Can Clems Innocence survive?
After everything Clementines been through from Season 1 and to where she is now. Do you think her innocence can still survive?
What I like about the game is that it offers you a choice, it gives you the choices to keep her innocence alive or to slowly throw it away and become something darker in order to survive. It hit me hard after I watched my let's play of Episode 3. When Kenny was beating down Carver in such a brutal and horrible way, I choose to stay and watch, I enjoyed the pain he suffered....and that's so wrong....and dark.....and that's showing the innocence of Clementine slowly fading. I regret that choice now, but in the end it's helping to narrate the story of Clementine adapting to her new world.
What do you think? Can her Innocence survive in a world so dark like this, and did any of your choices make you think on that?
She already lost it.
I personally did not make her watch Carver's murder, but regardless, I feel that Clementine has been exposed to far too much to consider her innocent. Its up to the player to decide if that means she is a hardened survivor or a compassionate human being. My decision is the latter.
Clementine's innocence is already gone in my playthrough.
Clementine lost her innocence the moment she lost Lee. At least that's my analysis.
In Season One, I tried my bestidy best to maintaining Clementine's innocence, hope and humanity as long as I could. But just like Telltale said; "This world doesn't give shoot even if you're a little girl." She witnessed so many horrible things: she saw her family zombified, after that she lost Lee, 8 months later she lost Omid and I don't know what the hell happened in this 16 months. These events are hard. But Clementine is a strong girl. As a player, after all these things you can play the same Clementine in Season One. (Not % 100 of course but still.) Maybe I'm wrong but in the end depending on your entire Season One and Two choices; I think it'll become clear that what kind of person she will become.
You lose your innocence naturally just by growing up. You have to. Keeping her innocence is not important. Keeping her humanity is.
Depends on whether Luke is making his move or not.
Well, Clementine has already basically lost her innocence.
Are you serious?
Dude you area sicko. Go get a life or a girlfriend or something. Your sheer presence makes me lose faith in humanity. Jesus give me strength with people like this...
*are a
That's offensive man.
Me? What exactly did I say that was wrong?
My Clem hasn't killed and has rejected every amount of evil that has been thrown her way in season 2....She's still pretty innocent to me... but her humanity is what im aiming on keeping mostly.
Not you illusive. I was talking to this dude.
This answer system is ridicilous.
Clementine lost her innocence the moment she lost Lee. At least that's my analysis.
Clementine is growing up unfortunately!
Innocence is gone, and what was right is wrong.