I will thank you dearly for this!

edited December 2008 in Sam & Max
My computer recently got virus-attacked

And my beloved Sam and Max 2.01 was deleted as consequence, :(
And I've been wanting to replay it, to hear a piece of dialogue, if anyone could please look up this piece of dialogue for me...I would really appreicate it.

The scene is where Sam and Max are in the volcano, and Sam says something to Max and Max replies with "none of your damn business", then there's a confused comment from Sam.

If you could possibly be do this for me, it would be swell.
Thanks in advance. :D


  • edited December 2008
    Save game-hoarder to the rescue! Load this save, then talk to Max about jetpacks. Or if you just want a transcript:
    Sam: I was hoping in the future we'd have jetpacks.
    Max: Maybe future-me has one and we just can't see it.
    Sam: Where would he keep it?
    Future Max: None of your damn business.
    Future Sam: Why did you say that?
    Future Max: I don't know, Sam.
  • edited December 2008
    Thanks so much! :)
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