Do you roleplay, or play to win? (Spoilers, both Seasons)

Title kind of sums it up. When playing through TWD games, do you role play your protagonist as a consistent character, or do you more commonly just try to always get the best ending with the options provided?

In S1, I think I tended more towards the latter with Lee, mostly cause I wasn't used to the play style. Towards the end I tried to make the decisions that I would make in a real ZA, as futile and dumb a decision as that is (how would you ever really know?), but ultimately I was trying for the best overall outcome of my group. As early as E1 I was making calls like saving the girl over the guy in that episode not because of any chivalry... but because she was carrying the gun >.>

In S2 I'm a little bit more... odd with Clem. I'm having far too much fun playing her as a very jaded, cynical, manipulative girl. An example is with Rebecca's pregnancy. After she's so pissy with Clem, I had Clem keep it to herself that her BF was not the father. This was not to keep the situation calm - it was so later on I could spring the knowledge out when it would be the best opportunity for bad things to happen to her and keep clem safe. Likewise, I try to follow Carlos' advice with his daughter while he's around... but at the same time prep her for the worst in case I need a backup. We'll see how long that streak keeps going.

What about you? Do you ever intentionally make bad decisions because you are playing a character or are you always striving for the "happiest of the sad" endings?


  • edited July 2014

    Well, I did tell Kenny to go fuck himself when he had second thoughts about helping Lee save Clem because there were times when I didn't agree with him. But I didn't make that choice because I felt that Lee's character would be pissed at him for that. I made that choice because I was pissed at him for that.

  • edited July 2014

    I just pick the choices I would actually make or are closest to the choices I would actually make.

    Edit: I guess that means I roleplay as myself.

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