The Magic Mirror and Faith
All else aside, I have yet to see compelling evidence that the Magic Mirror's inability to reveal Faith's whereabouts does not decisively support the "Faith is alive" theory. We know that the Magic Mirror can show the deceased (Faith's father) and we know that the magic silencing-ribbon had been removed from "Faith" (first by Georgie, and then from the corpse by Bigby). It surprises me that so many people are confused about the ending. Faith was by far the cleverest character in the game- we already know this from her backstory, and her manipulation of Bigby and the other characters in the game was frankly genius. She brought down the Crooked Man's empire, escaped her hopelessly loser husband, and deceived everyone about her identity, just like how she had escaped her father's kingdom and her degenerate father while hiding under a fake identity in her story.
Case in point- she succeeded in deceiving not only the in-game characters but also over half of TWAU players about her identity to the very end, judging from that straw poll.
You guys have been played by Faith and the brilliant Telltale writers.
No comments or rebuttals from the opposition?
No, just that I loved the way that you pointed out that she played everyone including most of the players.
I completely agree with this so no need to go Saltlicking old man Larry's house today.....
I don't really see how Faith's backstory makes her out to be that clever. She just happened to have a magic cloak at her disposal to escape her father's kingdom. Doesn't take a genius to put on an ugly coat and walk in the opposite direction of the crazy son of bitch who wants to marry his daughter.
It's not just about wearing the coat. You have to play the part too and when you do it more you gain a sense of experience with it. Faith has experience in the art of deception. While you could counter that with Nerissa and her legs, she's not good at keeping up an act. Her prince wanted a human princess. She dropped the ball thinking he would accept her for what she is.
Clever- by fairy tale standards.
I agree it was Faith at the end, but the mirror evidence doesn't work because it wouldn't show you Lily either, once she was dead.

Great, that's the sort of post I was hoping for. I don't remember being able to ask the mirror about Lily- when in the game is that?
After interrogating the Woodsman and speaking with TJ. You talk with the Mirror, exit, and talk to the Mirror again to get this option. (Glad I could help!)