Season 2? (spoilers ep5)
Do you feel they have told all they wanted to tell with The Wolf Among Us? Or is there more to the story that they should continue? When the comic finishes could they do a season 2 sequel directly after the events of the comics? I am not sure if we are going to get a season 2 honestly it felt like they wrapped everything up in the last episode. (Your) Bigby's view on Justice gets done and most characters get closure and the there is a little mysterious twist at the end that is open for our interpretation... go after her for questioning and to shed light on everything? or keep it quite and let her go and live her life free?.
In the end it felt like "We have told the story we wanted to tell, Now go read the comics if you want to continue it"
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I dont know how all say the Universe is big but in my View this story is told i mean 10 min DLC going after her asking her that anwsering that and DONE the credits start rolling thats how i think so yea no Season 2 from my View
. It feels like a Girl my Heart says Yes but my Brain is like its not going to happen 
I think most people that want season 2 of TWAU are suffering from withdrawal symptoms haha.
I definitely hope we're gonna have a second season. It just has so much potential to have more seasons and is such an epic world with epic characters.
When will we get confirmation/information on a possible second season or dlc though?
I honestly dont think they'll be another season, it was just leaving the story with a little mystery up to your interpretation
Considering that they just started working on that "Borderlands" thingy and have to start making that "Game of Thrones" game, I doubt there'll be season 2, at least anytime soon. And to be honest, I don't really want season 2 if it means that it will be squished between other, bigger projects and done hastily and badly. Unfortunately, "Game of Thrones" is a very big thing considering there are many fans of that overrated shit out there, and there'll most probably be many seasons, I don't see how it wouldn't become a hit. So with "Walking Dead" and "Game of Thrones" as big guns and some occasional smaller project such as "Borderlands" I don't really see it happen.
So it's just the comics now, right?
I would rather they just leave this game where it is, it's not necessary to include another story between this and the comics and this game perfectly sets up the comics. The last acheivement is called happily ever after and tht is the name of the first issue, people need to accept there will not be a season 2, I will put money on it and quite frankly I don't want there to be.
I don't think there will be, everything really did wrap up. I made the decision to go after Faith/Nerissa, but I didn't take it as a 'gonna question her' sort of thing, more so a 'hey let's get a drink' type of manner.
I don't think there will be a second season. I don't think there's any need for it to be honest.
I would maybe like to see a DLC for it though. Maybe set out a bit like 400 days but instead of 5 characters it'd be 5 different mini cases to choose from.
Even them not for long I'm afraid. They are ending soon.
Well, not perfectly, but it did manage to tie to the comics pretty well. I don't know what they could do for season 2, they can always go further back in time, I've stated couple of times I'd like to see those characters in 18th century when Fabletown has just been founded, but I really doubt there will be season 2 and especially not one that is set in the colonial times.
I'd love to see a second season, but I think it might be a while, though a DLC would be more appropriate early next year. Personally I'd like to see how Snow would manage things now that the Crooked Man has been taken care of, and how she can justify Bigby's actions apart from her own feelings for him when dealing with others. She could also use a new wardrobe...
Anyway, keep in mind that TTG can still hire more people, so the idea that they're working on too many things at once might not have been true to begin with, or if it was, it might not be anymore. There's a lot of talent out there, and with a reputation like TTG's, they're bound to attract the best.
I don't think there is much possibility for them going further in timeline, since it would be almost passing entirely into the territory of the comics and Snow as the deputy mayor and her relationship with Bigby has already been showed in the early issues of "Fables".
Oh, didn't know that. Nevermind, then.
I'd love to see them making season 2.Why'd they leave us with so many unanswered question if they won't do a DLC or a season 2?Telltale,u tricky bastards