outcome? Or will I forever be stuck with stupid A.I?
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I dont know. I lost to him before but i went back and refused to rock paper scissors him.
In my opposite choice playthrough after attempting many times, I was finally able to lose to him, I chose Paper every time
It's completely randomized, keep trying and you may eventually lose.
You're one lucky son of a duck.
Just keep trying i guess...
you can win the Rock, paper, scissors?
i always lose and get out for the wounded man
its dialog choices that make you get out
I dont understand why you're so eager to lose.. Tavias comments at the end of the episode determines if Wyatt goes to the camp or not..
You don't have to leave or stay, it depends on Tavia's dialogue choices, just stay silent in the final part.
Bonnie will always go with Tavia though
Really? Wow I've just wasted a lot of time then haha! Thank you
I lost on my first try, sucks cause when i went back for my playthrough (my main got erased) I won oh well
You can just agree with Eddie and get Wyatt to leave the car, as far as I know.
And in Tavia's part, don't use the option "People you know may be there."
its really very hard to lose...lol
I heard that its something like he goes for the weakest choice to your last one.
Say if you chose rock.... he will chose scissors..... if you chose scissors... he will chose paper and so on.
Its either that or the other way round and he goes for strongest one.
Like you pick rock... he goes for paper and so on.
Its something iv heard. So it may not be true.
Pick paper first, than pick whatever Eddie just chose.
Wyatt will go with Tavia automatically if he stays in the car and leave Eddie, much like Shel will always go if she left Roman in the RV. If you don't want Wyatt to go, you have to have him leave the car in his story.
It happened to me too! I lost the first time I played and then, in another playthrough, I couldn't stop winning until around the 10th time. Funny thing is, I wanted to win in the first playhtough and loose in the other one.
No, no! They're wrong. Tavia's dialogue choices only affect Russell.
Wrong, it also affects Shel and Wyatt. Don't know about Vince.
Just don't mention the other people that might be there, Wyatt won't go with her. That's because he's hoping to meet Eddie there.
That's weird. The very first time I did I didn't even get to play rock, paper, scissors.
I just said "fuck it, I'll go".
I had this problem too, but I decided that it was for the best. Wyatt and Eddie didn't seem to get along and abandoned each other regardless of who was in the car anyways. And since Eddie is on the Episode 4 title card, he should have a role in it more important than Wyatt's cameo.
The dialogue only affects Wyatt if he lost rock paper scissors. If he won he will go no matter what. Same with Shel, she is affected by the dialogue only if she killed Stephanie.