You're of course entitled to your own interpretation too, and I do enjoy debating with people who have good points.
At first, I thought that Georgie may not have killed the girls. (I think TTG may have changed it up after that post about how it was probably Vivian). I am presupposing that he actually did (believing what CM and Nerissa say), and trying to make the theory fit with that.
That said, I hate to say it, but I think you've just conceded a lot of my point in the above post.
Pragmatically, we both agree that he wouldn't have told all right then and there because it'd ruin the upcoming episodes.
Gren wouldn't say 'You already told me what happened' because Woody hasn't explained his arrangement with Lily and Gren is never going to give him a chance to explain. In Gren's mind, Woody's committed the unforgivable.
He actually just got done explaining his arrangement with Lily. "We know what happened." -- Gren. Even if you take it as just about the sex, he just got done telling Gren about it. He had just explained it to Gren at that point. There's no way to misinterpret that part. Gren simply doesn't want Holly to hear about it (whether you take it as just about the sex or that and the murders).
This is significant because, in this way, there is nobody at the trial to give a dissenting opinion to CM's testimony -- except for Nerissa (Faith), who shows up at the very end and turns the crowd against CM.
Here is essentially the case for Nerissa: Believe everything Nerissa says is true. This doesn't mean she told Bigby everything. As you said she could have glamoured herself to be Faith. Either way, it's simple and clean, and it isn't up against a multitude of possibly unwarranted assumptions. It's also boring. It's four and 3/4 episodes of speculation, and then you must believe what "Nerissa" says at the very end to be true. That's boring, and TTG doesn't do boring
Here is the case for Faith: Believe a giant conspiracy took place, many of its points are listed in my first post of this thread. Is it simple or clean? No. Is it convoluted and hard to prove. Yes, in fact it's impossible to PROVE (but so is Nerissa's case). Is it something TTG would do? Absolutely.
Eh, I think it was a pretty natural reply, actually. Gren's just saying, 'We know you fucked her and betrayed us, so shut up I don't want t… moreo hear you talking about Lily.' Gren wouldn't say 'You already told me what happened' because Woody hasn't explained his arrangement with Lily and Gren is never going to give him a chance to explain. In Gren's mind, Woody's committed the unforgivable.
And if Woody really loved her, he'd ruin the game for us to bring her justice, right then and there.
Anyways, I don't think you're interpreting it right, but what I think about it doesn't actually matter except as another viewpoint. Your interpretation of these lines is valid, so go for it.
I apologize, I don't think we're understanding each other very well! I'm in the Faith-Survives camp even though I'm making a case for Nerissa in the other thread. Still, I find everyone's ideas interesting and I'm trying to be fair with them all. I hope I'm doing alright with that.
"We know what happened." I don't think Gren has discussed things with Woody, he just knows based on what Holly found that the Woodsman was paying Lily for sex. And that's all he ever wants to know.
Pragmatically, TTG could have left Woody out of the bar scene if Woody had inside information, and even more pragmatically, not given him that information at all.
Ironically, I can't support the case for Nerissa because I find it too complicated and awkward. You have to rely on too many odd things for it to hold together. The case for Faith is comparatively straightforward, and I do find it clean. It is easy to support.
What I'm dealing with right now is incorporating all of the auxiliary (5 cent words blah) details into a Faith theory: the handwriting on all the notes, the calendars you posted, blood where it shouldn't be at the Open Arms and at Lawrence's house, Mary's photos, all that stuff. It's difficult.
You're of course entitled to your own interpretation too, and I do enjoy debating with people who have good points.
At first, I thought t… morehat Georgie may not have killed the girls. (I think TTG may have changed it up after that post about how it was probably Vivian). I am presupposing that he actually did (believing what CM and Nerissa say), and trying to make the theory fit with that.
That said, I hate to say it, but I think you've just conceded a lot of my point in the above post.
Pragmatically, we both agree that he wouldn't have told all right then and there because it'd ruin the upcoming episodes.
Gren wouldn't say 'You already told me what happened' because Woody hasn't explained his arrangement with Lily and Gren is never going to give him a chance to explain. In Gren's mind, Woody's committed the unforgivable.
He actually just got done explaining his arrangement with Lily. "We know what happened." -- Gren. Even i… [view original content]
I think we both agree there is so much information in the game, and that it is on purpose. In this way, TTG can change the story or, like in this case, overwhelm us with data so that it makes the story ambiguous, mysterious, confusing, and fascinating. That's why we're still here. The last episode ended a week ago.
About which case is easier to support. Well we clearly disagree here. But I think I have an explanation about it, and I hope you might agree.
The notion that Faith is dead is much easier to believe throughout the whole game. Then, with the twist at the end, that notion is is very hard to believe. We know from the dramatic music, etc. that "Nerissa" had lied. So, at the end, Nerissa being the person to whom we spoke is very hard to support and find evidence for
The notion that Faith is alive (which I actually proposed after episode 3) is much harder to believe. throughout the whole game. Then, at the the notion that Faith alive is it is very easy to believe, but it is still extremely hard to support and find evidence for.
In short, both cases are very hard to support at the end.
Nerissa's case s hard to support because we basically know that we, along with Bigby have been duped; one would have to (pretty much wishfully think) that the ending just didn't happen the way it did.
Faith's case is hard to support because although we pretty much know we've been duped, one has got to go throughout the entire game, and make all the esoteric tidbits of evidence work in order to justify the case that was so hard to believe throughout the whole game. I've tried to do that here, and I hope I've done a good job.
I apologize, I don't think we're understanding each other very well! I'm in the Faith-Survives camp even though I'm making a case for Neris… moresa in the other thread. Still, I find everyone's ideas interesting and I'm trying to be fair with them all. I hope I'm doing alright with that.
"We know what happened." I don't think Gren has discussed things with Woody, he just knows based on what Holly found that the Woodsman was paying Lily for sex. And that's all he ever wants to know.
Pragmatically, TTG could have left Woody out of the bar scene if Woody had inside information, and even more pragmatically, not given him that information at all.
Ironically, I can't support the case for Nerissa because I find it too complicated and awkward. You have to rely on too many odd things for it to hold together. The case for Faith is comparatively straightforward, and I do find it clean. It is easy to support.
What I'm dealing with right now … [view original content]
Okay I propose a detente here.
I think we both agree there is so much information in the game, and that it is on purpose. In this way,… more TTG can change the story or, like in this case, overwhelm us with data so that it makes the story ambiguous, mysterious, confusing, and fascinating. That's why we're still here. The last episode ended a week ago.
About which case is easier to support. Well we clearly disagree here. But I think I have an explanation about it, and I hope you might agree.
The notion that Faith is dead is much easier to believe throughout the whole game. Then, with the twist at the end, that notion is is very hard to believe. We know from the dramatic music, etc. that "Nerissa" had lied. So, at the end, Nerissa being the person to whom we spoke is very hard to support and find evidence for
The notion that Faith is alive (which I actually proposed after episode 3) is much harder to believe. throughout the whole … [view original content]
The fact is: you're right -- there is so much information in this game. That's why I never arrogantly say I have proved anything.
Anyone who says they've proved or solved the case should correct themselves, and if they don't they should be out of the discussion.
In law, you've got to "prove beyond a reasonable doubt" to convict someone.
In The Wolf Among Us, a fable world where anything could be anything, that reasonable doubt is omnipresent. That reasonable doubt, compounded with the style, concept, characters, and everything else is the reason we're still here!
Nice write up. I agree TellTale did not make a a huge rewrite - the Ginger Hair guy cannot be the serial killer because he's The Boy Who Cried Wolf and is also mentioned as still alive in the first series of Fables comics.
I need to replay Episode 1 again to confirm the details about the Ring and the Coat. Yes how Toad got Faith's coat has always bugged me. She may have forgotten about it in all the excitement with Bigby and Woody brawling.
You have a very compelling argument there and a lot of it makes sense, I can see no reason why it could not be faith. However if Faith was Nerissa, where was Nerissa whilst Faith was pretending to be her?
Good spots, nice post. I am going to make one last post I think, and it will address the issues here. Sorry, I didn't actually see your post until now because it was hidden behind a spoiler warning!
I'd like to start by replying to Circa 1993's post. I post it here because it is easier to see (OP is behind a spoiler wall).
About the coat: I stated in my thread from back in May that Faith left it there. Why? She didn't need it anymore. It's original purpose had already been fulfilled.
The compact/bag issue: I think she just kept her compact in her pocket. As for the bag inside Woody's: Just because we didn't see it doesn't mean it wasn't there.
The cigarettes are a HUGE clue. "Huff 'n' Puffs? Not many people smoke those." -- Nerissa. That's actually not true. EVERYONE who smokes, besides Woody and Nerissa smoke Huff 'n' Puffs; Faith does, in fact, smoke Huff 'n' Puffs. Huff 'n' Puffs. There are actually three brands of cigarette: Huff 'n' Puffs, Shorette (Nerissa), and Cammal (Woody). Both Cammals, and Huff 'n' Puffs have a light brown filter, but only Huff 'n' Puffs have a line that separates the filter from the cigarette. Shorettes have a white filter.
Significantly, look at the last picture. Bigby gave the cigarette to her, and she accepts. You'd have to wonder why "Nerissa" who had all of her things packed and ready to go, didn't just pull out one of her Shorettes. That is, unless she prefers Huff'n'Puffs (like Faith does).
You stated, "Reading some of the comments about the ribbon, it was was understanding that the ribbon seals lips from uttering things the spell caster doesn't want spread. That doesn't stop anyone from from fabricating lies, surely?". Well two things. I am not so sure that it wouldn't. If it does allow one to lie, then that's actually a good way to circumvent the spell. Just lie and lie, and then, when the person asking questions doesn't say, BS", and offers up his/her own theory, just say nothing when it is actually the truth. Secondly, who is the spell caster? It's not Vivian. She's the "original" [victim]. She's the spell distributor, but she's under the same spell.
About the ring: He or she points out that Faith has a ring on outside, but not inside during the first scene. I didn't even notice the ring! That brings me to what I really want to say. I am not so solopcistic that I feel I need to announce this. It's more an announcement to myself.
It's been a pleasure, gentlemen, but it's time for me to say adios. Classes are about to resume for many of us (myself included), and I still find myself thinking about this fantasy case all the time. I need to get back to the real deal.
The deluge of information is purposefully gigantic and ambiguous, and the number of theories we can concoct from this evidence is infinite. I've gathered so much evidence trying to make my case; the evidence that I have posted here (though I feel it is most relevant) is less than 10% of what I’ve got. As I've said before, nobody will be able to prove anything. Ever. About the only thing we can prove is that the name of this game is, "The Wolf Among Us".
So why are we here then? To try to understand. If we think we understand, we want to make an argument for our case. It's fun, but there won't ever be a closing argument or a verdict, because there's no one judge. Some may think it's TellTale, but that's only true to a degree. Telltale creates the facts, but we decide. There are thousands of final arbiters as to what happened, and they're us. We're really all just having a great time tilting at windmills. That doesn't mean it is pointless. It's not! It's fun to speculate and wonder. For me, at least, it does mean it's time-consuming.
If was too philosophical, I'll briefly get back to the pragmatic.
I've got my own theory as to what happened. It's not the same as what I posted originally. Admittedly, my original post was "over-arching" It wasn't even one theory, really. I meant to bring up all the possibilities of how my theory could work out in advance. It's more like a set of possible theories that fall under the umbrella of my original argument. That said, nobody has brought up what might be the biggest threat to my argument. If you look, Nerissa doesn't actually wear a ribbon in her BOF entry or in the start screen of episode two (where she is actually pictured with Georgie). Make of that what you will.
Here is another something very important that nobody has brought up: Nobody ever is ever accused of, nor confesses to the framing of Crane.
I've got my own idea as to what happened. If I were to post one final, concrete theory of what really happened, that would rather belie my point wouldn't it?
Very good theory. Nobody writing a script would leave such important clues if they weren't done for a reason and you summed them up very well IMHO. Shame that most of the players won't probably notice this and blame the creators for the "poor episodes"
This is a very good analysis, but I think we're looking way too far into it. I still say that Faith was dead and it was Nerissa all the time because of one simple thing that people overlooked: the note in Pudding'n'Pie in Episode 2 (I'll explain in a minute)
Georige tells Nerissa that he will punish the girls for treason. Faith walks in and he kills her, then dumps her in a lake (he says that Bigby can join a whore on the bottom of the lake in Ep 5 - Lily was dumped in a RIVER, and I guess Georgie knows the difference between lake and river, so he wasn't talking about Lily). It's likely that by this time the Dees were already looking for the stolen picture (probably ordered by the Crooked Man) and that's why the jewelry box was destroyed. As we all know, Nerissa is The Little MERMAID - what's the problem to retrieve Faith's head, ring or coat from the bottom of the lake? You may ask why would she do that - and here's the answer. Nerissa tried to warn Lily BUT found out that Lily wasn't with her scheduled appointment (Woodsman) - she says that in Episode 5! She didn't know that Lily asked Faith to cover for her (the note mentioned above). Because of the fact that trying to help Lily would be against Georgie's plans, Nerissa was probably aware she'll be killed too if she warns her. Thus, she probably glamoured herself (and took Faith's possessions) in case one of CM's spies was at the Woodsman's apartment (and, juding from the pictures in the foundry, she was right). She went there only to find out that Lily wasn't even supposed to be with Woody. That's where everyone made a mistake with creating their theories - Nerissa didn't go to Woodsman's place to attract Bigby's attention, she was just trying to warn her friend - Bigby's arrival was accidental. She left the coat at the building (unintentionally, I guess), dropped the glamour and went back to Pudding'n'Pie to give Georgie the money she got (mind you, she probably had a visit scheduled anyway and might've told Georgie that she received 58 dollars for it, while Georgie never knew that she went to Woodsman - he probably thought she was somewhere else) and then left Faith's head at the Woodlands (she was probably encouraged to do so after her first encounter with Bigby). After Lily's murder she did the same, turning into a mermaid and taking her head (I know that TJ said in Ep 2 that the lady he saw didn't have her head on, but that's just it - he didn't say that there was no head AT ALL. Lily's head might've been dropped separately [no pun intended, really] and he was just too scared to notice it getting dumped). She had to do it this way, because I can't imagine Georgie allowing her to take Faith's/Lily's head just like that. She had to retrieve it after they were dumped. And that's the problem with "it was always Faith" theory - everybody keeps forgetting Lily. How on Earth was Faith supposed to retrieve her head from the bottom of the river to leave it later in Woodlands?
Faith's head was dropped at the Woodlands to start the investigation - the ribbon was there to make Bigby remember it as important if he will find another one in the future; the ring was there to make Faith's identification a lot easier. Lily's head was left to either make this case a top priority, or somehow Nerissa might've thought that the investigation went off track, with Bigby focusing on Lawrence and Woody instead of Pudding'n'Pie.
As for Swineheart - the comment that he needed to run more tests pops out in Ep 2 after inspecting the cut on Lily's head, so I still say that these 'tests' were supposed to determine the murder weapon (which was unknown in first two eps, with Bigby noting that the cut is 'strange'). Besides, Swineheart is a comic book character, so I don't think he would hold back any information like 'the head did not belong to Faith at all' - he was pretty straightfoward and honest (remember Snow's appointments with him after the 'Bluebeard conspiracy'? Swineheart was always honest about every possibility from the start).
As for Bufkin's comment - I say that it was there not to point us to the direction of 'Faith is alive!' but what Nerissa did to start the investigation. She says in the end that she didn't want to watch how Faith 'fades', so she took the inspiration from her fairytale, ensuring that her story won't fade just like that.
I know that you put a lot of work into your theory, but I just think that Telltale would hide the anwser (if any, really) in the clues we can all decipher and not in Latin phrases (that more than 90% of the players won't understand) or by the unintroduced characters (like Amber, whoever she is).
Besides, as I replayed the episode 5 recently, I'm thinking that Telltale probably created this ending without an actual answer in mind. They just wanted to end the story with a shocking revelation, and I have to say it was really effective. We're here now, comparing evidence and theories, while we will probably never know what happened. I guess that's the beauty of The Wolf Among Us and Fables in general - ambiguity.
EDIT: And besides, the 'clues' in Episode 1 are not really that valuable, because the story was supposed to be different back then. If Faith was alive, it still meant she would wear a ribbon (and even 13th Floor witches were never able to remove the enchantments completely [see: Beast in comics] so it's unlikely that Faith, who wasn't even a witch, would take it off somehow). And remember - glamoured or not, the ribbon was still visible (Lily in the photo) and Nerissa does not wear the ribbon in both the original episode 2 preview or episode 2 slide.
Just out of curiosity, why couldn't it have been that she was dead before the game started and Nerissa was glamoured to look like Faith when she was with Woody? "Nerissa did say she didn't want people to forget about her, or something like that. So how come it couldn't be:
Faith dies
Nerissa glamoured as Faith goes to see Woody and meets Bigby
They start talking and she leaves
Later that night Nerissa brings Faith's head to the Woodlands so Faith isn't forgotten.
Then at the end when she says "You're not as bad as everyone says you are." She knows that because she was glamoured as Faith in the beginning. For more on my theory look at this
First let me congratulate you. Yours is the best Nerissa-glamoured-as-Faith theory I've read so far. It actually takes into accounts Nerissa's motivations to be at Woody's properly, instead of just saying she went there to attract Bigby's attention.
Having said that, there are some parts I don't agree with:
Thus, she probably glamoured herself (and took Faith's possessions) in case one of CM's spies was at the Woodsman's apartment (and, juding from the pictures in the foundry, she was right).
Who exactly did Nerissa glamour herself as? Faith or someone else? If she glamoured as Faith she was risking letting Georgie or CM's spies seeing a dead girl that Georgie just killed walking around. If it was some other person, it assumes she carries more than 1 glamour.
After Lily's murder she did the same, turning into a mermaid and taking her head
There's no evidence that Nerissa can switch between her mermaid form and her human form at will. In fact her Fables entry says she "gave up her tail for a pair of legs".
How on Earth was Faith supposed to retrieve her head from the bottom of the river to leave it later in Woodlands?
I assume there is a non-mermaid solution to this since Snow managed to get the lower part of Lily's body out.
Besides, Swineheart is a comic book character, so I don't think he would hold back any information like 'the head did not belong to Faith at all' - he was pretty straightfoward and honest
I don't want to reveal a complete comic spoiler but I'll say this: Swineheart's ego caused someone's death in the books. He thinks he can make no mistakes and I won't be surprised he would withhold information until he is completely sure of something.
Georige tells Nerissa that he will punish the girls for treason. Faith walks in and he kills her,
This sentence overlooks one piece of evidence: the photo of Faith confronting Nerissa at the Pudding & Pie.
What reason could Faith have to be angry at Nerissa? Most likely Nerissa confessed to Faith she ratted on them and Faith was in danger. So Faith probably has prior warning about Georgie and did not really "walk in" and let Georgie kill her.
All in all though, your theory is still one of the better Nerissa-all-along theories out there. However I still prefer the Faith-survived theory because it has less assumptions and fits the original legends better (Donkey Girl deception, Little Mermaid sacrifice).
This is a very good analysis, but I think we're looking way too far into it. I still say that Faith was dead and it was Nerissa all the time… more because of one simple thing that people overlooked: the note in Pudding'n'Pie in Episode 2 (I'll explain in a minute)
Georige tells Nerissa that he will punish the girls for treason. Faith walks in and he kills her, then dumps her in a lake (he says that Bigby can join a whore on the bottom of the lake in Ep 5 - Lily was dumped in a RIVER, and I guess Georgie knows the difference between lake and river, so he wasn't talking about Lily). It's likely that by this time the Dees were already looking for the stolen picture (probably ordered by the Crooked Man) and that's why the jewelry box was destroyed. As we all know, Nerissa is The Little MERMAID - what's the problem to retrieve Faith's head, ring or coat from the bottom of the lake? You may ask why would she do that - and here's the answer. Nerissa tr… [view original content]
I took a look at your theory and it suffers from the same assumptions that many Nerissa-all-along theories have.
The woman we meet at the end is the real Nerissa. She glamoured herself as Faith and instigated the showdown with the Woodsman in Episode One in order make sure Bigby would recognize Faith’s head.
So Nerissa was walking around in public as a dead Faith to "instigate a showdown" to attract Bigby? She lets Toad, Bigby, Woody and probably any random passerby walking around know that "Faith" is still alive? If Georgie, Vivian or CM's gang heard about it they'd be suspicious to say the least. Not to mention there's no evidence that Nerissa knew Bigby well enough to know he would come. And she targeted Woody, somehow predicting that Woody would cause Toady to bring Bigby?
TomMartinHagen has a Nerissa-all-along theory as well, but his theory is better because it takes into account more plausible motivations why Nerissa was at Woody's.
Who exactly did Nerissa glamour herself as? Faith or someone else? If she glamoured as Faith she was risking letting Georgie or CM's spies seeing a dead girl that Georgie just killed walking around. If it was some other person, it assumes she carries more than 1 glamour.
I was thinking that she glamoured herself as Faith, but I can't tell why would she do that. I believe she tried to disguise herself, but why as Faith? Maybe because she knew that it will cause a confusion among Crooked Man's crew (or she hoped that if she's spied on, CM will think that Georgie didn't 'take care' of the girls and punish him - Nerrisa would get her revenge?). I am not sure about that, but one thing is certain - they knew that something was not right, as even CM pointed out that there is a conspiracy against him. However, I am not 100% sure about her reasons to use Faith as disguise.
There's no evidence that Nerissa can switch between her mermaid form and her human form at will. In fact her Fables entry says she "gave up her tail for a pair of legs".
I believe Nerissa got the 'Bigby treatment' here - Bigby was born as a wolf and rejected his father's powers (that's why he can't shapeshift etc) but because of his lineage, he can't drown and posesses the huff'n'puff power. I think that's the same with Nerissa - she might've ditched her tail and fish-like behaviour (LOL ) but her true nature allows her to remain alive underwater.
I assume there is a non-mermaid solution to this since Snow managed to get the lower part of Lily's body out.
That's right, but I guess Snow had to use some sort of spell crafted by 13th Floor. I doubt that Faith, who had money problems, was able to afford such spell.
I don't want to reveal a complete comic spoiler but I'll say this: Swineheart's ego caused someone's death in the books. He thinks he can make no mistakes and I won't be surprised he would withhold information until he is completely sure of something.
That's true, but if it wasn't Faith's head, then it must've been glamoured to look so. Glamour wears off over time (and the one used in game was black market - a malfunctioning one, as pointed out in Ep 2) so it can be assumed that it would wear off before the end of the game, so I highly doubt that he would withhold this kind of information, as that would mean he was halting the investigation - Bigby would not be happy about this...
What reason could Faith have to be angry at Nerissa? Most likely Nerissa confessed to Faith she ratted on them and Faith was in danger. So Faith probably has prior warning about Georgie and did not really "walk in" and let Georgie kill her.
That depends on the interpretation, but I thought that this photo depicted the scene when Faith tells Nerissa that she stole the photo, and Nerissa tries to convince her to come clean about it, but Faith tells her that this will be a mistake and makes her swear not to do anything about it.
First let me congratulate you. Yours is the best Nerissa-glamoured-as-Faith theory I've read so far. It actually takes into accounts Nerissa's motivations to be at Woody's properly, instead of just saying she went there to attract Bigby's attention.
Thank you! I just thought that I might share what I think about the situation
First let me congratulate you. Yours is the best Nerissa-glamoured-as-Faith theory I've read so far. It actually takes into accounts Nerissa… more's motivations to be at Woody's properly, instead of just saying she went there to attract Bigby's attention.
Having said that, there are some parts I don't agree with:
Thus, she probably glamoured herself (and took Faith's possessions) in case one of CM's spies was at the Woodsman's apartment (and, juding from the pictures in the foundry, she was right).
Who exactly did Nerissa glamour herself as? Faith or someone else? If she glamoured as Faith she was risking letting Georgie or CM's spies seeing a dead girl that Georgie just killed walking around. If it was some other person, it assumes she carries more than 1 glamour.
After Lily's murder she did the same, turning into a mermaid and taking her head
There's no evidence that Nerissa can switch between her mermaid form and h… [view original content]
I don't think Nerissa would be worried anyone saw Faith alive that night, since they didn't know the exact time she was killed (Georgie and maybe Vivian did, but they were probably at the Pudding and Pie), and they wouldn't alert any of CM's gang, because they wouldn't talk about how they saw Faith after she was killed, since they didn't know when that happened.
I took a look at your theory and it suffers from the same assumptions that many Nerissa-all-along theories have.
The woman we meet at … morethe end is the real Nerissa. She glamoured herself as Faith and instigated the showdown with the Woodsman in Episode One in order make sure Bigby would recognize Faith’s head.
So Nerissa was walking around in public as a dead Faith to "instigate a showdown" to attract Bigby? She lets Toad, Bigby, Woody and probably any random passerby walking around know that "Faith" is still alive? If Georgie, Vivian or CM's gang heard about it they'd be suspicious to say the least. Not to mention there's no evidence that Nerissa knew Bigby well enough to know he would come. And she targeted Woody, somehow predicting that Woody would cause Toady to bring Bigby?
TomMartinHagen has a Nerissa-all-along theory as well, but his theory is better because it takes into account more plausible motivations why Nerissa was at Woody's.
Georgie would know when that happened and that would be enough. But let's ignore for a moment and put ourselves in Nerissa's shoes. If Faith was already dead, Nerissa could have just gone and left Faith's head immediately. Instead she decides to cause a cascade of events in the hope of bringing Bigby? For what? To analyse him?
Sorry. This explanation relies on too many random variables and chance.
I don't think Nerissa would be worried anyone saw Faith alive that night, since they didn't know the exact time she was killed (Georgie and … moremaybe Vivian did, but they were probably at the Pudding and Pie), and they wouldn't alert any of CM's gang, because they wouldn't talk about how they saw Faith after she was killed, since they didn't know when that happened.
Even though I support the theory that 'it was Nerissa all along', I have to agree with DanteShamest here. It's illogical to expect that Faith/Nerissa would carefully plan every step of her meeting with Woodsman only to drop the head later on. Leaving Faith's head at the doorstep was her last chance to seek justice, but I don't buy the idea of Faith/Nerissa provoking Woody to attract Bigby's attention. Planning on visiting Woodsman and predicting he'll be drunk enough to cause trouble, for Toad to call Bigby for help and Bigby arriving at one precise moment to step in and interrupt the fight - this is just a riddiculous amount of situations which can get out of hand and cannot be planned. If it was truly Faith's/Nerissa's plan, then it means she has the IQ over 300 and she's a bigger mastermind than the Crooked Man (which brings the question: if she was so smart, why didn't she take over his business? I mean, with this kind of prediction skills and intelligence she would've been a better mafia boss than CM ).
I still say that it was Nerissa (and she was there just to warn her friend - as I mentioned several posts above), but if it was Faith, I think that this amount of scheming is still impossible and she was there just on a job. I believe that the idea to seek Bigby's help came to Nerissa/Faith AFTER the encounter at the Woodsman's apartment, not before.
Georgie would know when that happened and that would be enough. But let's ignore for a moment and put ourselves in Nerissa's shoes. If Faith… more was already dead, Nerissa could have just gone and left Faith's head immediately. Instead she decides to cause a cascade of events in the hope of bringing Bigby? For what? To analyse him?
Sorry. This explanation relies on too many random variables and chance.
claps Well, this is really complex but seems pretty plausible! If it is the truth, I hope Bigby knocks Faith the fuck out right after the screen goes to black when you follow her
Beast's curse is an integral part of his legend, so it's incurable, just like Tiny Tim's leg. The decapitating ribbon isn't a part of the Little Mermaid or Donkeyskin stories, so that should theoretically be easier to cure.
This is why I hate detective stories with shapeshifters: you can't trust even the things you actually DO see. And since F/N is an admitted liar and has been manipulating you throughout, her final explanatory exposition dump can't be trusted. I think TTG didn't give us enough data to come up with a definitive answer.
This is a very good analysis, but I think we're looking way too far into it. I still say that Faith was dead and it was Nerissa all the time… more because of one simple thing that people overlooked: the note in Pudding'n'Pie in Episode 2 (I'll explain in a minute)
Georige tells Nerissa that he will punish the girls for treason. Faith walks in and he kills her, then dumps her in a lake (he says that Bigby can join a whore on the bottom of the lake in Ep 5 - Lily was dumped in a RIVER, and I guess Georgie knows the difference between lake and river, so he wasn't talking about Lily). It's likely that by this time the Dees were already looking for the stolen picture (probably ordered by the Crooked Man) and that's why the jewelry box was destroyed. As we all know, Nerissa is The Little MERMAID - what's the problem to retrieve Faith's head, ring or coat from the bottom of the lake? You may ask why would she do that - and here's the answer. Nerissa tr… [view original content]
It was shown in Episode 5 that CM had a photo of Faith with Bigby during the events at Woody’s apartment (so if Faith was dead at this point the CM would have been aware that someone was impersonating her).
I don't think Nerissa would be worried anyone saw Faith alive that night, since they didn't know the exact time she was killed (Georgie and … moremaybe Vivian did, but they were probably at the Pudding and Pie), and they wouldn't alert any of CM's gang, because they wouldn't talk about how they saw Faith after she was killed, since they didn't know when that happened.
Dee was working a job for Faith. He was working the same job for Crane, but didn't actually do it for him, and charged him money, while Fait… moreh got his services for free.
I looked at the ring and I thought that it was a different design. It could have been that ring though. The whole "Once upon a time" part of the translation somewhat suggests that it did lose its powers.
We actually agree on the ribbon thing if you read it again.
I am wondering if nobody will get the joke at the end about her being an ass because she is a donkey... No, none of what she did was criminal. In the end, it likely was for the best of Fabletown, but she did betray and just completely mindf*ck the whole town to get out of what (truly was) a bad situation.
You're of course entitled to your own interpretation too, and I do enjoy debating with people who have good points.
At first, I thought that Georgie may not have killed the girls. (I think TTG may have changed it up after that post about how it was probably Vivian). I am presupposing that he actually did (believing what CM and Nerissa say), and trying to make the theory fit with that.
That said, I hate to say it, but I think you've just conceded a lot of my point in the above post.
Pragmatically, we both agree that he wouldn't have told all right then and there because it'd ruin the upcoming episodes.
He actually just got done explaining his arrangement with Lily. "We know what happened." -- Gren. Even if you take it as just about the sex, he just got done telling Gren about it. He had just explained it to Gren at that point. There's no way to misinterpret that part. Gren simply doesn't want Holly to hear about it (whether you take it as just about the sex or that and the murders).
This is significant because, in this way, there is nobody at the trial to give a dissenting opinion to CM's testimony -- except for Nerissa (Faith), who shows up at the very end and turns the crowd against CM.
Here is essentially the case for Nerissa: Believe everything Nerissa says is true. This doesn't mean she told Bigby everything. As you said she could have glamoured herself to be Faith. Either way, it's simple and clean, and it isn't up against a multitude of possibly unwarranted assumptions. It's also boring. It's four and 3/4 episodes of speculation, and then you must believe what "Nerissa" says at the very end to be true. That's boring, and TTG doesn't do boring
Here is the case for Faith: Believe a giant conspiracy took place, many of its points are listed in my first post of this thread. Is it simple or clean? No. Is it convoluted and hard to prove. Yes, in fact it's impossible to PROVE (but so is Nerissa's case). Is it something TTG would do? Absolutely.
I apologize, I don't think we're understanding each other very well! I'm in the Faith-Survives camp even though I'm making a case for Nerissa in the other thread. Still, I find everyone's ideas interesting and I'm trying to be fair with them all. I hope I'm doing alright with that.
"We know what happened." I don't think Gren has discussed things with Woody, he just knows based on what Holly found that the Woodsman was paying Lily for sex. And that's all he ever wants to know.
Pragmatically, TTG could have left Woody out of the bar scene if Woody had inside information, and even more pragmatically, not given him that information at all.
Ironically, I can't support the case for Nerissa because I find it too complicated and awkward. You have to rely on too many odd things for it to hold together. The case for Faith is comparatively straightforward, and I do find it clean. It is easy to support.
What I'm dealing with right now is incorporating all of the auxiliary (5 cent words blah) details into a Faith theory: the handwriting on all the notes, the calendars you posted, blood where it shouldn't be at the Open Arms and at Lawrence's house, Mary's photos, all that stuff. It's difficult.
Okay I propose a detente here.
About which case is easier to support. Well we clearly disagree here. But I think I have an explanation about it, and I hope you might agree.
The notion that Faith is dead is much easier to believe throughout the whole game. Then, with the twist at the end, that notion is is very hard to believe. We know from the dramatic music, etc. that "Nerissa" had lied. So, at the end, Nerissa being the person to whom we spoke is very hard to support and find evidence for
The notion that Faith is alive (which I actually proposed after episode 3) is much harder to believe. throughout the whole game. Then, at the the notion that Faith alive is it is very easy to believe, but it is still extremely hard to support and find evidence for.
Nerissa's case s hard to support because we basically know that we, along with Bigby have been duped; one would have to (pretty much wishfully think) that the ending just didn't happen the way it did.
Sounds good to me.
The fact is: you're right -- there is so much information in this game. That's why I never arrogantly say I have proved anything.
Anyone who says they've proved or solved the case should correct themselves, and if they don't they should be out of the discussion.
In law, you've got to "prove beyond a reasonable doubt" to convict someone.
In The Wolf Among Us, a fable world where anything could be anything, that reasonable doubt is omnipresent. That reasonable doubt, compounded with the style, concept, characters, and everything else is the reason we're still here!
Nice write up. I agree TellTale did not make a a huge rewrite - the Ginger Hair guy cannot be the serial killer because he's The Boy Who Cried Wolf and is also mentioned as still alive in the first series of Fables comics.
I need to replay Episode 1 again to confirm the details about the Ring and the Coat. Yes how Toad got Faith's coat has always bugged me. She may have forgotten about it in all the excitement with Bigby and Woody brawling.
You have a very compelling argument there and a lot of it makes sense, I can see no reason why it could not be faith. However if Faith was Nerissa, where was Nerissa whilst Faith was pretending to be her?
Good spots, nice post. I am going to make one last post I think, and it will address the issues here. Sorry, I didn't actually see your post until now because it was hidden behind a spoiler warning!
I'd like to start by replying to Circa 1993's post. I post it here because it is easier to see (OP is behind a spoiler wall).
About the coat: I stated in my thread from back in May that Faith left it there. Why? She didn't need it anymore. It's original purpose had already been fulfilled.
The compact/bag issue: I think she just kept her compact in her pocket. As for the bag inside Woody's: Just because we didn't see it doesn't mean it wasn't there.
The cigarettes are a HUGE clue. "Huff 'n' Puffs? Not many people smoke those." -- Nerissa. That's actually not true. EVERYONE who smokes, besides Woody and Nerissa smoke Huff 'n' Puffs; Faith does, in fact, smoke Huff 'n' Puffs. Huff 'n' Puffs. There are actually three brands of cigarette: Huff 'n' Puffs, Shorette (Nerissa), and Cammal (Woody). Both Cammals, and Huff 'n' Puffs have a light brown filter, but only Huff 'n' Puffs have a line that separates the filter from the cigarette. Shorettes have a white filter. Woody's Cammal Bigby's Huff'n'Puff Faith smoking a Huff'n'Puff (ep. 1) Nerissa's Shorette The last girl's Huff'n'Puff
Significantly, look at the last picture. Bigby gave the cigarette to her, and she accepts. You'd have to wonder why "Nerissa" who had all of her things packed and ready to go, didn't just pull out one of her Shorettes. That is, unless she prefers Huff'n'Puffs (like Faith does).
You stated, "Reading some of the comments about the ribbon, it was was understanding that the ribbon seals lips from uttering things the spell caster doesn't want spread. That doesn't stop anyone from from fabricating lies, surely?". Well two things. I am not so sure that it wouldn't. If it does allow one to lie, then that's actually a good way to circumvent the spell. Just lie and lie, and then, when the person asking questions doesn't say, BS", and offers up his/her own theory, just say nothing when it is actually the truth. Secondly, who is the spell caster? It's not Vivian. She's the "original" [victim]. She's the spell distributor, but she's under the same spell.
About the ring: He or she points out that Faith has a ring on outside, but not inside during the first scene. I didn't even notice the ring! That brings me to what I really want to say. I am not so solopcistic that I feel I need to announce this. It's more an announcement to myself.
It's been a pleasure, gentlemen, but it's time for me to say adios. Classes are about to resume for many of us (myself included), and I still find myself thinking about this fantasy case all the time. I need to get back to the real deal.
The deluge of information is purposefully gigantic and ambiguous, and the number of theories we can concoct from this evidence is infinite. I've gathered so much evidence trying to make my case; the evidence that I have posted here (though I feel it is most relevant) is less than 10% of what I’ve got. As I've said before, nobody will be able to prove anything. Ever. About the only thing we can prove is that the name of this game is, "The Wolf Among Us".
So why are we here then? To try to understand. If we think we understand, we want to make an argument for our case. It's fun, but there won't ever be a closing argument or a verdict, because there's no one judge. Some may think it's TellTale, but that's only true to a degree. Telltale creates the facts, but we decide. There are thousands of final arbiters as to what happened, and they're us. We're really all just having a great time tilting at windmills. That doesn't mean it is pointless. It's not! It's fun to speculate and wonder. For me, at least, it does mean it's time-consuming.
If was too philosophical, I'll briefly get back to the pragmatic.
I've got my own theory as to what happened. It's not the same as what I posted originally. Admittedly, my original post was "over-arching" It wasn't even one theory, really. I meant to bring up all the possibilities of how my theory could work out in advance. It's more like a set of possible theories that fall under the umbrella of my original argument. That said, nobody has brought up what might be the biggest threat to my argument. If you look, Nerissa doesn't actually wear a ribbon in her BOF entry or in the start screen of episode two (where she is actually pictured with Georgie). Make of that what you will.
Here is another something very important that nobody has brought up: Nobody ever is ever accused of, nor confesses to the framing of Crane.
I've got my own idea as to what happened. If I were to post one final, concrete theory of what really happened, that would rather belie my point wouldn't it?
GG WP, folks. I will see you in season two.
How does Bloody Mary fit into the end?
Very good theory. Nobody writing a script would leave such important clues if they weren't done for a reason and you summed them up very well IMHO. Shame that most of the players won't probably notice this and blame the creators for the "poor episodes"
This is a very good analysis, but I think we're looking way too far into it. I still say that Faith was dead and it was Nerissa all the time because of one simple thing that people overlooked: the note in Pudding'n'Pie in Episode 2 (I'll explain in a minute)
Georige tells Nerissa that he will punish the girls for treason. Faith walks in and he kills her, then dumps her in a lake (he says that Bigby can join a whore on the bottom of the lake in Ep 5 - Lily was dumped in a RIVER, and I guess Georgie knows the difference between lake and river, so he wasn't talking about Lily). It's likely that by this time the Dees were already looking for the stolen picture (probably ordered by the Crooked Man) and that's why the jewelry box was destroyed. As we all know, Nerissa is The Little MERMAID - what's the problem to retrieve Faith's head, ring or coat from the bottom of the lake? You may ask why would she do that - and here's the answer. Nerissa tried to warn Lily BUT found out that Lily wasn't with her scheduled appointment (Woodsman) - she says that in Episode 5! She didn't know that Lily asked Faith to cover for her (the note mentioned above). Because of the fact that trying to help Lily would be against Georgie's plans, Nerissa was probably aware she'll be killed too if she warns her. Thus, she probably glamoured herself (and took Faith's possessions) in case one of CM's spies was at the Woodsman's apartment (and, juding from the pictures in the foundry, she was right). She went there only to find out that Lily wasn't even supposed to be with Woody. That's where everyone made a mistake with creating their theories - Nerissa didn't go to Woodsman's place to attract Bigby's attention, she was just trying to warn her friend - Bigby's arrival was accidental. She left the coat at the building (unintentionally, I guess), dropped the glamour and went back to Pudding'n'Pie to give Georgie the money she got (mind you, she probably had a visit scheduled anyway and might've told Georgie that she received 58 dollars for it, while Georgie never knew that she went to Woodsman - he probably thought she was somewhere else) and then left Faith's head at the Woodlands (she was probably encouraged to do so after her first encounter with Bigby). After Lily's murder she did the same, turning into a mermaid and taking her head (I know that TJ said in Ep 2 that the lady he saw didn't have her head on, but that's just it - he didn't say that there was no head AT ALL. Lily's head might've been dropped separately [no pun intended, really] and he was just too scared to notice it getting dumped). She had to do it this way, because I can't imagine Georgie allowing her to take Faith's/Lily's head just like that. She had to retrieve it after they were dumped. And that's the problem with "it was always Faith" theory - everybody keeps forgetting Lily. How on Earth was Faith supposed to retrieve her head from the bottom of the river to leave it later in Woodlands?
Faith's head was dropped at the Woodlands to start the investigation - the ribbon was there to make Bigby remember it as important if he will find another one in the future; the ring was there to make Faith's identification a lot easier. Lily's head was left to either make this case a top priority, or somehow Nerissa might've thought that the investigation went off track, with Bigby focusing on Lawrence and Woody instead of Pudding'n'Pie.
As for Swineheart - the comment that he needed to run more tests pops out in Ep 2 after inspecting the cut on Lily's head, so I still say that these 'tests' were supposed to determine the murder weapon (which was unknown in first two eps, with Bigby noting that the cut is 'strange'). Besides, Swineheart is a comic book character, so I don't think he would hold back any information like 'the head did not belong to Faith at all' - he was pretty straightfoward and honest (remember Snow's appointments with him after the 'Bluebeard conspiracy'? Swineheart was always honest about every possibility from the start).
As for Bufkin's comment - I say that it was there not to point us to the direction of 'Faith is alive!' but what Nerissa did to start the investigation. She says in the end that she didn't want to watch how Faith 'fades', so she took the inspiration from her fairytale, ensuring that her story won't fade just like that.
I know that you put a lot of work into your theory, but I just think that Telltale would hide the anwser (if any, really) in the clues we can all decipher and not in Latin phrases (that more than 90% of the players won't understand) or by the unintroduced characters (like Amber, whoever she is).
Besides, as I replayed the episode 5 recently, I'm thinking that Telltale probably created this ending without an actual answer in mind. They just wanted to end the story with a shocking revelation, and I have to say it was really effective. We're here now, comparing evidence and theories, while we will probably never know what happened. I guess that's the beauty of The Wolf Among Us and Fables in general - ambiguity.
EDIT: And besides, the 'clues' in Episode 1 are not really that valuable, because the story was supposed to be different back then. If Faith was alive, it still meant she would wear a ribbon (and even 13th Floor witches were never able to remove the enchantments completely [see: Beast in comics] so it's unlikely that Faith, who wasn't even a witch, would take it off somehow). And remember - glamoured or not, the ribbon was still visible (Lily in the photo) and Nerissa does not wear the ribbon in both the original episode 2 preview or episode 2 slide.
Just out of curiosity, why couldn't it have been that she was dead before the game started and Nerissa was glamoured to look like Faith when she was with Woody? "Nerissa did say she didn't want people to forget about her, or something like that. So how come it couldn't be:
Faith dies
Nerissa glamoured as Faith goes to see Woody and meets Bigby
They start talking and she leaves
Later that night Nerissa brings Faith's head to the Woodlands so Faith isn't forgotten.
Then at the end when she says "You're not as bad as everyone says you are." She knows that because she was glamoured as Faith in the beginning. For more on my theory look at this
First let me congratulate you. Yours is the best Nerissa-glamoured-as-Faith theory I've read so far. It actually takes into accounts Nerissa's motivations to be at Woody's properly, instead of just saying she went there to attract Bigby's attention.
Having said that, there are some parts I don't agree with:
Who exactly did Nerissa glamour herself as? Faith or someone else? If she glamoured as Faith she was risking letting Georgie or CM's spies seeing a dead girl that Georgie just killed walking around. If it was some other person, it assumes she carries more than 1 glamour.
There's no evidence that Nerissa can switch between her mermaid form and her human form at will. In fact her Fables entry says she "gave up her tail for a pair of legs".
I assume there is a non-mermaid solution to this since Snow managed to get the lower part of Lily's body out.
I don't want to reveal a complete comic spoiler but I'll say this: Swineheart's ego caused someone's death in the books. He thinks he can make no mistakes and I won't be surprised he would withhold information until he is completely sure of something.
This sentence overlooks one piece of evidence: the photo of Faith confronting Nerissa at the Pudding & Pie.
What reason could Faith have to be angry at Nerissa? Most likely Nerissa confessed to Faith she ratted on them and Faith was in danger. So Faith probably has prior warning about Georgie and did not really "walk in" and let Georgie kill her.
All in all though, your theory is still one of the better Nerissa-all-along theories out there. However I still prefer the Faith-survived theory because it has less assumptions and fits the original legends better (Donkey Girl deception, Little Mermaid sacrifice).
I took a look at your theory and it suffers from the same assumptions that many Nerissa-all-along theories have.
So Nerissa was walking around in public as a dead Faith to "instigate a showdown" to attract Bigby? She lets Toad, Bigby, Woody and probably any random passerby walking around know that "Faith" is still alive? If Georgie, Vivian or CM's gang heard about it they'd be suspicious to say the least. Not to mention there's no evidence that Nerissa knew Bigby well enough to know he would come. And she targeted Woody, somehow predicting that Woody would cause Toady to bring Bigby?
TomMartinHagen has a Nerissa-all-along theory as well, but his theory is better because it takes into account more plausible motivations why Nerissa was at Woody's.
I was thinking that she glamoured herself as Faith, but I can't tell why would she do that. I believe she tried to disguise herself, but why as Faith? Maybe because she knew that it will cause a confusion among Crooked Man's crew (or she hoped that if she's spied on, CM will think that Georgie didn't 'take care' of the girls and punish him - Nerrisa would get her revenge?). I am not sure about that, but one thing is certain - they knew that something was not right, as even CM pointed out that there is a conspiracy against him. However, I am not 100% sure about her reasons to use Faith as disguise.
I believe Nerissa got the 'Bigby treatment' here - Bigby was born as a wolf and rejected his father's powers (that's why he can't shapeshift etc) but because of his lineage, he can't drown and posesses the huff'n'puff power. I think that's the same with Nerissa - she might've ditched her tail and fish-like behaviour (LOL
) but her true nature allows her to remain alive underwater.
That's right, but I guess Snow had to use some sort of spell crafted by 13th Floor. I doubt that Faith, who had money problems, was able to afford such spell.
That's true, but if it wasn't Faith's head, then it must've been glamoured to look so. Glamour wears off over time (and the one used in game was black market - a malfunctioning one, as pointed out in Ep 2) so it can be assumed that it would wear off before the end of the game, so I highly doubt that he would withhold this kind of information, as that would mean he was halting the investigation - Bigby would not be happy about this...
That depends on the interpretation, but I thought that this photo depicted the scene when Faith tells Nerissa that she stole the photo, and Nerissa tries to convince her to come clean about it, but Faith tells her that this will be a mistake and makes her swear not to do anything about it.
Thank you! I just thought that I might share what I think about the situation
I don't think Nerissa would be worried anyone saw Faith alive that night, since they didn't know the exact time she was killed (Georgie and maybe Vivian did, but they were probably at the Pudding and Pie), and they wouldn't alert any of CM's gang, because they wouldn't talk about how they saw Faith after she was killed, since they didn't know when that happened.
Georgie would know when that happened and that would be enough. But let's ignore for a moment and put ourselves in Nerissa's shoes. If Faith was already dead, Nerissa could have just gone and left Faith's head immediately. Instead she decides to cause a cascade of events in the hope of bringing Bigby? For what? To analyse him?
Sorry. This explanation relies on too many random variables and chance.
Even though I support the theory that 'it was Nerissa all along', I have to agree with DanteShamest here. It's illogical to expect that Faith/Nerissa would carefully plan every step of her meeting with Woodsman only to drop the head later on. Leaving Faith's head at the doorstep was her last chance to seek justice, but I don't buy the idea of Faith/Nerissa provoking Woody to attract Bigby's attention. Planning on visiting Woodsman and predicting he'll be drunk enough to cause trouble, for Toad to call Bigby for help and Bigby arriving at one precise moment to step in and interrupt the fight - this is just a riddiculous amount of situations which can get out of hand and cannot be planned. If it was truly Faith's/Nerissa's plan, then it means she has the IQ over 300 and she's a bigger mastermind than the Crooked Man (which brings the question: if she was so smart, why didn't she take over his business? I mean, with this kind of prediction skills and intelligence she would've been a better mafia boss than CM
I still say that it was Nerissa (and she was there just to warn her friend - as I mentioned several posts above), but if it was Faith, I think that this amount of scheming is still impossible and she was there just on a job. I believe that the idea to seek Bigby's help came to Nerissa/Faith AFTER the encounter at the Woodsman's apartment, not before.
claps Well, this is really complex but seems pretty plausible! If it is the truth, I hope Bigby knocks Faith the fuck out right after the screen goes to black when you follow her
Beast's curse is an integral part of his legend, so it's incurable, just like Tiny Tim's leg. The decapitating ribbon isn't a part of the Little Mermaid or Donkeyskin stories, so that should theoretically be easier to cure.
This is why I hate detective stories with shapeshifters: you can't trust even the things you actually DO see. And since F/N is an admitted liar and has been manipulating you throughout, her final explanatory exposition dump can't be trusted. I think TTG didn't give us enough data to come up with a definitive answer.
It was shown in Episode 5 that CM had a photo of Faith with Bigby during the events at Woody’s apartment (so if Faith was dead at this point the CM would have been aware that someone was impersonating her).
I got the "ass" pun. It made me chuckle. :-)
You lost me at the first line but I think it's a great explanation. Great job man.