Hardest Walking Dead Puzzle



  • Believe it or not, I spent maybe an hour trying to figure out a way inside the train station, after you meet Omid and Christa. I know it took GamerMD83 a long fucking time, so don't you dare.

  • lol twice

    child123 posted: »


  • Damn! Beat me to it. lol

    Seriously though, there are no hard puzzles in TWDG.

    The most difficult puzzle was the wind turbine in S2 E2! That took me HOURS to figure out!

  • Trying to put up with episode length is the greatest puzzle in season 2 and Wolf among us.

  • Double humored. I have a deplorable obsession with making lame jokes by stating the obvious qualities that in turn make the preceding joke funny, thereby deconstructing the articles of comedy that were used to entail the joke immediately before my own. And also removing any and all forms of humor from the joke, to great and sometimes disappointing comedic effect.


    fareslee posted: »

    violet virago buy a sense of humor

  • And Clem was the only one fit for the job... No one else in the group could have faced the horror, they said so themselves...

    Rigtail posted: »

    The wind turbine puzzle is possibly one of the most complicated and mind fucking puzzles yet! I've spent hours after hours, draining every l

  • edited July 2014

    tell me one joke then

    Double humored. I have a deplorable obsession with making lame jokes by stating the obvious qualities that in turn make the preceding joke f

  • edited July 2014
    • In episode 103, when the bandits are attacking it was so fucking hard for me to shoot idk why but I kept dying.

    • In episode 103, when you're teaching Clem how to shoot I didn't know what to do. I couldn't tell if I should "Aim a little bit to the left" or "A little bit to the right".

    • The sewers were a pain in the ass..

  • Trying to save Lee from getting bitten. When I looked it up I found out you couldn't. D:

  • Joke.

    fareslee posted: »

    tell me one joke then

  • Back at the drugstore in episode one of season one, I somehow managed to not pick up the picture of Lee's family, so I had no way of convincing Doug that it was a good idea to go outside the gate to search Lee's brother for the key.

  • Starting the train in S1E3

  • Definitely the train one, I had to go watch a Walkthrough to figure it out.

  • Getting Larry his pills.

    I just walked around in the pharmacy, and didn't know what to do.. Episode 1 took me around 3 hours, because it took me so much time to get him the pills, now i can finish the episode 1 in almost 1½ hour.. Lol... Were the hardest one when i first played the game. :)

  • I come from a long history of point and click adventure games so none of them ever realy made me "think", but I think they worked very well because while I was running about solving the puzze I was actualy thinking of the characters and what was comming next, the train was a good one here, after carly and finding out duck got bitten it was nice to just take stock of the situation while starting the train, the only time my brain kicked into gear on the train was when there was no "control pannel 9" but I knew I would have to use the outside control box to fire her up at some point so I went strait to it tbh...

    While the puzzes are far from taxing I think they work well in way of allowing you to stop while not stopping and absorb the story. I wasnt disappointed in the slightest, I never expected this to be a puzzler

  • episode 1 getting larry da pills

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