Reasoning to Why SHE isn't HER
Faith is not Nerissa at the end. Why you ask? Because for those of you who say Faith's head could've been anybody's head glamoured, your wrong. You see, when you examine Faiths head you see the beheading is a "clean cut" which can only be cut by magic. Which means, all the murders were a victim of there ribbons being pulled.
If they had ribbons in the first place, that means they worked at.... the Pudding and Pie. And with 2 heads, 2 of the 3 girls were murdered. Because if it were another prostitute from the Pudding and Pie, wouldn't they be mourning over that person too? So Lily is already crossed off as dead, this leaves you with Faith and Nerissa.
I find it very unlikely that it was Faith at the end because Georgie said he was instructed to kill Faith and Lily. So if Nerissa is actually Faith at the end, Faith and Nerissa had to at one point be glamoured as each other and Faith had at one point backstabbed her friends to save her own skin. Which doesn't really sound like Faith. And if it was Faith, where the hell is the actual Nerissa? So at the end Nerissa is Nerissa.
This would also make more sense that Nerissa is Nerissa at the end because Faith could've been dead beforehand and Nerissa had glamoured herself as Faith to get Bigby's attention and then after, place her head at his doorstep. Because I'm sure if some girl who was flirting with Bigby appears beheaded at his doorstep within a few hours, it'd get his attention. So Nerissa kept hinting Bigby clues to help him expose the Crooked Man.
Well that's my theory. Thoughts?
It's actually completely in Faith's character to have done what she did, do you remember what Buffkin said?
It's in her nature as a Fable to disguise herself and trick others in order to escape the "kingdom" and save her own skin. We basically witnessed a more tragic version of the tale of Donkeyskin, when she tricked the King to escape his kingdom.
Only that this time instead of disguising herself as donkeyskin, she disguised herself as Nerissa, and the kingdom was Crooked Man's illegal Empire.
I can see that now... But who was the other person that was killed? Georgie said he was ordered to kill Lily and Faith, so Nerissa was just randomly out glamoured like Faith?
"Faith had at one point backstabbed her friends to save her own skin. Which doesn't really sound like Faith"
you talk as if you knew her
the reality is we have no idea what Faith was cable of because the fact is we really didn't know her we just thought we did
From Lily's death we know the girls had a habit of covering for each other when one of them wasn't feeling well,by using glamours. The real Faith had asked Lily to glamour as Snow and cover for her at Crane's room.
The Faith who gets beat up by Woodie that we talk to at EP1 is the real Faith at the time. Proof of this is the "You're not as bad as everyone says you are" line.
I guess that when she got back to the club, she couldn't see her next client because of the bruises, and asked her friend Nerissa to mimic her appearance and cover for her at some client we don't know about.
Then, while the real Nerissa was out covering for her,real Faith glamoured herself as a fake Nerissa and ratted the fake Faith out, pinning most of the blame on her and Lily, who was also out there and glamouring as Snow White to cover for her. Georgie then consults Crooked man, and he tells him to kill the girls.
Then fake Faith [real Nerissa] comes back from the job, and gets mistakenly killed by Georgie, who thinks she's the real one. Real Faith, having now taken Nerissa's identity, takes the head and places it at Bigby's doorstep.
Thats a good point too. Damn I wish I had counter arguments
So I guess it was Faith after all then huh.
Something that fake Nerissa told us at the end of EP5 was that all the three girls were in on the whole photography scam thing.
We also know that Nerissa and Faith had a fight sometime before all of the events happened.
--> Faith looks pretty angry at Nerissa,while Nerissa seems scared
My guess is, that the whole scheme to betray the Crooked Man was Faith's idea to begin with, and the other two girls went along with it.
At some point, Nerissa started having doubts and was probably becoming too scared to go on with the plan. Faith snaps at her.
Having seen that Nerissa was probably going to screw it all up for everybody, Faith came up with the plan to make the other two take the blame while she disguises herself and gets away with it, at the same time putting Bigby on Crookie's tail to free herself from his "kingdom".
Actually, I'd venture a guess that Nerissa took the initiative to rat out the plan without Faith's approval, and in that screenshot, Faith had probably found out and got mad at Lilly.
You're definitely right about Faith deceiving people to save her own skin, but I doubt she would have the guts to have her friends KILLED just to save herself. We can see she cared deeply for Lawrence at the very least.
It could be that she also felt it would be for the greater good, you know?
If you look a few posts below, you'll see the pic of Nerissa and Faith fighting.
If Nerissa had screwed everything up, all the three girls would have been killed and the Crooked Man would have never been caught.
She knew it was a matter of time before Nerissa talked, so she decided to act and sacrifice them, while keeping herself alive so she could get the decapitated head to Bigby so he could get started on his path to catch Crookie.
If all three of them got caught, Crookie would still be out there.
If the real Nerissa was indeed going to take the initiative to rat them out, it could be that Faith felt that saving herself would be for the greater good, you know?
If Nerissa had screwed everything up, all the three girls would have been killed and the Crooked Man would have never been caught. She knew it was a matter of time before Nerissa talked, so she decided to act and sacrifice them, while keeping herself alive so she could get the decapitated head to Bigby so he could get started on his path to catch Crookie.
If all three of them had gotten caught, the head would have never gotten there, Bigby would have never noticed anything was wrong, and Crookie would still be out there.
Lily and Nerissa died, but at least all the other girls in the club were saved, right? Not to mention having one less crime lord in Fabletown in the end.
I actually like this a lot! Because I've been having a hard time trying to figure out the whole 'Nerissa was really Faith the whole time" theory, and I really wanna believe that Faith was glamoured as Nerissa. The theory of Nerissa glamoured as Faith from the beginning to get BIgby's attention because Faith already died makes sense too, but I've been trying to see if from the other way. I could never understand the reasoning of why the real Nerissa would be glamoured as Faith, if we're going with the theory that we've been talking to Faith this whole time. I didn't understand why she'd do that. Having the real Nerissa cover for Faith by glamouring as her, while in turn Faith glamours as Nerissa for that time being, makes complete sense.
The reason why I wanna believe it was Faith that was glamoured as Nerissa the whole time is because of the Donkeyskin tale. Why put that in the story only for Nerissa to be the one who tricks everyone? It was Faith's tale. I'm gonna play this game again and pick out phrases that Faith says in the first episode, and phrases Nerissa says throughout the story to support this theory. But this is the one I'm sticking with and like so far.
Good point. I'm just hoping for a DLC or season 2!! God knows we all want an explanation.
True , the whole thing fits more with the Donkeyskin tale rather than the Little Mermaid.
Faith the master disguiser!