Food for Thought about the ending (and Mirror dialogue from Ep 1)

Looking through the forums, I've seen some debate on whether or not Nerissa was glamoured as Faith, or Faith was glamoured as Nerissa. I was thinking back to the description of how the Ribbon's curse worked in Episode 5 - as long as a Fable is wearing the Ribbon (prior to Vivian's death), they cannot discuss the curse.
In Episode 1, when Bigby asks the Magic Mirror to see Faith's body, the mirror replies that the magic conceals the mirror from viewing Faith's body. However, as the Ep 5 ending reveals, one of the two girls were glamoured as the other. If the mirror could not see Faith's corpse in Episode 1, then given what we now know about the ribbon's curse, that would likely mean the ribbon was still around (real) Faith's neck at the time the head was found. If that's the case, it is possible that Faith is still alive and it was another Fable's head glamoured to be Faith's head.
Either Nerissa was killed, or another Fable was involved if this is the case.
Also of note is that at the ending scene in the office line, we see a new Fable with a ribbon around their neck that we have never seen before.
Wasn't that new Fable seen coming out of the Open Arms with that Mundy cop? Way back in episode 2?
But her head is probably kept through the whole game by them. Her glamour would have to wear off just like Lillys if it was not the real Faith.
Perhaps the spell is still in effect anyway as long as Viv has her ribbon?
If it were Nerissa or Faith, either would be essentially hinting at the other. This demonstrates the limited nature of their ribbon spell, not to mention that no one else dies nor any other spells broken.
So the mirror in Episode 1 is essentially just blocked because of Vivian's ribbon spell, not Faith's.
Faiths head had the same bruise the Faith Bigby spoke to had. Something a glamour couldn't recreate?
What does Nerissa say in ep4, maybe it makes more sense now?
This whole issue needs to be addressed by Telltale. The only mistake the Episode made is that it's not giving us much closure.