The Wolf Among Us OST?
I am in love with the OST Jared Emerson-Johnson created in 'The Wolf Among Us'. Filled with repetitious themes that never get old but always change, dark-haunting tunes at the worst of times, and always sticking to that noir 'feel' that just belongs in 'The Wolf Among Us'. I'm still clicking my fingers to the main menu theme...
There's no denying, in my opinion, that the music made this game what it is.
I was wondering if anyone knows of a soundtrack release for 'TWAU'? Will there be one? As of now, I am just using YouTube, where users are getting it direct from the in-game files with the TellTale Music Extractor, yet the quality is not great at the best of times...and i'm yearning for more, official means.
Did 'TWD' have an official soundtrack? Does anybody know? Maybe in the hope of seeing this have a release?
Also, while I'm here, what was your favourite music in the game? Could be from a certain scene, or event etc. Embed it if you wish.
Mine is the scene in Bigby's apartment in Ep. 1, talking to Colin, with the soft glow of the neon lights outside, and the slow drone of keyboard in the background. That was just classic noir, and a beautiful moment to be a part of at most.
I would love to know that to. It was very inspiring and I find most of it very soothing when working late at night or just thinking about everything or nothing at all. Every track seems to have a great feel of nostalgia to it. My favorite one is also Bigby's apartment but after playing Cry Wolf I thought that the song that starts playing when you leave the Puddin' N' Pie is very awesome too! It just made me feel like I've accomplished something, it had a great energy and it was pretty different from the rest of the tracks too. Very refreshing! (BTW Crane's office is my third favorite!
You can listen to much of it on Youtube
My favorite track is the one that plays when Bigby and Snow were arguing with Auntie Greenleaf in episode 3 It's SO GOOD!