What's the song on Georgie's boombox? Don't say Darude - Sandstorm.
It's from the OST, called appropriately enough "Pudding and Pie":
Thank you!
Lurker_Among_Us posted: »It's from the OST, called appropriately enough "Pudding and Pie":
How sad is it that I came into this thread expecting "Cheetos"?
We really need the soundtrack released...I'd pay for it gladly. Add to that the music from the trailers as well, and I can die a happy man.
I knew someone would think that.
DomeWing333 posted: »How sad is it that I came into this thread expecting "Cheetos"?
Expecting? I was hoping.
I had saw the thread title and prepared to whip out the ban hammer.
I also expected it to say something similar.
It's not sad. I'm honestly a little disappointed too...
Don't say Darude - Sandstorm.
lol I see you got used to it too huh?
Darude - Sandstorm
Darude-sandstorm is finnish!
Torilla tavataan.
No, clearly it is called Dasand - Rudestorm.
deleted1461641 posted: »Darude - Sandstorm
The song is annoying.
VinceOrKenny posted: »Darude-sandstorm is finnish! Torilla tavataan.
Darude-sandstorm is finnish! Torilla tavataan.
Yap, it is.
CodPatrol posted: »The song is annoying.
DragonButter posted: »No, clearly it is called Dasand - Rudestorm.
VinceOrKenny posted: »Yap, it is. Torilla tavataan.
Yap, it is. Torilla tavataan.
Real mature.
Toadjr posted: »SUOMI FINLAND PERKELE!!!
BOOMBOX CHEET-- Wait, it's not him?
I saw the title and smiled, but once I opened it I was going to make a similar comment to yours only to find everyone else thought the same thing lol.
Burrito - Bufkinstorm
LeroyJenkins posted: »Darude-Dankstorm.
Lol man, are you finnish too?
VinceOrKenny posted: »Lol man, are you finnish too?
Kiva nähä muitakin suomalaisia täällä
Toadjr posted: »Juu
It's from the OST, called appropriately enough "Pudding and Pie":

Thank you!
How sad is it that I came into this thread expecting "Cheetos"?
We really need the soundtrack released...I'd pay for it gladly. Add to that the music from the trailers as well, and I can die a happy man.
I knew someone would think that.
Expecting? I was hoping.
I had saw the thread title and prepared to whip out the ban hammer.
I also expected it to say something similar.
It's not sad. I'm honestly a little disappointed too...
lol I see you got used to it too huh?
Darude - Sandstorm
Darude-sandstorm is finnish!
Torilla tavataan.
No, clearly it is called Dasand - Rudestorm.
The song is annoying.
Yap, it is.
Torilla tavataan.
Real mature.
BOOMBOX CHEET-- Wait, it's not him?
I saw the title and smiled, but once I opened it I was going to make a similar comment to yours only to find everyone else thought the same thing lol.
Burrito - Bufkinstorm
Lol man, are you finnish too?
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