I am SO HAPPY THIS GAME EXISTS. It's the best thing ever. But... IF SOMEONE SAYS THAT IT WON'T HAVE A SECOND SEASON I AM GOING TO LOSE MY MIND. I mean there is just so much things that are not said, THE CHOICES YOU MADE AT THE END with the Crooked Man and Nerissa seem like they will be a plot for the next season, there is no doubt, I mean it would just be dumb to make those choices at the end, and to make the HARDCORE FANS LIKE ME FEEL LIKE THEY'VE BEEN RAPED. PLEASE, JUST PLEASE SOMEONE RESPOND AND TELL ME THERE IS GOING TO BE A NEXT SEASON. TAKE ALL MY MONEY, ALL OF IT.
Me: -Relax, there is going to be a next season- weak sobbing-sobbing-quiet crying
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It's not as much of a cash cow as TWD unfortunately, so I doubt it.
Crying uncontrollably
But I still have faith.
I see what you did there :P
i thought she died...
oh do you mean you kept her head as a souvenir ?
oh wait...i c wot u did thar...
I feel the same way OP
I believe there will be more TWAU, if they wished to end it here I feel like there would've been a more closed ending.
Also I just need more Bigby and Fables in general lol
I'm gonna get started with reading the comics anyway, can't hurt; especially with the ad, who knows where in the fables timeline the next season takes place right?
It is one of Telltale's best products. I bet they will.
What about the board with pictures of Faith, Larissa and Lily in the the factory whatever it is called, before the fight with Bloody Merry, Faith and Larissa have similarities of speech and they seem to have a argument in the last picture of the board, and Larissa threw the head of Faith in front of the office. At the end Bigby remembers something and seems to connect something in his head and, in my case, he goes after her. There has to be a next season and I will wait an eternity for it to come out, i would sacrifice my kidney for it.
I HAVE STRONG FAITH MY FRIEND I HAVE A FEELING THIS ISN'T THE END YET! Something is DEFINITELY fishy sorry for my caps locks over excited MEGA fan for the the wolf among US ;D
Who is Larissa?
anyways, even if there was a second season, what'd happen? Not every player chose to run after Nerissa, and the comics don't even contain her. What if you chose to leave her be, but the second season's plot revolves around Nerissa's lies and such.
Still don't know who this 'Larissa' is, though.
I really hope they make a second season.
raises head,slowly stops crying
starts crying from happiness,hugs
Now i can die.
Larissa is one big nasty motherfucker.
I meant Nerissa you damn Lemon. :O Plot twist
There sure will be a second season. TWAU and TWD are TT best series yet. There is many mysteries to be unfold, plus the case of Bloody Mary's status. Im sure we will hear some news about it when they will be done with TWD2 and when Tales of the Borderlads will be up
Border LADS, haha mate i would loik to sei it.
I think that there maybe a second season of WAU, its a likely stupid reason to think this but here's what makes me think it: the classic "(insert name here) will remember that" recall back when walking dead season 1 ended, with all of the choices made while lee was dying talking to clem despite it being the end, it still said that clem would remember the things lee said, and there was a season 2 where it carried over, nerissa, TJ and toad all had those notifications, nerissa with what you say at the end, tj with the beetle and toad with colin if you didn't send him off, now you could say its most likely nothing and probably worthless, but a few people also thought that when "snow" died, i saw a few people say "shes dead, shes not coming back, what you said to her did not matter" but it turned out she was still alive in the next episode
another reason why it may happen, some may say due to it being a prequel, it may not be able to make anymore due to the limits of what stories it can make, but heres the thing, they could be creative about it and find a way around, a good chunk of the game involves cranes backstory as to how he went to paris because of his fascination for snow, if i remember in the comics its mentioned but never shown, so whats to stop them from using other unshown backstories of some characters, maybe even showing the farm, we got mention of it, but we only see fabletown, so we may see more animal fables such as colins brothers, i mean in terms of the fable universe, we only got a handful of the characters
i am probably wrong and a good chance i am, i just wanted to show my 2 cents on the matter