Cry Wolf's Final Decision!
Okay, I just don't get the decision at the end of the final episode. It just feels not important seeing that the game just ends. Now if you're confused of what I'm saying, then here; I'm talking about Bigby either going after nerssia or not (sorry if I butchered her name). So what do you think, are they baiting us for a DLC or just a second season. Please, respect one another opinions and just have a grand time!
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I think the final choice was kind of like a postcard quote that sums up your week in Fabletown.
''I've made some mistakes''
''I hope I've done some good''
And the final final final choice didn't effect anything sadly. Hopefully there will be DLC where we play as Faith, Lily and Nerissa.
I didn't understand it either, I've been reading some of the theories going around but haven't found one that makes sense yet. I went after her since Bigby's wolf detective sense was kicking in.
As for "butchering" Nerissa's name - don't worry because John Travolta once upon a time introduced Idina Menzel as "Adele Dazeem"
As for the decision itself - It's really hard to say why they did this. Maybe it was a way to "see" your reaction? Did you put all the pieces together and accepted the fact or wanted to know more and couldn't get over it? TTG likes cliffhangers without a real reason so it was a good opportunity to end the series that way even without any hopes of future games in TWAU universe.
I once had a theory that maybe this choice was tracked by the game and if more people chased her than stayed behind that could mean they want to see more = DLC or whatever
(Yeah, I know)
Thank bro for that info, I didn't really thought about it that way.