Was there anyway to prevent Toad going to the farm??
Goddamnit, i gave him my money and assured him that he wasn't going to go... Seeing TJ (Clementine) going was so shitty
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Goddamnit, i gave him my money and assured him that he wasn't going to go... Seeing TJ (Clementine) going was so shitty
I know. I was pissed that Toad couldn't stay. Why did Snow have to be such a bitch about it? Toad had the money.
bro hug I feel you my friend and I even shed a tear during this scene, however in the comics mr. Toad is at The Farm so they just couldn't leave him in Fabletown like that... And if you like Toad (like me) you better steer clear of the comics, just a friendly advice
I know, I gave him money and he still got sent packing! I tried to help him out but Snow wasn't having it.
It's something with season 2 story. Did you notice how it was few "TJ will remember that " and nothing with Toad?
It's Clementine all over again.
Personally I think Snow insisted on sending Toad because he's a repeat offender who REALLY can't pass for a mundy or normal animal, and she's asserting her authority in her new position as Deputy Mayor to show she means business. Colin on the other hand can pretend he's a regular old pig if he just spits out his cigarette and shuts up for a change, so he gets a little more leeway.
I was sad to see TJ go too... what made it worse is that I always do a lot of different playthroughs so I can see all the material, and the one where I refused to give his present to Snow White made me feel AWFUL.
Yeah, and later on TJ tried to escape from The Farm by glamouring himself as a little girl but then a zombie apocalypse ruined his life :P
So Bigby running around the town as a wolf was way more acceptable than some lovely little toad minding his own business, taking care of his son and all?
Yeah I was somewhat annoyed about that myself (I actually thought there could have been something wrong with my save since it looked like I didn't help Toad at all). That part where TJ gives Bigby the bug for Snow is rather touching though.
Interesting. I thought that perhaps if you had money during Ep4, you may be able to spare him such a fate. My Bigby is always broke, so I had to give him my word only. It was an emotional scene, and it is a shame that there is no way to escape it on future playthroughs
Hmmm... the fact that it is scripted then would, perhaps, hint at there being a reason. Perhaps this is an indication of a possible S2? Maybe the idea is we will finally be able to go to the farm, and that they will use Toad and TJ's incarceration there as a way in. Mindless speculation, I know, but still...
I would get over it easily if not for the fact that when Toad's asks you what'll happen to Colin (that get's to stay), the only thing that came to my mind was something among: "Well I would have helped you and I did - if only my choices mattered even by a fraction you would be well off living in your apartment but oh silly me/naive me"
I'm pretty sure Snow would NOT be pleased about Bigby doing that either... but dammit Snow, shit's gotta get done.
It looks like none of our choices affect the game afterall. Very disappointing and misleading.
As far as I'm aware, you get the same sequences and ending no matter what you choose to do.
Are you going to make a season two just wondering
Buffkin should be sent away he is a flying Monkey!!
Altough this was the episode wich had the most branches in it story. I can say a few if you want.
We don't use those kind of words around here anymore.
Yeah, so far I've seen two complete playthroughs (my own included).
In my own, I played the nice guy (I didn't tear off Gren's arm; I didn't torture the Tweedle in the interrogation room; I didn't kill anybody unless the game forced me to--as in the case of Bloody Mary, supposedly--and I went so far as to not steal any money, thinking that Tweedle's warning, "Do you know who you're stealing from?" as well as the choices to either take the money or not would actually have some effect on the finale. I also tried to be nice to Toad about his glamour issues).
In my girlfriend's, she played badassery (She totally tore off Gren's arm. She tortured the Woodsman. She tore one of the Tweedle's throat out. She took the money when given the choice at all intervals. She pretty much chose the meanest decision she could think of without apology... except for Aunty Greenleaf's tree, which she decided to keep.).
I watched her play through each episode over the months, and I kept thinking, "This is gonna be awesome... I bet her decisions are going to totally bite her in the ass... or maybe she'll get extra-rewarded?"
But the finale episode turned out to be exactly the same as my own. Gren didn't bring up his arm. The Woodsman wasn't present during the trial. None of the money was brought up. Toad still went to the Farm. Though I went to the Tweedles' office and gave Flycatcher his job back during episode 3 (and my girlfriend didn't), Flycatcher still showed up exactly in the same spot in the end. Also, the dialogue with Jack apparently had no effect on the finale, either, as my girlfriend spoke to Jack during Episode 3 and was told that "Jack will remember this.".
I can only assume they'll "remember this in the sequel." But without one, this season feels very incomplete.
And that, to me, is why I was somewhat disappointed. There were issues that were explicitly brought up (like taking the money while interrogating a Tweedle, and the various times in which you speak to Toad about his glamour), and the dialogue made me feel as though the writers had a plan for a lot of this stuff, that the choices actually had weight. The delivery may yet come in Season 2 if they decide to create one, but that would just further prove that Season 1 as a whole is incomplete.
Fun game, great experience, small payoff in the end. The Bloody Mary fight was a tasty burger.
As he is a flying monkey, he works at the office and is always hidden from mundies, so he has no need for glamour, and if he wants something, someone will just get it for him
I was slightly disappointed that we didn't see a glamoured Toad as he would probably have gotten a cheap glamour that didn't look that good :P, but i did like the scene between TJ and Bigby.
Gren brought up his arm to me. Made a big deal, too.
I wish I saw that. I wonder if during the trial scene, the issues brought up are randomized? On the file with Gren's missing arm that I watched (my girlfriend's), Aunty Greenleaf was questioned, Wolf's decision to torture the Woodsman was brought up, and his decision to kill the Tweedle was put forth, but I was waiting for Gren to say something specific, especially since he was standing there with his missing arm. I'll see if I can try different combinations and get him to speak up.
This. I was really hoping to see a glamored Toad just once. To kill my curiosity more than anything but also show that the money I gave him didn't go to waste.
If you're an asshole to Toad all the time then it can get pretty hilarious when he just says - You're all fucking corrupt!
I think it's a bit more complex version of the Crooked Man scene at the start. Tweedle also said he'd love a reason to put a silver bullet between my eyes "After what I did" (I killed his brother; zero tolerance with villains).
u know shes not gonna answer u right? xd
If you give money Toad says she tried to tell he had it but she wouldn't listen.
Mr. toad has to be my favourite character in this game
i love them all but he's bloody hilarious haha! Wish there was a way him and TJ could stay in the apartment
broke my heart when they had to leave,
I've started reading the fables comics so hopefully will get to see more of him in them :0