My new favorite Max

edited March 2009 in Sam & Max
Ultra-cute BABY Max with his first two teeth coming in!

It's on Steve's blog.


  • edited January 2009

    Bloggs.... i never read one in my entire life. Maybe i should start :P
  • edited January 2009
    That's adorable! I actually squeaked a little bit. XD
  • edited January 2009
    What a cute little Max!!! Ahhhh....he`s adorable!
    Poor Sam, he is always the symbol of past year in Steve`s new year drawings...
  • edited January 2009
    Milkman08 wrote: »
    What a cute little Max!!! Ahhhh....he`s adorable!
    Poor Sam, he is always the symbol of past year in Steve`s new year drawings...

    That's just because everyone likes Max better, and we all know it.
    Except me. I think Sam is awesome.
  • edited January 2009
    Maxilyah wrote: »
    That's just because everyone likes Max better, and we all know it.
    Except me. I think Sam is awesome.

    Except me too (and other people, I know). Sam is awesome... and handsome to boot. :p

    I love it when artists do holiday themed illustrations. They sometimes give a little insight to the characters' personalities or have them doing uncharacteristic things. This picture is, no doubt, cool and well done.
  • edited January 2009
    Breakman wrote: »
    I love it when artists do holiday themed illustrations. They sometimes give a little insight to the characters' personalities or have them doing uncharacteristic things. This picture is, no doubt, cool and well done.
    Sam & Max as Bob and Tiny Tim Cratchet

    The post from Steve says this is out of their character, but it's a nice image, nonetheless.
  • edited January 2009
    What's with the chicken? XD
  • edited January 2009
    Top one's great, always love seeing S+M, but personally I like the one Zeek posted, it inspires a kind of warm and fuzzy fealing I rarely get from the dog and rabbity-thing.
  • edited January 2009
    o.O Sam's got mistletoe on his head. RUN MAX!
  • edited January 2009
    Maxilyah wrote: »
    o.O Sam's got mistletoe on his head. RUN MAX!

    ...that's holly...
  • edited January 2009
    Oops, always get those confused. ^.^'
  • edited January 2009
    Maxilyah wrote: »
    What's with the chicken? XD

    It's the Christmas goose! :D

    I really love that second one. It doesn't hurt that A Christmas Carol is already one of my very favorite things. Oh, and the cognitive dissonance of seeing Sam & Max in something so ... sincerely good-natured. That's pretty neat, too.

    I feel sorry for Sam's feet, though. >_>
    Breakman wrote: »
    Sam is awesome... and handsome to boot. :p

    Agreed on both counts!

    On-topic: ... Okay, that's just frickin' adorable. Criminally so.

    *tosses a dime and some pocket lint into 2008's cup*
  • edited January 2009
    A little bit off-topic, but has anyone seen THIS picture?
    It freaked me out when I saw it. I'm probably going to have nightmares though. I'm just guessing here, but that's probably a reference to something else. Am I correct?
  • edited January 2009
    Maxilyah wrote: »
    A little bit off-topic, but has anyone seen THIS picture?
    It freaked me out when I saw it. I'm probably going to have nightmares though. I'm just guessing here, but that's probably a reference to something else. Am I correct?

    Yup, A Christmas Carol again. ^^ More specifically, it's when Marley's ghost (Max) visits Scrooge (Sam) on Christmas Eve.
  • edited January 2009
    Why is it that MAX is always cute, and Sam is always... not...?
  • edited January 2009
    What are you talking about? Sam is always adorable.
    Breakman wrote:
    Sam is awesome... and handsome to boot. :p
    Agreed on both counts!
    Thirded. Or at least he's that thing I just said. I've never been able to identify handsomeness, even in non-anthropomorphised dogs.
  • edited January 2009
    More a work of art of the master Steve!
  • edited February 2009
    Zeek wrote: »
    Ultra-cute BABY Max with his first two teeth coming in!

    It's on Steve's blog.
    aaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwww how cute can just imagine how much baby max screamed and bit stuff while he was teething.
  • ArtArt
    edited February 2009
    Zeek wrote: »
    Ultra-cute BABY Max with his first two teeth coming in!

    It's on Steve's blog.

    What happened to Sam? What's up with the blade?
  • edited February 2009
    Art wrote: »
    What happened to Sam? What's up with the blade?

    He's old. He's a symbol for the year that has passed.
  • ArtArt
    edited February 2009
    fajerkaos wrote: »
    He's old. He's a symbol for the year that has passed.

    Well, that sucks.:mad:
  • edited February 2009
    Baby Max is frikken' adorable. Wow, never thought I'd have to say that after Chariots.
  • edited February 2009
    Art wrote: »
    Well, that sucks.:mad:

  • ArtArt
    edited February 2009
    Look at my original post.
  • edited February 2009
    Art wrote: »
    Look at my original post.

    doesn't make sense. in any way.

    sam being old and similar to death/ the grim reaper symbolises the death of 2008 along with the sash that reads 2008. max being a baby with a 2009 sash symbolises the birth of 2009.

    it doesn't suck, it's clever in a way despite being done before.
  • ArtArt
    edited February 2009
    patters wrote: »
    doesn't make sense. in any way.

    sam being old and similar to death/ the grim reaper symbolises the death of 2008 along with the sash that reads 2008. max being a baby with a 2009 sash symbolises the birth of 2009.

    it doesn't suck, it's clever in a way despite being done before.

    It suck for Sam being old.
  • edited February 2009
    Art wrote: »
    It suck for Sam being old.

    But Senile Sam in 204 is the best!
  • edited February 2009
    I thought he was kind of depressing. Funny, but depressing, probably because Sam is my favourite character. Sam's lack of reaction to his future was funny too.
  • edited February 2009
    Wow! What a nice max. I really like this Ultra-cute BABY Max.


    New Jobs
  • edited February 2009
    Hmmm. Smells like spam over here. Well, looks like I'll have to do something about it.

    Hear me, oh Powers
    Of Klatha and Mana!
    Turn now Stellina99
    Into species called Rana!
  • edited March 2009
    Art wrote: »
    What happened to Sam? What's up with the blade?

    Apparently Sam is supposed to represent Death and he's disguised as a beggar. That coupled with the facts that he uses the word 'prosperous' and Max as a toddler tells me it's some sort of commentary on the whole economic situation. Kind of like saying the new generations are being doomed to not be as prosperous as past ones.

    Of course, that could just be me reading way too much into it. As Patters has said, it is probably just about the transition from 2008 to 2009... but you never know. ;)
  • edited March 2009
    You're reading too much into it.

    Wishing someone a propserous New Year is one of the more uncommon ways of saying "Happy New Year" to someone in a greeting card sense. It never had anything to do with th economy. It's mostly to be interpreted as saying "Best of luck to you in the new year," if anything.
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