Season 2 Yes or No?
Just played trough the last Episode it was Amazing but yea i dont want to spoil here so lets get to the Point.
Will you think there will be a Season 2 Yes and why? or No and why?
Personally i would love it to see it happening aso after the ending of this Episode but i dont see that happening something tells me ?
So yea i would love to hear your Opinion please try to keep Spoilers out and if you cant just use the Spoiler tag we dont want to destroy other Peoples fun
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I don't see why a season 2 can't happen. It'll probably just be a new mystery/case.
Although probably won't come out till late next year or the year after since Game of Thrones/ Tales of Borderlands will happen.
Yes but I don't think they will. Telltale seems to be going for the BIG labels like Borderlands and Game Of Thrones, which is too bad.
WB is making a movie. If a season two happens it won't be for another few years.
I would love to see it happen like most of us but well im not really optimistic
but well if only next year you are probably right about that, that it wont come soon i mean we still have Borderlands and Game of Thrones 
I would say that i mean Fables isnt a Big label well in Germany i never heard of it but well we can always try to stay positive?
Nah i wouldnt say that the Movie doesnt have to play after the Game or while the Comic could be anytime but yea i mean The Walking Dead was also running while the Series and Comic was there and still are but they have different stories i guess.
Might i ask where you have that Information from?
Sure, I'd love to see Bigby kick some ass again.
Everyone would like to see
Yea you might be right about this well i guess we have to wait and see
Depends on sales figures rather than how epic the game is sadly.
We NEED a season 2! Also, they can't just leave us with this ending

Amazing finale and together with TWD best game/piece of entertainment ever imo!
You can Google it and you'll find it. It's not impossible to do another season regardless but WB doesn't really play nice with others.
So i think there is a very simple answer to this. If it's popular it will continue on. The Fables comics has a huge universe and is pretty popular with fans so it wouldn't make sense to not do a season two of the game. Am i saying it's a defiant yes, not really. At the end of the day though when something is as popular as Fables/ The Wolf Among Us and it makes money (and will make more money with a console version on the way) and fans want more of it Telltale seems willing to continue something fans love.
When will this happen though is a big mystery. With Season Two of The Walking Dead coming to a close soon and Telltale having the mentioned Borderlands and Game of Thrones games in the works who knows when they will have time to work on another project.It all really depends on how big of a developer Telltale is and how much time they can devote to a third project. I'd say sometime next year we get an announcement or maybe even the VGX during the holidays. Doesn't have to be even close to done to get an announcement trailer.
I really think this topic really could or should be asking a bigger question. How many seasons of something like The Walking Dead or The Wolf Among Us is enough. Without spoilers The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us ended and could/can be left completely alone and each told an amazing story. Do we want Telltale to continue telling stories in these worlds or is one season enough? It's a big question i know but i really think its something we should all think about each time we play a Telltale game.
P.S Just a side note does anyone else feel its time for Telltale to update their graphics and engine? Still very clunky sometimes.
I wanna see more fables. And I liked TWAU
It was pretty fun to play .There is questions in my mind about finale .. sooo .. yeah i want a second season
It seems popular and a lot of LPers cover it, which raises its profile. I'm hopeful.
The ending spells out Season 2 in all-caps.
Of course I want to see a S2, but there are a lot of mixed opinions on it. TT will probably make a DLC regardless of a S2 or not because a lot of people want something more to go with it.
I also heard rumors that WB is making a movie of Fables, and that it might impact a second season. The movie will probably take place during the comics rather than the 20 year prequel sequence the game takes place in, so I doubt the movie will impact a potential S2.
I feel like two seasons is all Telltale can make of a game, and I feel it is all Telltale wants to make of a game. TWDG S2 has been a great experience, but it is not a worthy successor to the brilliance of S1. TWAU has plenty of new locations to place a new story in from the Fables comics but after a S2 there will be little they can do for a third story that takes in the 20 year prequel sequence.
It also spilled out my brain. I'm still trying to pick up all the pieces.
Yeah, except that the movie seems to be in limbo, at least according to Willingham himself:
"Right now, it is supposedly green lit as a movie. I can't tell you too many details beyond that, only because, you know, if things are moving on it, they're forgetting to pick up the phone to tell me."
So even if they are working on it, they're working on it very slowly. Even if things pick up by the end of the year, we still wouldn't see a movie until at least 2016 at the earliest. Plenty of time to make more games until then, even if the WB doesn't "play nice." I mean, we did see the Arkham games getting released when the last batch of Batman movies were released, after all.
Episode 5 I agree.. totally blew my mind. Finding out Nerissa was glamoured Faith and trying to point Bigby in the right direction. I would absolutely hope for a season 2, maybe start from the comics or chase after Nerissa since she said the exact same thing Faith did. and find out who or why she said the same thing "Faith" did. It'd be wrong to just randomly start a new case, at least for season 2 we can give Snows gift. I feel bad we didn't get a chance to. Or season 2 the story can start a week after the incident
I think there will be a second season because otherwise why would the game inform us that "TJ will remember that" and a little bit later that "Nerissa will remember that" ?
I really, REALLY hope there's a season 2. I absolutely loved Wolf Among Us, more so than even TWD, but the fact that the game serves as a prequel to a bunch of comics, along with the "Want to continue the story? Buy the comics!" message at the end make me fear they don't plan to continue it.
I don't want to "continue the story" that way. My Bigby, the character I've guided over the course of these episodes, is going to be slightly different than the one the comic creator has in his head. I want to continue the story of MY Bigby, and not read a bunch of comics and think "No, that's not right, that's not what he would have done in that situation".
I want to see the story continue, see how Bigby's relationship with Snow evolves and changes, with the same amount of agency I've had over the course of this season. I love the world and these characters, and want to know what the future hold for them. Telltale could either split off and create their own story, different from the comics, tell a new canon story that takes place within the universe, or simply retell the comics in game form - I don't care - I just desperately want more!
I really want to return to Fabletown!
I agree, i got frightened when they showed the comics ad.. i guess that's just for more profits so they could make a season 2. I too also want to see more of Bigby and snow and there relationship growing. But also showing where Nerissa leads us to continue the story, since she obviously quoted what Faith said in Episode 1.
I'd love Season 2 but I'm not holding my breath. TWAU wasn't as well received as the utter cash cow that TWD proved to be, plus Borderlands and Game of Thrones.
That and after how S2 of TWD's quality has nose dived dramatically part of me wants it to end on a high note.
I think yes. BUT, depending on how the physical copies sell for PS and Xbox we may not see it for a LOOOOOOooooong time. I'm talking like 2016. Assuming that nothing bad happens to TT. First you have the WD. That'll probably run all the way to September. Next, you have Borderlands/GOT, don't know which will come first, but I'm NOT thinking their going to be doing them side-by-side like with WD S2 and TWAU. The licenses on those are way too big for them to split the work load between a single office. One of those two will start, I'm guesstimating here of course, around Christmas time. Probably run on until April/May/June next year. Then whatever series they didn't do, of the two Borderlands/GOT, they'll do next. Another 4 to 6 months I'd say. Unless they plan on taking up a new license/name-brand or the game does poorly (like really really bad) in physical copies, they'll probably howl at the moon and rev up the hype train for The Wolf sometime in Jan/Feb/March 2016..............I hope. If it does do poorly, that's a BIG IF by-the-by, we may not see it until they (being TT) finish off whatever projects they have lined up from Jan 2016-Jan 2017. My two cents there. And going off of my luck on March madness brackets from the last 4 years, I'll probably be wrong on this.
I want Season 2 of the TWAU.
It's pretty obvious it was set up for a second season.
plz yes.