Why does everyone believe that ******* is ***** when it's the other why around?
Bufkin's line about Faith's story specifically says that she hid her true identity to escape from a kingdom. The only difference now is that she escapes the Crooked Man's empire. Faith relives her own fable, because trickery is in her nature as a fable!
It's established in the game that the girls frequently fill in for each other.
It is established that Faith comes across an incriminating photo of Crane.
It is established that Faith is a master of disguise and that Faith's fable is crafty.
In order for Faith to come across this photo she has to either have make it into the business office (where Crane might have kept it), to get into Crane apartment, or steal from the Tweedles (because it's most likely they who the Crooked Man would've sent to snap photos to keep Crane in place). I find it more likely that she sneaked into the business office while glamoured as someone else (most likely Snow because she was fillingin for Lily, which explains how the photo got in the hotel room) in order to get the photo and Bigby was there, which explains why he says "I feel like I've met you before..." on the street after the commotion with the Woodsman (which probably took place a few days later).
So, now that she's planted the photo, she tells Lily and Nerissa, thus kick starting these chain of events. But on the night that Nerissa chicken's out she is glamoured as Faith because they had traded shifts, and Georgie has to kill her. So, Faith stays glamoured as Nerissa (because it would look awfully suspicious if someone he supposedly just killed was walking around) and takes actual Nerissa's glamoured head and puts it on the doorstep of the Woodlands, in order to get Bigby's attention (her original intent, but not her original means). Lily ends up getting killed, by order of the Crooked Man as well, several hours after actual Nerissa because of the assumptions made or precautions taken by the Crooked Man regarding the photo.
...you all played the game you know what happens in between.
At the end of the game we find out that Faith as been glamoured as Nerissa the whole time, hence Bufkin's line about Faith's fable. She didn't undo the glamour after the Crooked Man was put away because everyone would've know that she lied during the trial and chaos would've ensued, and so she goes on to start a new life just like in her fable.
Your explanation is why I wanna believe that Faith was glamoured as Nerissa the whole time. It was repeated a few times throughout the game and emphasized in the last scene where we hear Bufkin repeat Faith's Donkeyskin story. It's like why put that in the game only for it to be discounted? If Faith's background story wasn't included, I think it'd be fair game of who was glamoured as who and for what reason.
Exactly. A lot of people seem to be forgetting the story of Donkeyskin.
I just realized that, if that's the case, I feel REALLY bad for Lawence
he tries (and succeeds depending on your choices) to kill himself so that Faith won't have him slowing her down or whatever and then she makes him believe that she's dead for nearly a week!
Yeah basically we got the classic detective noir treatment. boy meets girl,girl in trouble, boy tries to save girl,girl lies to boy, boy finds out at the very end, smokes cigarette and tips his hat
It's all there people even the warehouse bad guy lair