How did you finish "Him" off
How did you finish the crooked Man? I was thinking about throwing him in prison, but then he choked me and I threw his butt down the well. Did you kill him when you first had the chance, threw him in the wall, sent him to prison, or tear off his head?
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Same. But I wanna see a video where you imprison him.
I killed him at the warehouse. I knew he would tell some bullshit story.
Sent him to prison. It was what my Bigby would have done. He is not the monster so many claim he was, he is out to prove himself better then that.
I sent him down the well. It was a really hard decision of 'should I follow Snow's orders or do my own thing' when you have the option of killing him in the warehouse. I eventually decided to bring him back to have a fair trial because I wanted him to reveal more information of why he ordered Georgie to kill Faith and Lily.
I ripped his head off at the trial. I got really mad when he tried to shove me down the well. I had also wanted to see what the scene would look like. I didn't want to redo the scene again and decided to stick with my choice. I actually felt a bit guilty afterward.
I thought he would do the same thing or use magic to convince everyone that he was speaking the truth.
Threw him down the Witching Well. Was kinda sorta considering to imprison him, but I probably would have tossed him down even if he hadn't tried to choke me.
I imprisoned him.. He will now go where he deserves and I did the right thing.. Justice was done. I think being made a bird and thrown in prison is a better punishment than death.
So what happens if you kill him in the warehouse? If you spare him, there is a big discussion by the witching well about what they should do with him, people siding with different parties trying to come forth with a verdict.
Aunty Geeenleaf turns him into a crow and keeps him as a "pet"
They have a big discussion on why Bigby killed him and everyone in fable town is scared on Bigby and doubts Snows leadership
I really, really wanted to imprison him, but the people had spoken and the majority of them wanted him down the Well. I wanted the system to be as democratic as possible, and considering Greenleaf seemed like the only one who would have been happy had he been imprisoned, I decided, very reluctantly, to throw him down the well. Then he choked me and tried to kill me and my reluctance vanished instantly. Threw him down the well without a second thought. (I didn't punch him, though. Proud of myself for that, I'm sure he would have just turned it into a jab at me being violent.)
I killed him , rewind the story , made him stand a trial , ripped his head off , rewind the story , made him stand a trial , throwed him , rewind the story , made him stand a trial , locked him down.
I tossed him down the Witching Well. I almost killed him back at the factory, but I figured that he'd go down the Witching Well if I brought him back, which is the only reason I arrested him at all. When the time came to choose I threw him down the Well in a heartbeat.
Yeah, but he actually is sent to the farm. He was being loaded into the truck with toad and TJ
I actually imprisoned him. I wanted to throw him down the well for the same reason as you, but when the crooked man started to speak and said. "look at what you've become, I hope you all remember this as you sleep at night." I couldn't let him win and make Bigby out to be the monster when I had tried to be fair and just the rest of the season
I wanted to kill him back at the Witching Well SO BAD. But I promised Snow I'd bring him back alive, and throw him down the witching well. So it's all good!
Beauty and Beast also wanted him Imprisoned.
They also wanted him dead too, they said it in episode 4 and at the start or the trail.
Oh. Oops. Is that true? I never heard them speak up.... Oops.
I imprisoned him. I've been sticking with the idea of "trying to do better" throughout the game and really wanted to show that Bigby had changed and that maybe people could move beyond their past. Plus, with the ambiguity at the end, there is just enough question regarding his actual involvement that I don't think killing him would have been the answer. I still blame him, but not entirely.
And in a bit of meta-gaming I have a hard time siding against Greenleaf since she was voiced by Laura Bailey.
It was pretty split. If you let him go into 'prison' Beast (and I guess Beauty'd agree) said you've done the right thing.