The ending explained
In Episode 1, that was not Faith being smacked around by Woody. That was Narissa glamored to look like Faith. Faith was already dead when the game begins.
Narissa had to make Bigby sympathetic to Faith so that when the head was discovered, it wouldn't be some random Fable hooker who was offed. She had to hook him. After she was sure that Bigby was at least a little enamored of Faith, she planted the head where Bigby or Snow would find it.
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Thank you for the straight-forward explanation of it. Instead of all these convoluted posts I've been reading.
that was my theory!
Listen carefully when Bigby's remembering all of the dialog by "Faith" and Narissa. He's realizing that those lines were both done by the same person.
and he's also realizing that it was fake the whole time and that he's a video game character lol
Why didn't she just tell Bigby that in the end? She admitted to leaving the head at the steps, why not just say she glamoured as Faith to get his attention as well?
Snow was upset to see the head and wanted to catch the criminal the first time she saw it too, I don't buy that Narissa planned all that ahead to get Bigby 'sympathetic' to them first.
Did she need to? Bigby has the option of letting her walk away without telling her he knows.
Remember, Woody was smacking "Faith" around because she didn't know who she was. He probably thought Faith was fucking around with him.