Calling All MAC Users!!! (problems with Club Nintendo site)
This is not AT ALL telltale related...but...
This site won't work properly with either Safari or Firefox on my iMac.
I have also tried safaris "useragent" feature, no luck.
This site won't work properly with either Safari or Firefox on my iMac.
I have also tried safaris "useragent" feature, no luck.
before you tell me that it works perfectly, try making an account and logging in.
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I have tried that, and it worked! But logging in is still hard. (Impossible at times)
(Stupid server load)
Only a couple hundred points more toward getting my Hanafunda Cards!!!
it worked for me!
uh, try clicking "resend email", or check the spam bin.
I did check the spam bin, and the site is down. I tied to register again, but it wouldn't let me use the same name (no surprise).
From what I understand, Safari probably will have problems with it because Safari is a webkit, made for nothing but lightweight browsing, though I dont know why Firefox would have a problem... (not a mac user just got curious)
Sorry to correct you, but Safari is an implementation of an HTML engine called webkit which is itself originally based on Konqueror. It's a full featured browser. Webkit is implemented in a number of browsers, even though it's actively maintained by Apple. Most notable is Google's Chrome browser.
So here goes:
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